車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | sa...
$$ For convenience we say that the "image planes" of one apparatus according to the invention are coincident with the "object planes" of the other. / 便宜上、本発明に係る1つの装置の「像平面」が、他の「物体平面」に一致しているとする。(USP6975457)
$$ While effective for its purpose it would be fair to say that it was limited in that it was only applicable to single threaded environments and, when applied to a CPU emulator, had an executable that was simply enormous. (USP02029357)
$$ This is to say radiation 96c is now orthogonally polarised relative to radiation 96a, and to the dish 92. / すなわち、放射96cが放射96aおよびディッシュ92に対して、ここで直交方向に偏波される。(USP6900756)
$$ If we want to say that disk has to return to the equilibrium position and stay there we need to use term "asymptotic stability". (USP6304015)
$$ It might be necessary to do this because the text-to-speech apparatus is itself unable to say the word well. (USP6175821)
$$ It is therefore not possible to say when the new value for L will be available. (USP6724817)
$$ By saying that the polymerization initiates substantially immediately upon contact of the aqueous monomer beads with the non-aqueous liquid, we mean that all the components necessary to initiate polymerization are present. / 「水性モノマービーズと非水液とが接触すると実質的にただちに重合が開始する」と(言うこと)は、重合を開始するのに必要なすべての成分が存在することを意味する(USP6277932)
$$ For convenience we say that the "image planes" of one apparatus according to the invention are coincident with the "object planes" of the other. / 便宜上、本発明に係る1つの装置の「像平面」が、他の「物体平面」に一致しているとする。(USP6975457)
$$ While effective for its purpose it would be fair to say that it was limited in that it was only applicable to single threaded environments and, when applied to a CPU emulator, had an executable that was simply enormous. (USP02029357)
$$ This is to say radiation 96c is now orthogonally polarised relative to radiation 96a, and to the dish 92. / すなわち、放射96cが放射96aおよびディッシュ92に対して、ここで直交方向に偏波される。(USP6900756)
$$ If we want to say that disk has to return to the equilibrium position and stay there we need to use term "asymptotic stability". (USP6304015)
$$ It might be necessary to do this because the text-to-speech apparatus is itself unable to say the word well. (USP6175821)
$$ It is therefore not possible to say when the new value for L will be available. (USP6724817)
$$ By saying that the polymerization initiates substantially immediately upon contact of the aqueous monomer beads with the non-aqueous liquid, we mean that all the components necessary to initiate polymerization are present. / 「水性モノマービーズと非水液とが接触すると実質的にただちに重合が開始する」と(言うこと)は、重合を開始するのに必要なすべての成分が存在することを意味する(USP6277932)