$$ Furthermore any play between the striker and the latch assembly in the closed condition may result in unacceptable rattles and squeaks and will also cause additional wear on locating surfaces and other parts of the mechanism which will rapidly worsen the condition. / また、閉鎖状態でのストライカとラッチアセンブリ間の遊びは、容認できないがたつきや軌みを生じることがあり、機構の位置決め面等の各部の余分な摩耗の原因ともなり、状況を急速に悪化させる。(USP5727825)
$$ At the same time it is located longitudinally of mouth 18 by buffer 32 supplementing the locating effect of claw 22 and cushioning it against rattling or vibration. / 同時にストライカは、つめ22の位置付け効果を補ってそのガタツキや振動を和らげるバッファ32により、開口部18の縦方向に位置付けられる。(USP5727825)
$$ This prevents rattles and friction between the outer and centre beams. (USP7842868)
$$ Such arrangement further reduces the opportunity for rattling of the door to occur. (USP5937585)
$$ While all these attempt to reduce rattling of the latch plate, for various reasons, they are not entirely satisfactory. (USP5722129)
$$ The side pieces 230 and canister 204 are also provided with features which prevent the canister and device from exhibiting a mutual "wobble" when connected together. / 側方部材230とキャニスター204とはまた、互いに連結された際にキャニスターとデバイスとが相互「ガタツキ」を生じるのを阻止する機構を備える。(USP8494349): wobble
$$ Also, if a fault in the first gearbox leads to intermittent jamming of the gearbox possibly resulting in jerking output motion of the actuator, it is preferable to be able to fully jam the first gearbox and switch to the second mode of operation. / また、ギアボックスの障害によって固着が断続的に発生し、アクチュエータの出力運動にがたつきが生じる場合にも、第1ギアボックスを完全に固着して第2動作モードに切り替えることができることが好ましい。(USP8267350): jerk
$$ Furthermore any play between the striker and the latch assembly in the closed condition may result in unacceptable rattles and squeaks and will also cause additional wear on locating surfaces and other parts of the mechanism which will rapidly worsen the condition. / また、閉鎖状態でのストライカとラッチアセンブリ間の遊びは、容認できないがたつきや軌みを生じることがあり、機構の位置決め面等の各部の余分な摩耗の原因ともなり、状況を急速に悪化させる。(USP5727825)
$$ At the same time it is located longitudinally of mouth 18 by buffer 32 supplementing the locating effect of claw 22 and cushioning it against rattling or vibration. / 同時にストライカは、つめ22の位置付け効果を補ってそのガタツキや振動を和らげるバッファ32により、開口部18の縦方向に位置付けられる。(USP5727825)
$$ This prevents rattles and friction between the outer and centre beams. (USP7842868)
$$ Such arrangement further reduces the opportunity for rattling of the door to occur. (USP5937585)
$$ While all these attempt to reduce rattling of the latch plate, for various reasons, they are not entirely satisfactory. (USP5722129)
$$ The side pieces 230 and canister 204 are also provided with features which prevent the canister and device from exhibiting a mutual "wobble" when connected together. / 側方部材230とキャニスター204とはまた、互いに連結された際にキャニスターとデバイスとが相互「ガタツキ」を生じるのを阻止する機構を備える。(USP8494349): wobble
$$ Also, if a fault in the first gearbox leads to intermittent jamming of the gearbox possibly resulting in jerking output motion of the actuator, it is preferable to be able to fully jam the first gearbox and switch to the second mode of operation. / また、ギアボックスの障害によって固着が断続的に発生し、アクチュエータの出力運動にがたつきが生じる場合にも、第1ギアボックスを完全に固着して第2動作モードに切り替えることができることが好ましい。(USP8267350): jerk
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