NOT IN USE 非使用・非使用時
NOT IN USE 非使用・非使用時
$$ The user simply uses the stand or case in the normal way and the article is recharged without undue fuss when not in use. / ユーザは単に通常のやり方でスタンドやケースを使用し、そして、宝飾品は使用されていないときに簡易に充電される。(USP6433483)
$$ This can be quickly and easily removed when not in use. / これは、使用しないときには迅速かつ容易に取り外すことができる。(USP7090586)
$$ The pump is conveniently connected to the cuff by flexible tubing fitted with The pump is conveniently connected to the cuff by flexible tubing fitted with coupling connectors to facilitate connection for use and disconnection when not in use. (USP7637922)
$$ In this way, the batteries are not drained when the aircraft is not in use and the aircraft power supply is shut down. (USP7573396)
$$ This may be ensured by arranging the displays 24 such that they may cover the episcope apertures 24 when the episcopes 22 are not in use. (USP5982536)
$$ FIG. 1 shows lid 3 hinged to casing 11 so that it can swing to cover the front face of casing 11 when not in use.(USP01027089)
$$ ...the number of timeslots not in use at that node on links forming part of PRI(A) is...(USP02042274)
$$ ...after step 9 is successful an extra step is used to move those antennas not in use for MESH(I) into their MESH(B) positions...(USP02042274)
$$ Furthermore the external surfaces of the outlet duct are enclosed when the apparatus is not in use thereby preventing soiling.(USP4969578)
$$ When not in use, this stair-ladder platform can be pivotally returned to position shown in FIG. 15.(USP5967261)
NOT IN USE 非使用・非使用時
$$ The user simply uses the stand or case in the normal way and the article is recharged without undue fuss when not in use. / ユーザは単に通常のやり方でスタンドやケースを使用し、そして、宝飾品は使用されていないときに簡易に充電される。(USP6433483)
$$ This can be quickly and easily removed when not in use. / これは、使用しないときには迅速かつ容易に取り外すことができる。(USP7090586)
$$ The pump is conveniently connected to the cuff by flexible tubing fitted with The pump is conveniently connected to the cuff by flexible tubing fitted with coupling connectors to facilitate connection for use and disconnection when not in use. (USP7637922)
$$ In this way, the batteries are not drained when the aircraft is not in use and the aircraft power supply is shut down. (USP7573396)
$$ This may be ensured by arranging the displays 24 such that they may cover the episcope apertures 24 when the episcopes 22 are not in use. (USP5982536)
$$ FIG. 1 shows lid 3 hinged to casing 11 so that it can swing to cover the front face of casing 11 when not in use.(USP01027089)
$$ ...the number of timeslots not in use at that node on links forming part of PRI(A) is...(USP02042274)
$$ ...after step 9 is successful an extra step is used to move those antennas not in use for MESH(I) into their MESH(B) positions...(USP02042274)
$$ Furthermore the external surfaces of the outlet duct are enclosed when the apparatus is not in use thereby preventing soiling.(USP4969578)
$$ When not in use, this stair-ladder platform can be pivotally returned to position shown in FIG. 15.(USP5967261)