車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | any...
$$ Furthermore, real advantages can also be gained in connection with the ability of the external network service provider have access to the NTE or ONT at any time e.g. to test the connection. / さらに、また本当の利点は、外部ネットワークサービスプロバイダが例えば接続を試験するためにつねにNTE又はONTにアクセスできる能力に関連して獲得できる。(USP7599597)
$$ The AVC 32 responds to only one user command at any given time, and therefore recognises that the release message relates to the previous message [ACT.V+]. / AVC32は所与の任意の時間でユーザー指令の1つだけに応答し、従って解放メッセージが以前のメッセージ[ACT.V+]に関連することを認識する。(USP5479385)
$$ Furthermore, if a greater number of users is to be accommodated at any time, only one time slot for each of transmission and reception may be allocated to each mobile terminal 18. / 更にまた、任意の時刻により多数の利用者を受け入れる場合は、送信及び受信の各々につき1個のタイムスロットしか各移動端末18に割り当てることができない。(USP01046481)
$$ The time point can be variable, at least 20 ms, but up to any time along the isoelectric baseline before the next succeeding P wave or U wave if present. (USP7627369)
$$ The point of using such a threshold is to reduce the number of authorisation requests being generated at any time to a manageable number. (USP6848613)
$$ Read and write operations can be interrupted and resumed by the host at any time. (USP6691301)
$$ At any time the user can reprogram the external memory with a new design: if security is required the FPGA will generate a new ID code and encrypt it using the method outlined above.(USP01037458)
$$ Furthermore, real advantages can also be gained in connection with the ability of the external network service provider have access to the NTE or ONT at any time e.g. to test the connection. / さらに、また本当の利点は、外部ネットワークサービスプロバイダが例えば接続を試験するためにつねにNTE又はONTにアクセスできる能力に関連して獲得できる。(USP7599597)
$$ The AVC 32 responds to only one user command at any given time, and therefore recognises that the release message relates to the previous message [ACT.V+]. / AVC32は所与の任意の時間でユーザー指令の1つだけに応答し、従って解放メッセージが以前のメッセージ[ACT.V+]に関連することを認識する。(USP5479385)
$$ Furthermore, if a greater number of users is to be accommodated at any time, only one time slot for each of transmission and reception may be allocated to each mobile terminal 18. / 更にまた、任意の時刻により多数の利用者を受け入れる場合は、送信及び受信の各々につき1個のタイムスロットしか各移動端末18に割り当てることができない。(USP01046481)
$$ The time point can be variable, at least 20 ms, but up to any time along the isoelectric baseline before the next succeeding P wave or U wave if present. (USP7627369)
$$ The point of using such a threshold is to reduce the number of authorisation requests being generated at any time to a manageable number. (USP6848613)
$$ Read and write operations can be interrupted and resumed by the host at any time. (USP6691301)
$$ At any time the user can reprogram the external memory with a new design: if security is required the FPGA will generate a new ID code and encrypt it using the method outlined above.(USP01037458)