車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | le...
LESSEN -->reduce, decrease
$$ Upon the application of an external magnetic field, the viscosity of the ferrofluid is enlarged and the freedom of movement of the shaft or spring lessened. / 外部磁場をかけると、磁性流体の粘度が増大してシャフト又はスプリングの運動の自由が低下する。(USP6815063)
$$ As noted above, such an approach will tend to lessen the capability of the mesh to provide back-up paths, but it avoids the requirement for the mesh to support inverse multiplexing. (USP02042274)
$$ Accumulation must be sufficiently far from the central region 14e to ensure that it does not lessen the carrier exclusion. / 蓄積がキャリア排除を減少させないことを保証するために、蓄積は中心領域14eから十分離れていなければならない。(USP6809514)
$$ The end most sight gauges can be shielded to lessen the likelihood of damage. (USP7108285)
$$ Afterwards, the sheet material may release wound potential energy thereby lessening tension within the center feed roll and preventing the collapsing of the center feed roll during dispensing. (USP6179235)
$$ This also lessens the effect of, for example the contrast of the video source. (USP5027203)
$$ This lessens the temperature dependence of Hall coefficient and magneto-resistance. (USP6809514)