$$ A preferred solid is a pigment from any of the recognised classes of pigments described, for example, in the Third Edition of the Colour Index (1971) and subsequent revisions of, and supplements thereto, under the chapter headed "Pigments". / 望ましい固体は、例えば、カラー・インデックスの第3版(1971)および、それに続く改定版および補巻の、“顔料”という標題の章に、記載されている、既知のクラスの顔料中の任意の顔料である。(USP03027873)
$$ As such, artefacts may be introduced into the offending recorder marked image as a result of noise or an object such as a person's head passing between the camcorder and the cinema screen. / この場合、録画されたオフェンディング画像には、例えばカムコーダと映画のスクリーンとの間を移動する人の頭等の雑音又は障害物によってアーテファクトが導入されることがある。(USP03131243)
$$ The column headed BRA are the BRA's prepared in Examples 1 to 5 above. / BRAで先頭に示される欄は実施例1~5で調製された複数のBRAである。(USP6254669)
$$ The basic synchronisation loop is shown under the heading Per-thread synchronisation loop below.(USP02029357)
$$ The facilities provided by the decoder will be described under separate headings as follows. / デコーダが提供する機能を、以下のように別々の標題で述べる。(USP02042917)
$$ The data is headed by a packet length byte L, which indicates the length of valid data in the HDLC frame. / パケット長バイトLはデータの先頭にあり、これはHDLCフレームにおける有効なデータ長を示している。(USP6278696)
$$ Each of these ECS types consists of a data stream headed by a command which is one of at least four types: write commands for the messages...(USP6453167)
$$ A preferred solid is a pigment from any of the recognised classes of pigments described, for example, in the Third Edition of the Colour Index (1971) and subsequent revisions of, and supplements thereto, under the chapter headed "Pigments". / 望ましい固体は、例えば、カラー・インデックスの第3版(1971)および、それに続く改定版および補巻の、“顔料”という標題の章に、記載されている、既知のクラスの顔料中の任意の顔料である。(USP03027873)
$$ As such, artefacts may be introduced into the offending recorder marked image as a result of noise or an object such as a person's head passing between the camcorder and the cinema screen. / この場合、録画されたオフェンディング画像には、例えばカムコーダと映画のスクリーンとの間を移動する人の頭等の雑音又は障害物によってアーテファクトが導入されることがある。(USP03131243)
$$ The column headed BRA are the BRA's prepared in Examples 1 to 5 above. / BRAで先頭に示される欄は実施例1~5で調製された複数のBRAである。(USP6254669)
$$ The basic synchronisation loop is shown under the heading Per-thread synchronisation loop below.(USP02029357)
$$ The facilities provided by the decoder will be described under separate headings as follows. / デコーダが提供する機能を、以下のように別々の標題で述べる。(USP02042917)
$$ The data is headed by a packet length byte L, which indicates the length of valid data in the HDLC frame. / パケット長バイトLはデータの先頭にあり、これはHDLCフレームにおける有効なデータ長を示している。(USP6278696)
$$ Each of these ECS types consists of a data stream headed by a command which is one of at least four types: write commands for the messages...(USP6453167)
タグ :HEAD
HEAT (n, v)
HEAT (n, v)
$$ It is assumed that the load is heated to 90 degrees Celsius from an initial 10 degrees Celsius with an assumed heat exchanger effectiveness of 90%, and that the exhaust gas (air in this example) is ejected at a temperature of -49 degrees Celsius. / 負荷部は、90%の想定熱交換器効果で初めの10℃から90℃まで加熱され、かつ排気ガス(この例では空気)は-49℃の温度にて放出されると想定されている。(USP8113011)
$$ Heat 50 is applied to the fiber. / ファイバに熱50が加えられる。 (USP6631234)
$$ The reaction mixture was heated to a temperature of 50℃ under a blanket of compressed air. / 反応混合物を圧縮空気で覆い、50℃に熱した。(USP6610762)
$$ The flask was heated at 70℃ for 1 hr. / フラスコを70℃で1時間加熱した。(USP6548730)
$$ The resultant was mixed and heated to 40℃. / 得られたものを混合し、40℃に加温した。(USP6465626)
$$ The heating means may comprise at least one heating element. / 前記加熱手段は、少なくとも1つの加熱エレメントを含むことができる。(USP6453224)
$$ Further heating was applied to remove the remaining toluene by distillation. / 更に加熱して蒸留により残留トルエンを除去した。(USP6353047)
$$ In one example, FIG. 9, the device is used as a heat pump. / 一つの実施態様(図9)において、装置はヒートポンプとして使用される。(USP6296462)
$$ The beads gradually sink through the column of heated liquid as they polymerise. / ビーズは、重合するとき、加熱された液体のカラムの中を徐々に沈降する。(USP6277932)
$$ The input port 61 is a copper tube and is surrounded by a heater coil 62. / 入力ポート61は銅管であり、ヒーターコイル62によって取り囲まれている。(USP5339327)
$$ The fuel cell reaction A produces heat and pure steam/water. / 燃料電池における反応式Aで表わされる反応は熱および純粋な水蒸気/水を生成する。(USP5436086)
$$ The water is heated by the immersion heater 23. / 貯留された水は浸漬ヒータ23により加熱される。(USP5893487)
HEAT (n, v)
$$ It is assumed that the load is heated to 90 degrees Celsius from an initial 10 degrees Celsius with an assumed heat exchanger effectiveness of 90%, and that the exhaust gas (air in this example) is ejected at a temperature of -49 degrees Celsius. / 負荷部は、90%の想定熱交換器効果で初めの10℃から90℃まで加熱され、かつ排気ガス(この例では空気)は-49℃の温度にて放出されると想定されている。(USP8113011)
$$ Heat 50 is applied to the fiber. / ファイバに熱50が加えられる。 (USP6631234)
$$ The reaction mixture was heated to a temperature of 50℃ under a blanket of compressed air. / 反応混合物を圧縮空気で覆い、50℃に熱した。(USP6610762)
$$ The flask was heated at 70℃ for 1 hr. / フラスコを70℃で1時間加熱した。(USP6548730)
$$ The resultant was mixed and heated to 40℃. / 得られたものを混合し、40℃に加温した。(USP6465626)
$$ The heating means may comprise at least one heating element. / 前記加熱手段は、少なくとも1つの加熱エレメントを含むことができる。(USP6453224)
$$ Further heating was applied to remove the remaining toluene by distillation. / 更に加熱して蒸留により残留トルエンを除去した。(USP6353047)
$$ In one example, FIG. 9, the device is used as a heat pump. / 一つの実施態様(図9)において、装置はヒートポンプとして使用される。(USP6296462)
$$ The beads gradually sink through the column of heated liquid as they polymerise. / ビーズは、重合するとき、加熱された液体のカラムの中を徐々に沈降する。(USP6277932)
