現在の読者数 50人

RANGE (動詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ra...

RANGE (動詞)

$$ Physically, it is a fibre whose outer-diameter is around 125-200 μm and whose core diameter ranges from 5 μm to 20 μm, although in principle there is no upper limit for the diameter. / 直径の上限は原理上存在しないものの、物理的には、外径が約125~200μmであり、かつコア径が5μmから20μmの範囲にあるファイバである。(USP8079763)

$$ Other methods range from taking cores from a powder reservoir for filling capsules (U.S. Pat. No. 3,874,431) to applying a vacuum to fill measuring chambers with powder (Canadian Patent Number 949,786). / 他の方法には、粉末貯槽からコアを取ってカプセル充填を行う方法(米国特許第3874431号)や、減圧をかけることで測定チャンバーに粉末を充填する方法(カナダ特許第949786号)などがある。(USP7621300)

$$ FIG. 1 is a wrapped phase map of an object (grey shades ranging from black to white represent phase values ranging from -π to +π; / 第1図は、物体のラップされた位相マップ(黒色から白色に至る範囲の灰色陰影は、-πから+πの範囲の位相値を示す)である。(USP6208416)

$$ For cold cure, amounts of BP ranging from 0.5% to 5% and amounts of DMPT ranging from 0.5% to 5% were used. / 常温硬化では、0.5%から5%の範囲内の量のBPと0.5%から5%の範囲内の量のDMPTとを用いた。(USP6313192)

$$ Oestrogen at doses ranging from 1 pM to 1 mM inhibited the proliferation of fibroblasts from both young and aged subjects (compared to cyclodextrin controls) (FIG. 6). / 1pMから1mMの範囲のエストロゲンを投与すると、若年および老年被験者の両方において増殖が阻害された(コントロールと比べて)(図6)。(USP6696433)

$$ Similarly, any materials to be inserted within a folded package might range from a compliment slip to an entire booklet, including inserts of unconventional size or shape. (USP7306220)

$$ The panel width may range from 8 cm-100 cm, particularly for use in a public address system. (USP7564984)

$$ Superplasticizers may range from 0 to 5% basis weight of cement.(USP6110271)

$$ Typical impedances can range anywhere between 10 ohms and 200 Ohms. (USP02052599)

$$ The diameter of the grip member can range between 25 and 45 mm with a preferred diameter being 31 mm (approx 1,25 inches). (USP01039215)

$$ When that call finishes, the six timeslots will have been cleared for ranging. (USP5559805)


 RANGE WHERE/IN WHICH (2017-10-26 08:00)
 RANGE OF BETWEEN (2017-10-25 08:00)
 RATIO (2014-11-05 08:00)
 RATHER THAN (2014-11-04 08:00)
 RATHER (rather thanを除く) (2014-11-03 08:00)
 RATE 率 (2014-11-02 08:00)
