車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | so
$$ The filter and the oscillator may be arranged so that they are not intended to receive common tuning Input signals in the manner described above. / フィルタおよび発振器は、上述したように、それらが共通する同調入力信号を受信することを意図しないように配置されていても良い。(USP6681102)
$$ The system is designed so that the application does not need to know any details about the physical properties of the network (in other words the network structure is transparent to the application). / ネットワークの物理的な特性に関する詳細をアプリケーションが知る必要がない(換言すれば、アプリケーションに対してネットワーク構造が透明である)ようにシステムが設計される。(USP5454079)
$$ Hydrogen and carbon monoxide are less soluble in water than oxygen and so, despite large concentration gradients, diffusion rates are low relative to the water velocity VH2O so that neither gas reaches water passage 20 in significant quantities. / 水素および一酸化炭素は水に対する溶解性が酸素より小さい。従って、濃度勾配が大きいにもかかわらず、これらの拡散速度は水の速度VH2O より小さいで、いずれのガスも有意な量で水の通路20に到達することはない。(USP5436086)
$$ Thus, according to one embodiment, the network is configured so that no calls will be handed over to the private cell. / 従って、一実施例によれば、ネットワークはどのコールもプライベートセルにハンドオーバされないように構成されている。(USP6826414)
$$ In an alternative embodiment of the invention, the stationary groove may be T shaped and the control lever may be spring biased in its central position towards a locked position in which it cannot rotate the collar, so that neither forward nor reverse may be selected.(USP6318493)
$$ Jewelry including one or more jewel stones is generally designed so that it does not pass light from the front to the rear. / 一つ以上の宝石を含む宝飾品は、正面から背面へと光が通過しないようにデザインされるのが通常である。(USP6433483)
$$ In this implementation, the cathode 28 are thermal emission cathodes and are placed so that infrared emission does not enter the detector. / この実施形態では、陰極28は、熱放出陰極であり、赤外放出が検出器に入らないように配置される。(USP6177674)
$$ One way to overcome the matter of dazzle is to configure the illumination system so that direct viewing of the illuminated filament cannot occur. (USP7220025)
$$ If the pressure from the centrifugal pump 420 falls below a predetermined level, the NRV 421 closes so that fuel from the gear pump 430 cannot flow back through the centrifugal pump 420 to the LP pump 414. (USP7080503)
$$ The projector support structures over the cab, which tend to be simulator specific so that standard designs cannot easily be used. (USP6735015)
$$ As is well known, the thread pitch on a screw may be chosen so that axial force on its mating nut will not cause unscrewing. (USP6659201)
$$ However the cover disc 60 has no projecting parts, so that braking and anti-rollback functions cannot be accidentally engaged. (USP6598724)
$$ The pump wavelength can be chosen so that it cannot bleach the saturable absorber. (USP6445494)
$$ Furthermore, the interrupt handler is not able to see non-interrupt objects so that it cannot try to change them. (USP02029357)
$$ If the current attenuates so that readings may not be taken along the whole length of the pipeline 2, then fewer readings will be taken. (USP7635976)
$$ The self-references that do not expand in the first scan are marked so that they may not expand in the second scan either. (USP6691301)
$$ These splines transmit torque between first end 607 and second end 608, so that the two may not rotate axially with respect to each other. (USP6659201)
$$ The filter and the oscillator may be arranged so that they are not intended to receive common tuning Input signals in the manner described above. / フィルタおよび発振器は、上述したように、それらが共通する同調入力信号を受信することを意図しないように配置されていても良い。(USP6681102)
$$ The system is designed so that the application does not need to know any details about the physical properties of the network (in other words the network structure is transparent to the application). / ネットワークの物理的な特性に関する詳細をアプリケーションが知る必要がない(換言すれば、アプリケーションに対してネットワーク構造が透明である)ようにシステムが設計される。(USP5454079)
$$ Hydrogen and carbon monoxide are less soluble in water than oxygen and so, despite large concentration gradients, diffusion rates are low relative to the water velocity VH2O so that neither gas reaches water passage 20 in significant quantities. / 水素および一酸化炭素は水に対する溶解性が酸素より小さい。従って、濃度勾配が大きいにもかかわらず、これらの拡散速度は水の速度VH2O より小さいで、いずれのガスも有意な量で水の通路20に到達することはない。(USP5436086)
$$ Thus, according to one embodiment, the network is configured so that no calls will be handed over to the private cell. / 従って、一実施例によれば、ネットワークはどのコールもプライベートセルにハンドオーバされないように構成されている。(USP6826414)
$$ In an alternative embodiment of the invention, the stationary groove may be T shaped and the control lever may be spring biased in its central position towards a locked position in which it cannot rotate the collar, so that neither forward nor reverse may be selected.(USP6318493)
$$ Jewelry including one or more jewel stones is generally designed so that it does not pass light from the front to the rear. / 一つ以上の宝石を含む宝飾品は、正面から背面へと光が通過しないようにデザインされるのが通常である。(USP6433483)
$$ In this implementation, the cathode 28 are thermal emission cathodes and are placed so that infrared emission does not enter the detector. / この実施形態では、陰極28は、熱放出陰極であり、赤外放出が検出器に入らないように配置される。(USP6177674)
$$ One way to overcome the matter of dazzle is to configure the illumination system so that direct viewing of the illuminated filament cannot occur. (USP7220025)
$$ If the pressure from the centrifugal pump 420 falls below a predetermined level, the NRV 421 closes so that fuel from the gear pump 430 cannot flow back through the centrifugal pump 420 to the LP pump 414. (USP7080503)
$$ The projector support structures over the cab, which tend to be simulator specific so that standard designs cannot easily be used. (USP6735015)
$$ As is well known, the thread pitch on a screw may be chosen so that axial force on its mating nut will not cause unscrewing. (USP6659201)
$$ However the cover disc 60 has no projecting parts, so that braking and anti-rollback functions cannot be accidentally engaged. (USP6598724)
$$ The pump wavelength can be chosen so that it cannot bleach the saturable absorber. (USP6445494)
$$ Furthermore, the interrupt handler is not able to see non-interrupt objects so that it cannot try to change them. (USP02029357)
$$ If the current attenuates so that readings may not be taken along the whole length of the pipeline 2, then fewer readings will be taken. (USP7635976)
$$ The self-references that do not expand in the first scan are marked so that they may not expand in the second scan either. (USP6691301)
$$ These splines transmit torque between first end 607 and second end 608, so that the two may not rotate axially with respect to each other. (USP6659201)
SO is (not) possible to-V
SO is (not) possible to-V