$$ The input port 61 is a copper tube and is surrounded by a heater coil 62. / 入力ポート61は銅管であり、ヒーターコイル62によって取り囲まれている。(USP5339327)
$$ The fuel cell reaction A produces heat and pure steam/water. / 燃料電池における反応式Aで表わされる反応は熱および純粋な水蒸気/水を生成する。(USP5436086)
$$ The water is heated by the immersion heater 23. / 貯留された水は浸漬ヒータ23により加熱される。(USP5893487)
タグ :HEAT
HEAT SEAL 熱シール/ヒートシール
HEAT SEAL 熱シール/ヒートシール
$$ Here, the heat-sealable area 6 overlies a side wall 40' of the inner member 56. / ここで、熱シール領域6は、内側部材56”の側壁40’上に位置している。(USP6000539)
$$ Intermediate layer 80 is laminated to upper layer 65 by heat sealing. / 中間層80は、ヒートシールにより上部層95と積層される。(USP5968000)
$$ The plastics bag 70 may be heat shrunk as well as heat sealed so as to confine individual rivets in blisters thereby preventing turning or rubbing of the rivets within the bag 70. / プラスチック・バッグ70は、各リベットをブリスターパックするために熱シールおよび熱収縮が施されてもよい。これにより、バッグ70内でのリベットの回転および摩擦を防ぐことができる。(USP6692213)
$$ FIGS. 1a and 1b illustrate a soluble single compartment sachet produced from a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film filled with product and heat sealed. / 第1a図および第1b図は製品がポリビニルアルコール(PVA)フィルムから製造され、充填され、かつ熱シールされた可溶性の1室型袋を示している。(USP6465413)
$$ It is also desirable to have a thickness which is less than that of the film used to form the first compartment to ensure a sufficient heat transfer through the film to soften the base web if heat sealing is used. (USP7105478)
$$ The fibres are placed in a small bag of non-woven polyethylene, which is heat sealed. (USP7566689)
HEAT SEAL 熱シール/ヒートシール
$$ Here, the heat-sealable area 6 overlies a side wall 40' of the inner member 56. / ここで、熱シール領域6は、内側部材56”の側壁40’上に位置している。(USP6000539)
$$ Intermediate layer 80 is laminated to upper layer 65 by heat sealing. / 中間層80は、ヒートシールにより上部層95と積層される。(USP5968000)
$$ The plastics bag 70 may be heat shrunk as well as heat sealed so as to confine individual rivets in blisters thereby preventing turning or rubbing of the rivets within the bag 70. / プラスチック・バッグ70は、各リベットをブリスターパックするために熱シールおよび熱収縮が施されてもよい。これにより、バッグ70内でのリベットの回転および摩擦を防ぐことができる。(USP6692213)
$$ FIGS. 1a and 1b illustrate a soluble single compartment sachet produced from a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film filled with product and heat sealed. / 第1a図および第1b図は製品がポリビニルアルコール(PVA)フィルムから製造され、充填され、かつ熱シールされた可溶性の1室型袋を示している。(USP6465413)
$$ It is also desirable to have a thickness which is less than that of the film used to form the first compartment to ensure a sufficient heat transfer through the film to soften the base web if heat sealing is used. (USP7105478)
$$ The fibres are placed in a small bag of non-woven polyethylene, which is heat sealed. (USP7566689)
HEAT TREAT -->名詞の副詞的用法
$$ Heat-treatment causes a significant number of atoms of the metal(s) to be incorporated into the atomic crystal lattice, or unit cell, of the platinum particle. / 熱処理により、著しい数の金属原子が、白金粒子の原子結晶格子または単位セルの中に組み入れられる。(USP6855452)
$$ The birefringence of the fiber may be thus altered in the heat-treated region, as a fiber having such a symmetry will, in general, be birefringent. / 一般に、その様な対称を有するファイバには複屈折性があるので、ファイバの複屈折率が熱処理済み領域で変わることがある。 (USP6631234)
$$ Thus a PCF that has been heat treated to change the sizes of the holes (or narrow down the entire fiber) can act as a mode field transformer. / 従って、空気孔の寸法を変化させるべく(あるいは全ファイバを細く絞るために)熱処理されたPCFは、モード電磁界変換器として作用可能である。(USP6631234)
$$ Each fiber is heat-treated stretched and cleaved to produce tapered regions 340, 380. / 各ファイバは熱処理され、引き延ばされ、さらには切断されて、テーパをつけた領域340、380を生じる。(USP6631234)
$$ The crystal nucleation heat treatment is maintained at 500-550℃ for about 12 minutes, eg 520℃, and then heat treatment at 600-700℃ for about 3 hours, eg 650℃. (USP6888439)
$$ Before this reduction heat treatment, the frit was white in appearance. (USP6100209)
$$ Hardness, elastic properties, toughness and other attributes may be generated by suitable heat-treatment in appropriate steel alloys. (USP6392915)
HEAT TREAT -->名詞の副詞的用法
$$ Heat-treatment causes a significant number of atoms of the metal(s) to be incorporated into the atomic crystal lattice, or unit cell, of the platinum particle. / 熱処理により、著しい数の金属原子が、白金粒子の原子結晶格子または単位セルの中に組み入れられる。(USP6855452)
$$ The birefringence of the fiber may be thus altered in the heat-treated region, as a fiber having such a symmetry will, in general, be birefringent. / 一般に、その様な対称を有するファイバには複屈折性があるので、ファイバの複屈折率が熱処理済み領域で変わることがある。 (USP6631234)
$$ Thus a PCF that has been heat treated to change the sizes of the holes (or narrow down the entire fiber) can act as a mode field transformer. / 従って、空気孔の寸法を変化させるべく(あるいは全ファイバを細く絞るために)熱処理されたPCFは、モード電磁界変換器として作用可能である。(USP6631234)
$$ Each fiber is heat-treated stretched and cleaved to produce tapered regions 340, 380. / 各ファイバは熱処理され、引き延ばされ、さらには切断されて、テーパをつけた領域340、380を生じる。(USP6631234)
$$ The crystal nucleation heat treatment is maintained at 500-550℃ for about 12 minutes, eg 520℃, and then heat treatment at 600-700℃ for about 3 hours, eg 650℃. (USP6888439)
$$ Before this reduction heat treatment, the frit was white in appearance. (USP6100209)
$$ Hardness, elastic properties, toughness and other attributes may be generated by suitable heat-treatment in appropriate steel alloys. (USP6392915)
$$ The length of the housing member 16 is in the region of two to four times the height of the base 12. (USP6715905)
$$ The overall height of the support element 9, including the plate 13, is 127 mm. (USP7578245)
$$ The lower portion 24 again has a height of 50 mm. (USP6827238)
