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$$ Preferably, the reflector comprises a non-planar reflector, the surface of which is shaped so as to present said positive visual indication. / 反射器は平面以外(non-planar)の反射器を含み、その表面は前記明確な視覚的表示を与えるように形成されていることが好ましい。(USP6687389)
$$ Projecting from the y-slide 35 there is an arm 38 to the end of which there is affixed the y-Hall effect device 39. / yスライド35から、アーム38が突起し、この端部にyホール効果装置39が取り付けられている。(USP6611139)
$$ The output port of the selector 18 is connected to the arithmetic unit ALU, and the arithmetic logic unit ALU output is connected via the control buffer 15, to the coefficient memory 12 and selector 14 to both of which it delivers the updated filter coefficient C'. / セレクタ18の出力ポートは該演算部ALU に接続され、論理演算部ALU の出力側は、制御バッファ15を介して係数メモリ12とセレクタ14とに接続されていて、その係数メモリ12及びセレクタ14の両方に、更新されたフィルタ係数C′を伝達する。(USP5987485)
$$ The hub 30 has slots, of which only one slot 37 is shown. ハブ30は、スロットを有しており、その内1つのスロット37だけが示されている(KH訳)。(USP6409430)
$$ Solvents usable in the compositions of present invention may be selected from solvents known in the art, of which volatile silicones, n-paraffins, alcohols, glycol ethers, propylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, iso-paraffins and amino methyl propanol are particularly suitable. (USP6458753) 中でも
$$ Examples of such heterocyclic groups include those groups having from 5 to 10 ring atoms (in one or two rings), of which from 1 to 4 are nitrogen and/or oxygen and/or sulphur hetero-atoms, the remainder being carbon atoms.(USP6797699)
$$ In the field of conventional DC step down regulators an example of which is as shown in FIG. 1 of the accompanying drawings...(USP5942884)
$$ Preferably this selection can be carried out locally at both the subscriber site and at the core network without reference to or knowledge of the state of the network, but solely based on a knowledge of which paths are intact. (USP02042274)
$$ The metallized membrane is formed of a polymer of nitrocellulose as a flexible carrier layer on at least one surface of which is disposed a thin metallic coating providing a light reflective surface. / 金属被覆膜は、柔軟性キャリア層としてのニトロセルロースのポリマーから形成され、キャリア層の少なくとも1面に金属被覆薄膜が配置され光反射面を形成する。(USP6278541)
$$ Each frame is divided into 24 time slots (or physical channels) of which the first twelve F1 to F12 are allocated for transmission in a forward direction, that is from a primary station to a secondary station, and the second twelve R1 to R12 are allocated for transmission in the reverse direction. / 各フレームは24個の時間スロット(あるいは物理チャネル)に分割され、その最初の12個のF1からF12は順方向の伝送に割り付けられ、すなわち1次ステーションから2次ステーションに割り付けられ、かつ第2の12個のR1からR12は逆方向の伝送に割り付けられている。
$$ The vehicle 30 of FIG. 7 also includes a vertically acting member such as an hydraulic ram 41 by means of which the angle of conveyor 22 may be adjusted eg.(USP02017040)
$$ Vertical bores 49 extend through the location plates 45 and 46 and receive bolts 50 by means of which the support means 31 may be bolted into position beneath the frame member 3 by engaging locating holes in the mounting blocks 19 and 20.(USP6355049)
$$ Despite its well known advantages, not least of which is its ability to be cascaded, the distributed amplifier suffers from two basic disadvantages. / 少なからずのものが縦続接続される能力である分布増幅器の既知の利点にもかかわらず、分布増幅器は二つの基本的欠点によって苦しむ。(USP5412347)
$$ The transmission line is the centre conductor of a 50 ohm impedance coaxial cable, the outer sheath of which is earthed. / この送信線はインピーダンスが50オームの同軸ケーブルの中心導線であり、その外側のシースはアースされている。(USP5389890)
$$ The material processing operation is monitored by a sensor 24, the output of which is supplied to the computer 16. / 材料加工作業はセンサ24によって監視されており、そのセンサの出力はコンピュータ16に供給されている。(USP5434880)
$$ The remote control keypad 60 comprises a TV guide key 77, selection of which causes the decoder 3 to output for display a TV guide main menu or screen. / 遠隔制御装置のキーパッド60はTVガイド・キー77を備え、それを選択すると、デコーダ3はTVガイドのメイン・メニューまたは画面を表示するよう出力する。(USP02042917)
$$ It is an object of the invention to provide lightweight head mounted apparatus comprising an earphone the position of which is adjustable to suit different users.(USP5533137)
$$ Pressure differentials are small, the detection of which requires high tolerance (expensive) transducers. / 圧力の差は小さく、この差の検出には高精度(高価な)トランスデューサが必要である。(USP6338250)
$$ Indeed, the set of grey objects is a resource shared amongst several threads of control, all of which could alter it. (USP02029357)
$$ The operator's website may be visited simultaneously by a plurality of people browsing the internet, each of which uses a computer 12 connected to the internet via a permanent network connection or using a modem 14. (USP01027430)
