現在の読者数 50人

OR SO ~ぐらい


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | or... | so

OR SO ~ぐらい

$$ For example, for a public address speaker the line (and hence the length of the panel) should be at least 40 cm long, giving a
lowest nominal controlled directivity frequency of no more than 850 Hz or so. (USP7564984)

$$ Conventionally, each 120° sector may employ diversity, and be served by a pair of antennas, comprising first and second antenna elements spaced apart from each other by a distance of the order of 2 to 3 meters or so. (USP6167286)

$$ However, on flight sectors with more frequent track changes, the alarm system may be set for 2 minutes or so. (USP4879542)

$$ The delay might be only a millisecond or so, but if there were a very large number of nodes, this delay could rapidly build into significant fractions of a second. / 遅延は、ミリ秒程度にすぎないが、非常に多数のノードがある場合には、この遅延は、秒の重要な断片にすばやく組み込まれるだろう。(USP6553020)

$$ As an example, the sidewalls of the mesas could be clad with 300 nm or so of metal, in particular, 30 nm of nickel and 300 nm of gold. / 一例として、各メサの側壁を300nm程度の金属で、とりわけ30nmのニッケルと300nmの金で被覆する。(USP7598149)

$$ For a circular bender of radius a few centimetres, this rotation may be about one degree or so. / 半径が数センチメートルの円形ベンダでは、この回転は約1度程度である。(USP6833656)

$$ In a typical circuit the drive transistor 1 may be of the order of 10000 times or so of the size of the control transistor 5. (USP6778366)

$$ Thus, after a period of twelve hours or so the liner will expand into a close fit within the host pipe. / 従って、12時間ぐらい経った後、ライナーはホストパイプ内に緊密に嵌合するように膨張する。(USP6228312)

$$ In step 2, each of the 300 or so molecules are therefore copied to the working area as a working group. (USP02062307)


 ORTHOGONAL / ORTHOGONALLY 直交した・直交して (2014-03-21 08:00)
 ORIGINATE 由来する;起源となる (2014-03-20 08:00)
 ORIGIN 原点、起点、基点、源 (2014-03-19 08:00)
 ORIFICE (2014-03-18 08:00)
 ORIENTATION 向き/配向 (2014-03-17 08:00)
 ORIENT / ORIENTATE 配向する・延伸する・向ける (2014-03-16 08:00)