$$ This adjustment enables the precise height of the top of the pins 98, 100 etc to be adjusted. (USP5891255)
$$ Again, the writing instrument length equals the height of the dome. (USP5774571)
$$ The height of the illuminated spot on the sample surface is determined as follows. (USP5510894)
$$ The cross-section can have a radius that is about equal to the height of the reflector. (USP01022495)
$$ The cap 60 (FIGS. 6A-D) comprises a circular disc 61 from which depends a thick edge rim 62 and a concentric circular web 63 of about half height. (USP7490719)
$$ This greater height can provide a more positive closing action. (USP5411157)
$$ The length of the housing member 16 is in the region of two to four times the height of the base 12. (USP6715905)
$$ The overall height of the support element 9, including the plate 13, is 127 mm. (USP7578245)
$$ The lower portion 24 again has a height of 50 mm. (USP6827238)
$$ This adjustment enables the precise height of the top of the pins 98, 100 etc to be adjusted. (USP5891255)
$$ Again, the writing instrument length equals the height of the dome. (USP5774571)
$$ The height of the illuminated spot on the sample surface is determined as follows. (USP5510894)
$$ The cross-section can have a radius that is about equal to the height of the reflector. (USP01022495)
$$ The cap 60 (FIGS. 6A-D) comprises a circular disc 61 from which depends a thick edge rim 62 and a concentric circular web 63 of about half height. (USP7490719)
$$ This greater height can provide a more positive closing action. (USP5411157)
HELD (←hold)
HELD ~ at/to -->hold
$$ Another possible method involves the measurement the Angle of Repose by pouring material through a funnel held at a fixed height onto a piece of graph paper until a cone is formed. / 別の可能な方法は、固定された高さに保持された漏斗から方眼紙上に円錐が形成されるまで物質を落として安息角を測定することを含む。(USP6465626)
$$ The throttle, si, also has to be held within its operating range, which is checked at the output of the throttle limiter. / スロットル、siも、その動作範囲内に維持されねばならず、これはスロットルリミタの出力においてチェックされる。(USP6332818)
$$ A drive shaft 40 with an axis 41 offset from the axis 30 is held by bolts 26 to the rotor assembly. / 軸線30からオフセットした軸線41を有する駆動軸40は、ロータ組立てに対しボルト26で支持される。(USP6296462)
$$ The runners are provided with recesses 26 (FIG. 9), when a recess 26 coincides with a detent 23, the sleeve 3 is held in position. / ランナーには、くぼみ26(図9)が設けられ、このくぼみ26が留め部23に一致すると、スリーブ3が位置保持される。(USP6282436)
$$ The resistor R2 has a much smaller resistance than R1, and when the switch 84 is closed the current flowing through R2 is integrated and held by the integrator 86. / 抵抗器R2は、R1よりもずっと小さい抵抗を有し、スイッチ84が閉じられる時、R2を通る電流は、積分器86によって積分され、保持される。(USP6175113)
$$ In this way, because the value of Δτn is held from the preceding clock cycle when Xn =LO, L3 or Xn-1 rapid lock can be achieved when reading VFO field data. / このように、本発明においては、xn =L0、L3であるとき、またはx n-1=x n-1であるとき、Δτnの値が先行するクロック周期から保持され ているため、VFO磁界データを読み取るときに高速ロックが可能となる。(USP6114879)
$$ The spigot might alternatively be internally threaded, and held in place in the bore by means of a threaded fastener such as a screw. / 同ねじ込み部は代わりに内部にねじ部が設けられ、ねじくぎのようなねじ締め具によってボア中の正しい位置に保持されてもよい。(USP6110055)
$$ This supports simple conversion from existing information held by the utility to information which is compatible with the telemetry system. / これは、公益企業により保持されている現在の情報から遠隔測定システムと互換性がある情報への簡単な変換をサポートしている。(USP6073174)
$$ Preferably a telecommunications interface is provided in the hand held unit for cellular or other wireless telephony systems. / 好ましくは、該電気通信インタフェースは、セルラまたは他の無線電話システム用の前記ハンドヘルド装置内に備えられる。(USP6058304)
$$ The wick 31 is then placed into the reservoir space 6 and held in place by means of U spring 32. / 次いでウイック31を溜めの空間6に配置し、U形バネ32により所定の位置で保持する。(USP5914019)
$$ Information relating to the fact that a user has re-directed his inbound calls, and the number to which his calls are re-directed, is held in his user-profile, which is typically stored on a user-profile database. / ユーザが到来呼を再び方向付けたことに関する情報、すなわち呼を再方向付した番号は、ユーザプロフィール内に保持され、これは一般的にユーザプロフィールのデータベースに記憶される。(USP5907602)
$$ Referring now to FIG. 4, a sheet of Mylar 13 is attached to a rigid, flat frame 35 either by adhesive or mechanical means such that it is held under light, uniform tension. / 図4を参照すると、Mylarのシート13は、それが軽い一定の張力の下で保持されるように、粘着剤或いは機械的手段によって固い平らなフレーム35に取り付けられる。(USP5801796)
$$ The assembly is held together by means of clamps, which are not shown in the figure. / アセンブリはクランプによって共に保持されるが、これは図示されていない。(USP5418430)
$$ Data defining the custom channel is held in a look up table in the RAM 26. / カスタム・チャネルを定義するデータは、RAM26のルックアップ表に保持される。(USP02042917)
$$ By uafter holdingsing highly conductive material for the black matrix elements their thickness is held to a minimum, thereby minimizing their impact on planarity. (USP6559914)
$$ The higher voltage anode may typically be held at 10 kV. (USP6002207)
HELD ~ at/to -->hold
$$ Another possible method involves the measurement the Angle of Repose by pouring material through a funnel held at a fixed height onto a piece of graph paper until a cone is formed. / 別の可能な方法は、固定された高さに保持された漏斗から方眼紙上に円錐が形成されるまで物質を落として安息角を測定することを含む。(USP6465626)
$$ The throttle, si, also has to be held within its operating range, which is checked at the output of the throttle limiter. / スロットル、siも、その動作範囲内に維持されねばならず、これはスロットルリミタの出力においてチェックされる。(USP6332818)
$$ A drive shaft 40 with an axis 41 offset from the axis 30 is held by bolts 26 to the rotor assembly. / 軸線30からオフセットした軸線41を有する駆動軸40は、ロータ組立てに対しボルト26で支持される。(USP6296462)