$$ Preferably, the reflector comprises a non-planar reflector, the surface of which is shaped so as to present said positive visual indication. / 反射器は平面以外(non-planar)の反射器を含み、その表面は前記明確な視覚的表示を与えるように形成されていることが好ましい。(USP6687389)
$$ Projecting from the y-slide 35 there is an arm 38 to the end of which there is affixed the y-Hall effect device 39. / yスライド35から、アーム38が突起し、この端部にyホール効果装置39が取り付けられている。(USP6611139)
$$ The output port of the selector 18 is connected to the arithmetic unit ALU, and the arithmetic logic unit ALU output is connected via the control buffer 15, to the coefficient memory 12 and selector 14 to both of which it delivers the updated filter coefficient C'. / セレクタ18の出力ポートは該演算部ALU に接続され、論理演算部ALU の出力側は、制御バッファ15を介して係数メモリ12とセレクタ14とに接続されていて、その係数メモリ12及びセレクタ14の両方に、更新されたフィルタ係数C′を伝達する。(USP5987485)
$$ The hub 30 has slots, of which only one slot 37 is shown. ハブ30は、スロットを有しており、その内1つのスロット37だけが示されている(KH訳)。(USP6409430)
$$ Solvents usable in the compositions of present invention may be selected from solvents known in the art, of which volatile silicones, n-paraffins, alcohols, glycol ethers, propylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, iso-paraffins and amino methyl propanol are particularly suitable. (USP6458753) 中でも
$$ Examples of such heterocyclic groups include those groups having from 5 to 10 ring atoms (in one or two rings), of which from 1 to 4 are nitrogen and/or oxygen and/or sulphur hetero-atoms, the remainder being carbon atoms.(USP6797699)
$$ In the field of conventional DC step down regulators an example of which is as shown in FIG. 1 of the accompanying drawings...(USP5942884)
$$ Preferably this selection can be carried out locally at both the subscriber site and at the core network without reference to or knowledge of the state of the network, but solely based on a knowledge of which paths are intact. (USP02042274)
$$ The metallized membrane is formed of a polymer of nitrocellulose as a flexible carrier layer on at least one surface of which is disposed a thin metallic coating providing a light reflective surface. / 金属被覆膜は、柔軟性キャリア層としてのニトロセルロースのポリマーから形成され、キャリア層の少なくとも1面に金属被覆薄膜が配置され光反射面を形成する。(USP6278541)
$$ Each frame is divided into 24 time slots (or physical channels) of which the first twelve F1 to F12 are allocated for transmission in a forward direction, that is from a primary station to a secondary station, and the second twelve R1 to R12 are allocated for transmission in the reverse direction. / 各フレームは24個の時間スロット(あるいは物理チャネル)に分割され、その最初の12個のF1からF12は順方向の伝送に割り付けられ、すなわち1次ステーションから2次ステーションに割り付けられ、かつ第2の12個のR1からR12は逆方向の伝送に割り付けられている。
$$ The vehicle 30 of FIG. 7 also includes a vertically acting member such as an hydraulic ram 41 by means of which the angle of conveyor 22 may be adjusted eg.(USP02017040)
$$ Vertical bores 49 extend through the location plates 45 and 46 and receive bolts 50 by means of which the support means 31 may be bolted into position beneath the frame member 3 by engaging locating holes in the mounting blocks 19 and 20.(USP6355049)
$$ Despite its well known advantages, not least of which is its ability to be cascaded, the distributed amplifier suffers from two basic disadvantages. / 少なからずのものが縦続接続される能力である分布増幅器の既知の利点にもかかわらず、分布増幅器は二つの基本的欠点によって苦しむ。(USP5412347)
$$ The transmission line is the centre conductor of a 50 ohm impedance coaxial cable, the outer sheath of which is earthed. / この送信線はインピーダンスが50オームの同軸ケーブルの中心導線であり、その外側のシースはアースされている。(USP5389890)
$$ The material processing operation is monitored by a sensor 24, the output of which is supplied to the computer 16. / 材料加工作業はセンサ24によって監視されており、そのセンサの出力はコンピュータ16に供給されている。(USP5434880)
$$ The remote control keypad 60 comprises a TV guide key 77, selection of which causes the decoder 3 to output for display a TV guide main menu or screen. / 遠隔制御装置のキーパッド60はTVガイド・キー77を備え、それを選択すると、デコーダ3はTVガイドのメイン・メニューまたは画面を表示するよう出力する。(USP02042917)
$$ It is an object of the invention to provide lightweight head mounted apparatus comprising an earphone the position of which is adjustable to suit different users.(USP5533137)
$$ Pressure differentials are small, the detection of which requires high tolerance (expensive) transducers. / 圧力の差は小さく、この差の検出には高精度(高価な)トランスデューサが必要である。(USP6338250)
$$ Indeed, the set of grey objects is a resource shared amongst several threads of control, all of which could alter it. (USP02029357)
$$ The operator's website may be visited simultaneously by a plurality of people browsing the internet, each of which uses a computer 12 connected to the internet via a permanent network connection or using a modem 14. (USP01027430)