$$ The runners are provided with recesses 26 (FIG. 9), when a recess 26 coincides with a detent 23, the sleeve 3 is held in position. / ランナーには、くぼみ26(図9)が設けられ、このくぼみ26が留め部23に一致すると、スリーブ3が位置保持される。(USP6282436)
$$ The resistor R2 has a much smaller resistance than R1, and when the switch 84 is closed the current flowing through R2 is integrated and held by the integrator 86. / 抵抗器R2は、R1よりもずっと小さい抵抗を有し、スイッチ84が閉じられる時、R2を通る電流は、積分器86によって積分され、保持される。(USP6175113)
$$ In this way, because the value of Δτn is held from the preceding clock cycle when Xn =LO, L3 or Xn-1 rapid lock can be achieved when reading VFO field data. / このように、本発明においては、xn =L0、L3であるとき、またはx n-1=x n-1であるとき、Δτnの値が先行するクロック周期から保持され ているため、VFO磁界データを読み取るときに高速ロックが可能となる。(USP6114879)
$$ The spigot might alternatively be internally threaded, and held in place in the bore by means of a threaded fastener such as a screw. / 同ねじ込み部は代わりに内部にねじ部が設けられ、ねじくぎのようなねじ締め具によってボア中の正しい位置に保持されてもよい。(USP6110055)
$$ This supports simple conversion from existing information held by the utility to information which is compatible with the telemetry system. / これは、公益企業により保持されている現在の情報から遠隔測定システムと互換性がある情報への簡単な変換をサポートしている。(USP6073174)
$$ Preferably a telecommunications interface is provided in the hand held unit for cellular or other wireless telephony systems. / 好ましくは、該電気通信インタフェースは、セルラまたは他の無線電話システム用の前記ハンドヘルド装置内に備えられる。(USP6058304)
$$ The wick 31 is then placed into the reservoir space 6 and held in place by means of U spring 32. / 次いでウイック31を溜めの空間6に配置し、U形バネ32により所定の位置で保持する。(USP5914019)
$$ Information relating to the fact that a user has re-directed his inbound calls, and the number to which his calls are re-directed, is held in his user-profile, which is typically stored on a user-profile database. / ユーザが到来呼を再び方向付けたことに関する情報、すなわち呼を再方向付した番号は、ユーザプロフィール内に保持され、これは一般的にユーザプロフィールのデータベースに記憶される。(USP5907602)
$$ Referring now to FIG. 4, a sheet of Mylar 13 is attached to a rigid, flat frame 35 either by adhesive or mechanical means such that it is held under light, uniform tension. / 図4を参照すると、Mylarのシート13は、それが軽い一定の張力の下で保持されるように、粘着剤或いは機械的手段によって固い平らなフレーム35に取り付けられる。(USP5801796)
$$ The assembly is held together by means of clamps, which are not shown in the figure. / アセンブリはクランプによって共に保持されるが、これは図示されていない。(USP5418430)
$$ Data defining the custom channel is held in a look up table in the RAM 26. / カスタム・チャネルを定義するデータは、RAM26のルックアップ表に保持される。(USP02042917)
$$ By uafter holdingsing highly conductive material for the black matrix elements their thickness is held to a minimum, thereby minimizing their impact on planarity. (USP6559914)
$$ The higher voltage anode may typically be held at 10 kV. (USP6002207)
タグ :HELD
HELP (with);(sb)+(to)-v
$$ HELP--provides the user with help on any aspect of the user selectable options and on the general procedure involved in running a scan. / ヘルプ:ユーザが選択できるオプションのいずれかの局面および走査の実行に含まれる一般的な手順についてユーザを補助する。(USP6611142)
$$ This simplifies the implementation of the present invention and helps to keep down costs. / これは、本発明の実現を簡略にし、費用を抑えるのに役立つ。(USP6553020)
$$ This helps accomomodate the returned fluid and enables a spot-dosing action. / これは、吸い戻し流体の調合を促進し、スポット-投与作用を可能とする。(USP6422434)
$$ As described above with reference to FIG. 2 in particular, the lip seal 24 helps in preventing the migration of any oil towards the head plate area 7 from the gear box 5. / 特に図2を参照して説明してきたように、リップシール24は歯車箱5からヘッドプレート7の領域に向う全ての油の移行を阻止することを補助する。(USP6244841)
$$ In addition, although host factors have been conceived to help with viral integration, it was assumed that these would correspond to "housekeeping proteins" that are essential for host cell viability. / さらに、宿主因子(host factor)はウイルスの組み込みを助けると考えられているが、これらは、宿主細胞の生存のために必須のハウスキーピング蛋白質に相当すると仮定された。(USP6242175)
$$ This helps to prevent reproduction of the bar code (e.g. by a potential counterfeiter) by copying. / これにより、バーコードのコピーによる複製(例えば潜在的な偽造者による)を防止できる。(USP5895075)
$$ A help key 82 causes the decoder to output for display help information. / ヘルプ・キー82は、デコーダにヘルプ情報を表示するよう出力させる。(USP02042917)
$$ By modifying the viseme data, this helps vary the appearance of the character to make the character appear more lifelike. (USP6772122)
$$ Such an arrangement both improves security and helps reduce server file storage capacity requirements. / このような構成はセキュリティを向上し、サーバファイルメモリ容量に対する要求を低減するのを助けるという両方を行う。(USP6393468)
$$ The pinwheel 74 allows for the detection of the flatness of a substrate to help maintain print quality. (USP01024586)
$$ This helps to increase the ion transmission by reducing the loss of ions (especially of low mass-to-charge ratio) on the inside surface of the skimmer 5. / これは、スキマー5の内面上の(特に低質量対電荷比の)イオンの損失を減ずることによって、イオン透過率を増大する補助を為している。(USP01010354)
HELP (with);(sb)+(to)-v
$$ HELP--provides the user with help on any aspect of the user selectable options and on the general procedure involved in running a scan. / ヘルプ:ユーザが選択できるオプションのいずれかの局面および走査の実行に含まれる一般的な手順についてユーザを補助する。(USP6611142)
$$ This simplifies the implementation of the present invention and helps to keep down costs. / これは、本発明の実現を簡略にし、費用を抑えるのに役立つ。(USP6553020)
$$ This helps accomomodate the returned fluid and enables a spot-dosing action. / これは、吸い戻し流体の調合を促進し、スポット-投与作用を可能とする。(USP6422434)
$$ As described above with reference to FIG. 2 in particular, the lip seal 24 helps in preventing the migration of any oil towards the head plate area 7 from the gear box 5. / 特に図2を参照して説明してきたように、リップシール24は歯車箱5からヘッドプレート7の領域に向う全ての油の移行を阻止することを補助する。(USP6244841)
$$ In addition, although host factors have been conceived to help with viral integration, it was assumed that these would correspond to "housekeeping proteins" that are essential for host cell viability. / さらに、宿主因子(host factor)はウイルスの組み込みを助けると考えられているが、これらは、宿主細胞の生存のために必須のハウスキーピング蛋白質に相当すると仮定された。(USP6242175)
$$ This helps to prevent reproduction of the bar code (e.g. by a potential counterfeiter) by copying. / これにより、バーコードのコピーによる複製(例えば潜在的な偽造者による)を防止できる。(USP5895075)
$$ A help key 82 causes the decoder to output for display help information. / ヘルプ・キー82は、デコーダにヘルプ情報を表示するよう出力させる。(USP02042917)
$$ By modifying the viseme data, this helps vary the appearance of the character to make the character appear more lifelike. (USP6772122)
$$ Such an arrangement both improves security and helps reduce server file storage capacity requirements. / このような構成はセキュリティを向上し、サーバファイルメモリ容量に対する要求を低減するのを助けるという両方を行う。(USP6393468)
$$ The pinwheel 74 allows for the detection of the flatness of a substrate to help maintain print quality. (USP01024586)
$$ This helps to increase the ion transmission by reducing the loss of ions (especially of low mass-to-charge ratio) on the inside surface of the skimmer 5. / これは、スキマー5の内面上の(特に低質量対電荷比の)イオンの損失を減ずることによって、イオン透過率を増大する補助を為している。(USP01010354)
タグ :HELP
$$ In order to appreciate the features that are necessary to this invention it is helpful to look at a diagrammatic representation of the forces involved while a scan is being performed. / この発明に必要な特徴を正しく認識するために、走査が行われている間に含まれる力の図解表現を見ることは役に立つ。(USP7596989)
$$ Redundancy in detection channels that contribute to an image can be very helpful. / 画像に寄与する検波チャネルの冗長度は極めて役に立つ可能性がある。(USP6900756)
$$ The second stub connection 83 is open-ended and also of 180° electrical length and helpful for stabilisation. / 第2スタブ接続部83はオープン・エンドであり、同様に180°の電気長を有し、安定化に役立つ。(USP6816020)
$$ FIGS. 30-32 depict waveforms helpful in understanding the operation of the invention. (USP6081650)
$$ It is helpful to appreciate that they exist in order to understand the continue-draw commands. (USP5727192)
$$ To derive equations for these variables, the simplified schematic picture of the concentration gradients at the anode shown in FIG. 10 can be helpful. (USP6696020)
$$ For simulators with a high degree of communication relative to computation, placing the simulators in the same process would be helpful. (USP6691301)
$$ In order to appreciate the features that are necessary to this invention it is helpful to look at a diagrammatic representation of the forces involved while a scan is being performed. / この発明に必要な特徴を正しく認識するために、走査が行われている間に含まれる力の図解表現を見ることは役に立つ。(USP7596989)
$$ Redundancy in detection channels that contribute to an image can be very helpful. / 画像に寄与する検波チャネルの冗長度は極めて役に立つ可能性がある。(USP6900756)
$$ The second stub connection 83 is open-ended and also of 180° electrical length and helpful for stabilisation. / 第2スタブ接続部83はオープン・エンドであり、同様に180°の電気長を有し、安定化に役立つ。(USP6816020)
$$ FIGS. 30-32 depict waveforms helpful in understanding the operation of the invention. (USP6081650)
$$ It is helpful to appreciate that they exist in order to understand the continue-draw commands. (USP5727192)
$$ To derive equations for these variables, the simplified schematic picture of the concentration gradients at the anode shown in FIG. 10 can be helpful. (USP6696020)
$$ For simulators with a high degree of communication relative to computation, placing the simulators in the same process would be helpful. (USP6691301)
$$ The sequence h(0), h(1), ...h(2.sup.k-1-2) that is repeated is an M-sequence and shall henceforth be referred to as the impulse response word. (USP7051266)
$$ Henceforth, the word "knowledge" shall, unless the contrary is expressly stated, include usage-created knowledge added or recorded up to the time or state to which reference is made. (USP6189012)
$$ A document can thus be thought of as two parts: the written text, henceforth referred to as the internal text, and the information contained in the boxes or structured portion of the source document, henceforth referred to as the external information. (USP6052693)
$$ The exposed annular periphery, henceforth known as the sealing face, engages the second structure which is able to move relative to the sealing face. (USP02033578)
$$ Henceforth, the region at higher pressure will be called the upstream region while the region at lower pressure will be called the downstream region. (USP02033578)
$$ Such a coolant shall henceforth be referred to as a refrigerant. (USP02036225)
$$ The sequence h(0), h(1), ...h(2.sup.k-1-2) that is repeated is an M-sequence and shall henceforth be referred to as the impulse response word. (USP7051266)
$$ Henceforth, the word "knowledge" shall, unless the contrary is expressly stated, include usage-created knowledge added or recorded up to the time or state to which reference is made. (USP6189012)
$$ A document can thus be thought of as two parts: the written text, henceforth referred to as the internal text, and the information contained in the boxes or structured portion of the source document, henceforth referred to as the external information. (USP6052693)
$$ The exposed annular periphery, henceforth known as the sealing face, engages the second structure which is able to move relative to the sealing face. (USP02033578)
$$ Henceforth, the region at higher pressure will be called the upstream region while the region at lower pressure will be called the downstream region. (USP02033578)
$$ Such a coolant shall henceforth be referred to as a refrigerant. (USP02036225)
HEREAFTER / 以後 -->henceforth, hereinafter
$$ However, preferred embodiments of the invention comprise a central Fabry-Perot cavity (or resonator region--the terms will be used interchangeably hereafter) with an optical thickness of an integral number of half wavelengths. / しかしながら、本発明の好ましい実施形態は、半波長の整数倍の光学厚さを備えた中央のファブリペローキャビティ(または共振器領域、これらの用語は、これ以降交換可能に使用される)を有する。(USP6980362)
$$ The procedure for this can be performed automatically by a computer controlled CD player or CD-ROM drive and is listed hereafter in a form suitable for realisation in software: / この手続は、コンピュータ制御されたCDプレーヤ又は、CD-ROMドライブで自動的に行うことができ、以後ソフトウェアの実現について述べる。(USP6560176)
$$ For convenience, however, the grooves will hereafter be referred to as V-grooves. (USP01025858)
$$ The phrase `message type` will be used hereafter to refer generally to any characteristics which are static for a particular message. (USP6138168)
$$ Hereafter, only hyperlink URLs providing further options and image file URLs will be discussed, for reasons of clarity only. / 以下では、別のオプションを提供する唯一のハイパーリンクURLとイメージファイルURLとを、単に明白にする目的で記載することにする。(USP6393468)
$$ In this manner, probe molecules are tested for their ability to bind other molecules--hereafter known as "target" molecules. (USP7084980)
HEREAFTER / 以後 -->henceforth, hereinafter
$$ However, preferred embodiments of the invention comprise a central Fabry-Perot cavity (or resonator region--the terms will be used interchangeably hereafter) with an optical thickness of an integral number of half wavelengths. / しかしながら、本発明の好ましい実施形態は、半波長の整数倍の光学厚さを備えた中央のファブリペローキャビティ(または共振器領域、これらの用語は、これ以降交換可能に使用される)を有する。(USP6980362)
$$ The procedure for this can be performed automatically by a computer controlled CD player or CD-ROM drive and is listed hereafter in a form suitable for realisation in software: / この手続は、コンピュータ制御されたCDプレーヤ又は、CD-ROMドライブで自動的に行うことができ、以後ソフトウェアの実現について述べる。(USP6560176)
$$ For convenience, however, the grooves will hereafter be referred to as V-grooves. (USP01025858)
$$ The phrase `message type` will be used hereafter to refer generally to any characteristics which are static for a particular message. (USP6138168)
$$ Hereafter, only hyperlink URLs providing further options and image file URLs will be discussed, for reasons of clarity only. / 以下では、別のオプションを提供する唯一のハイパーリンクURLとイメージファイルURLとを、単に明白にする目的で記載することにする。(USP6393468)
$$ In this manner, probe molecules are tested for their ability to bind other molecules--hereafter known as "target" molecules. (USP7084980)
$$ These other pads are referred to hereinafter as "signal" pads. / これら他のパッドを、以下、「信号」パッドを呼ぶ。(USP8194373)
$$ This will be described hereinafter in more detail. / これについての詳細は、後述する。(USP8112863)
$$ This is referred to hereinafter as a "lateral configuration". / これは、以下、「横向きの立体配置」と称する。(USP8062743)
$$ The results are shown in Table 1 and illustrated in FIG. 4 hereinafter. / 結果は表1に示されており、本明細書の以下の図4に示されている。(USP8043811)
$$ These are described in greater detail hereinafter. / これらは以下で詳細に説明する。(USP6764226)
$$ The outer locking bars 78, 80 will be described hereinafter. (USP7628213)
$$ It can be applied by a number of deposition techniques to be described hereinafter. (USP7567374)
$$ These are described further hereinafter. (USP7343081)
$$ This is described in more detail hereinafter. (USP7167887)
$$ These other pads are referred to hereinafter as "signal" pads. / これら他のパッドを、以下、「信号」パッドを呼ぶ。(USP8194373)
$$ This will be described hereinafter in more detail. / これについての詳細は、後述する。(USP8112863)
$$ This is referred to hereinafter as a "lateral configuration". / これは、以下、「横向きの立体配置」と称する。(USP8062743)
$$ The results are shown in Table 1 and illustrated in FIG. 4 hereinafter. / 結果は表1に示されており、本明細書の以下の図4に示されている。(USP8043811)
$$ These are described in greater detail hereinafter. / これらは以下で詳細に説明する。(USP6764226)
$$ The outer locking bars 78, 80 will be described hereinafter. (USP7628213)
$$ It can be applied by a number of deposition techniques to be described hereinafter. (USP7567374)
$$ These are described further hereinafter. (USP7343081)
$$ This is described in more detail hereinafter. (USP7167887)
$$ U.S. Pat. No. 3,794,007 describes the use of fuel from an engine's fuel supply to heat up combustion air for a cold start. / USP3,794,007には、エンジンの燃料供給装置からの燃料を使用して、低温始動用の燃焼空気を加熱することが開示されている。(USP8875685)
$$ Once the heat exchanger has heated up, the valve 64 is closed and the injection nozzles 26 commence normal operation. / 熱交換器がヒートアップすると、バルブ64が閉じられ、注入ノズル26は正常運転を始める。(USP8662030)
$$ In use, the curling iron is switched on and allowed to heat up. / 使用時、カール用アイロンのスイッチがオンにされ、高温になることができる。(USP8607804)
$$ During a second heating phase 54 the chamber is heated up to a cure temperature 55 of approximately 180℃. / 第2加熱段階54の間に、オートクレーブ室は約180℃の硬化温度55まで加熱される。(USP8163209)
$$ In preferred embodiments the particles are flame sprayed into a bath of water, which, during the process tends to heat up from room temperature to about 40℃. / 好ましい実施態様において、粒子は水槽にフレーム溶射され、このプロセスの間に、粒子は室温~約40℃に加熱されやすくなる。(USP8062743)
$$ As the saline is heated up by the active electrode 11, it is potentially damaging to tissue as it can cause thermal necrosis. (USP6780180)
$$ During an engine acceleration the nozzle guide vane 32 heats up faster than the casing 30 due to the annulus air. (USP6129513)
$$ When RF power is applied to the electrode assembly 32 the fluid medium heats up. (USP6056746)
$$ The current flowing through the PTC thermistor 100 causes it to heat up, thereby increasing its resistance significantly. (USP5995392)
$$ U.S. Pat. No. 3,794,007 describes the use of fuel from an engine's fuel supply to heat up combustion air for a cold start. / USP3,794,007には、エンジンの燃料供給装置からの燃料を使用して、低温始動用の燃焼空気を加熱することが開示されている。(USP8875685)
$$ Once the heat exchanger has heated up, the valve 64 is closed and the injection nozzles 26 commence normal operation. / 熱交換器がヒートアップすると、バルブ64が閉じられ、注入ノズル26は正常運転を始める。(USP8662030)
$$ In use, the curling iron is switched on and allowed to heat up. / 使用時、カール用アイロンのスイッチがオンにされ、高温になることができる。(USP8607804)
$$ During a second heating phase 54 the chamber is heated up to a cure temperature 55 of approximately 180℃. / 第2加熱段階54の間に、オートクレーブ室は約180℃の硬化温度55まで加熱される。(USP8163209)
$$ In preferred embodiments the particles are flame sprayed into a bath of water, which, during the process tends to heat up from room temperature to about 40℃. / 好ましい実施態様において、粒子は水槽にフレーム溶射され、このプロセスの間に、粒子は室温~約40℃に加熱されやすくなる。(USP8062743)
$$ As the saline is heated up by the active electrode 11, it is potentially damaging to tissue as it can cause thermal necrosis. (USP6780180)
$$ During an engine acceleration the nozzle guide vane 32 heats up faster than the casing 30 due to the annulus air. (USP6129513)
$$ When RF power is applied to the electrode assembly 32 the fluid medium heats up. (USP6056746)
$$ The current flowing through the PTC thermistor 100 causes it to heat up, thereby increasing its resistance significantly. (USP5995392)
--HEDRON (多)面体
--HEDRON (多)面体
$$ FIGS. 6a and 6b show a tetrahedron produced with three traps in a first plane (Z=0) and a single trap (Z=1) in a second plane. / 図6aおよび6bは、第1平面(Z=0)内の3つのトラップおよび第2平面内の単一のトラップ(Z=1)により生成される4面体を示す。(USP8183540)
$$ For example, the member can be in the form of a wire framework making up the edges of a standard geometrical shape such as cube, cuboid, rhomboid, pyramid, dodecahedron or cylinder. (USP7105478)
$$ Thus a polyhedron is built up whose polygonal faces are centred on respective detected surface points, the edges of the polygonal faces being midway between neighbouring detected surface points. (USP6128086)
$$ It will be noticed that this tetrahedron is defined by four of the cube vertices. (USP6072499)
$$ 3-D tetrahedronal interpolation can then be performed to find out an input value for the generalized input point. (USP6072499)
--HEDRON (多)面体
$$ FIGS. 6a and 6b show a tetrahedron produced with three traps in a first plane (Z=0) and a single trap (Z=1) in a second plane. / 図6aおよび6bは、第1平面(Z=0)内の3つのトラップおよび第2平面内の単一のトラップ(Z=1)により生成される4面体を示す。(USP8183540)
$$ For example, the member can be in the form of a wire framework making up the edges of a standard geometrical shape such as cube, cuboid, rhomboid, pyramid, dodecahedron or cylinder. (USP7105478)
$$ Thus a polyhedron is built up whose polygonal faces are centred on respective detected surface points, the edges of the polygonal faces being midway between neighbouring detected surface points. (USP6128086)
$$ It will be noticed that this tetrahedron is defined by four of the cube vertices. (USP6072499)
$$ 3-D tetrahedronal interpolation can then be performed to find out an input value for the generalized input point. (USP6072499)
タグ :--HEDRON
$$ The herein described sealing means comprises in a first embodiment an essentially P-shaped cross-section. / 本明細書に記載された密閉手段には、第1の実施形態では、基本的にP字状断面がある。(USP8393483)
$$ The neuroprotective effects are detailed in Brain Research 755 (1997) 36-46 (Pringle, A. K., et al), incorporated herein by reference. / 神経保護作用は、Brain Research 755(1997)36-46(Pringle, A.K., et al)(この記載内容は、援用して本明細書中に含まれる)に詳述されている。(USP6797699)
$$ Moreover, unlike Shack-Hartmann sensors, the wavefront sensing device described herein does not require CCD-type arrays of sensors in the focal plane. / さらに、シャック-ハートマンセンサとは異なって、本明細書に記載される波面感知装置は、焦平面におけるCCD型のセンサアレイを必要としない。(USP6570143)
$$ Such an instruction will be referred to herein as a dependent instruction. (USP7647480)
$$ The term polymer is used herein to describe both homopolymers and copolymers. (USP7638572)
$$ This is described in EP-A-201323 incorporated herein by reference. (USP5492370)
$$ One class of formulations disclosed herein is intravenous formulations. (USP7371729)
$$ Herein such compounds are referred to as dimer and trimer acids. (USP6001141)
$$ The herein described sealing means comprises in a first embodiment an essentially P-shaped cross-section. / 本明細書に記載された密閉手段には、第1の実施形態では、基本的にP字状断面がある。(USP8393483)
$$ The neuroprotective effects are detailed in Brain Research 755 (1997) 36-46 (Pringle, A. K., et al), incorporated herein by reference. / 神経保護作用は、Brain Research 755(1997)36-46(Pringle, A.K., et al)(この記載内容は、援用して本明細書中に含まれる)に詳述されている。(USP6797699)
$$ Moreover, unlike Shack-Hartmann sensors, the wavefront sensing device described herein does not require CCD-type arrays of sensors in the focal plane. / さらに、シャック-ハートマンセンサとは異なって、本明細書に記載される波面感知装置は、焦平面におけるCCD型のセンサアレイを必要としない。(USP6570143)
$$ Such an instruction will be referred to herein as a dependent instruction. (USP7647480)
$$ The term polymer is used herein to describe both homopolymers and copolymers. (USP7638572)
$$ This is described in EP-A-201323 incorporated herein by reference. (USP5492370)
$$ One class of formulations disclosed herein is intravenous formulations. (USP7371729)
$$ Herein such compounds are referred to as dimer and trimer acids. (USP6001141)
HETERO--- 異なる・反対の
HETERO--- 異なる・反対の
$$ Alternatively, the ligand molecule may be a heteromultimer. (USP7429467)
$$ A formulation of paragraph 21 wherein said 5 to 13-membered cyclic group is aromatic or heteroaromatic. (USP7371729)
$$ During beer dispense, the generation of gas bubbles in solution originates predominantly by heterogeneous bubble nucleation. (USP6827238)
$$ The semiconductor device 1 illustrated is a Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor (HFET) having metal contacts for the source 3, drain 5, and gate 7, the contacts having been deposited on a semiconductor heterostructure grown on a substrate 9. (USP6786637)
$$ These are autonomous in nature and may be heterogeneous. (USP6539082)
$$ In certain host cells (e.g., mammalian host cells), expression and/or secretion of D6 can be increased through use of a heterologous signal sequence. (USP6403767)
$$ Phenyl, aryl, naphthyl, and heteroaryl ring substituents may be located at the ortho-, meta- or para- positions. (USP6387512)
$$ When R1 or R2 is optionally substituted heteroaryl it is preferably optionally substituted thiophenyl or pyridyl. (USP6133336)
$$ Particle sedimentation and free water cause a number of problems including heterogeneity and poor mechanical properties. (USP6110271)
$$ In this way a heterodyne frequency on which the sensed signals are phase modulated is provided at the usual receiver photodiode. (USP5237632)
$$ By "heterologous", we mean that the antigen-expressing sequence has not previously been found in the same place in relation to the remainder of the viral genome. (USP01024817)
HETERO--- 異なる・反対の
$$ Alternatively, the ligand molecule may be a heteromultimer. (USP7429467)
$$ A formulation of paragraph 21 wherein said 5 to 13-membered cyclic group is aromatic or heteroaromatic. (USP7371729)
$$ During beer dispense, the generation of gas bubbles in solution originates predominantly by heterogeneous bubble nucleation. (USP6827238)
$$ The semiconductor device 1 illustrated is a Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor (HFET) having metal contacts for the source 3, drain 5, and gate 7, the contacts having been deposited on a semiconductor heterostructure grown on a substrate 9. (USP6786637)
$$ These are autonomous in nature and may be heterogeneous. (USP6539082)
$$ In certain host cells (e.g., mammalian host cells), expression and/or secretion of D6 can be increased through use of a heterologous signal sequence. (USP6403767)
$$ Phenyl, aryl, naphthyl, and heteroaryl ring substituents may be located at the ortho-, meta- or para- positions. (USP6387512)
$$ When R1 or R2 is optionally substituted heteroaryl it is preferably optionally substituted thiophenyl or pyridyl. (USP6133336)
$$ Particle sedimentation and free water cause a number of problems including heterogeneity and poor mechanical properties. (USP6110271)
$$ In this way a heterodyne frequency on which the sensed signals are phase modulated is provided at the usual receiver photodiode. (USP5237632)
$$ By "heterologous", we mean that the antigen-expressing sequence has not previously been found in the same place in relation to the remainder of the viral genome. (USP01024817)
タグ :HETERO---
$$ The output of the 32-bit counter count output may be reset to 00000000 (hexadecimal) by applying a counter reset signal 26. / 32-ビット2値カウンタの出力カウンタリセット信号26を与えることにより00000000(16進値)にリセットされる。(USP6560176)
$$ A third data block 72 consists of one nibble with each of its bits set to "one", i.e. hexadecimal "F", to indicate the end of the dialling number identifier. / 第3のデータブロック72は、それぞれのビットが「1」にセットされた、すなわち16進数の「F」を表す1ニブルからなり、ダイヤル番号識別子の終わりを示す。(USP6501962)
$$ The instructions are allocated addresses in an imaginary address space from 1000 to 10bf (expressed in hexadecimal notation). (USP01047466) 16進表記で
$$ The sizes of the five areas into which the map is divided are indicated in hexadecimal notation at the left-hand side of the map. (USP4979094)
$$ Each line of this file should contain a number (in binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal, using the Handel-C syntax) followed by a symbol.(USP6691301)
$$ If R0 is 0000FFFF (hexadecimal), then the 21 bits of an instruction will be interpreted as: (5 bit register number)(16 bit constant value). (USP03188138)
$$ The output of the 32-bit counter count output may be reset to 00000000 (hexadecimal) by applying a counter reset signal 26. / 32-ビット2値カウンタの出力カウンタリセット信号26を与えることにより00000000(16進値)にリセットされる。(USP6560176)
$$ A third data block 72 consists of one nibble with each of its bits set to "one", i.e. hexadecimal "F", to indicate the end of the dialling number identifier. / 第3のデータブロック72は、それぞれのビットが「1」にセットされた、すなわち16進数の「F」を表す1ニブルからなり、ダイヤル番号識別子の終わりを示す。(USP6501962)
$$ The instructions are allocated addresses in an imaginary address space from 1000 to 10bf (expressed in hexadecimal notation). (USP01047466) 16進表記で
$$ The sizes of the five areas into which the map is divided are indicated in hexadecimal notation at the left-hand side of the map. (USP4979094)
$$ Each line of this file should contain a number (in binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal, using the Handel-C syntax) followed by a symbol.(USP6691301)
$$ If R0 is 0000FFFF (hexadecimal), then the 21 bits of an instruction will be interpreted as: (5 bit register number)(16 bit constant value). (USP03188138)