RATHER (rather thanを除く)
車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ra...
RATHER (rather thanを除く)
$$ However, these specifications are not concrete but rather indicate a general character behavior which is then implemented by the processor 2. / しかしながらこれらの仕様は具体的ではなく、プロセッサ2によりその後実行される通常のキャラクタのビヘビアを示す。(USP6772122)
$$ In the embodiment of FIG. 21t the lower membrane 92b is not continuous but rather comprises discrete channel-shaped portions. / 図21tの実施形態では、下部薄膜92bは、連続的ではなく、離散したチャンネル状部分を備える。(USP6692213)
$$ In the prior art, the jewel illumination is at best rather crude. / 従来技術では、宝石照明は、まだまだ仕上がっていない。(USP6433483)
$$ As described in our above-cited international application, ACR limits the rate of calls admitted to the answering centre, to a value rather higher than the answering centre's answering rate capability. / 上述で引用した国際特許出願において、ACRは応答センタに認められた呼レートを、応答センタの応答レート能力よりもむしろ高い値に制限する。(USP6330313)
$$ The section perpendicular to the axis of the body section should have a circumference which has no inflection points i.e. is at no point concave, but rather is preferably convex around the entire circumference. / ボデー部分の軸線に直角な部分は屈折点のない周囲を持つべきであり、即ち凹んだ点がなく、全周にわたって凸であることが好ましい。(USP6186974)
$$ The pen 10 is intended to be held for essentially one handed operation between the thumb and forefinger of either the left or right hand in the manner of a conventional, if rather thicker than usual, pen. / ペン10は、たとえ通常のペンよりは太いとしても、通常のペンのように、左手または右手の親指と人指し指との間に、本質的に1つの手による操作のために保持されるよう意図されている。
$$ Although this system works well, it is rather bulky and can be somewhat inconvenient in use as it requires two handed operation, one hand for the processing unit and one hand for the wand. / このシステムは良好に動作するが、どちらかというと大形であり、1つの手は処理装置のため、また1つの手はワンドのため、というように2つの手による操作を必要とするので、使用に際していくぶん不便である。(USP6058304)
$$ In order to overcome the rather large errors in the doppler contours 84 at great distances along the ground track as indicated by the horizontal likes of 78, an averaging process in undertaken. / (78のような水平によって示される)地上軌道に沿った大きな距離におけるドップラー区分線84内のかなり大きな誤差を克服するために、平均化処理が行われている。(USP6031489)
$$ The NMI is not a separate process, but rather a part of the processes which use it. / MNIは個々のプロセスではなく、むしろそれを使用するプロセスの一部である。(USP5907602)
$$ To this end, a table of user command numbers is defined in the system of FIG. 1, or rather a number of tables may be defined, one for each class of apparatus. / このために、ユーザー指令番号の表が図1のシステムで規定され、あるいはむしろ多数の表(各クラスの装置に対して1つ)が規定されよう。(USP5479385)
$$ Likewise, the communication subsystem is designed to be independent of any one particular application, but rather can be used with a variety of applications. / 同様に、通信サブシステムは、特定の1つのアプリケーションとは無関係であるように設計されるが、それよりもむしろ種々のアプリケーションにより使用できる。(USP5454079)
$$ These complications do not arise in the case of monochloroacetic acid, but the reaction proceeds more slowly and rather more forcing conditions are required. / このような複雑な問題は、モノクロロ酢酸の場合には生じないが、反応は、よりゆっくり進み、そしてより強制的な条件が必要になる。(USP03027873)
$$ When such reactive oligomers or polymers are used to provide at least a part of the polyfunctional monomers the amount of polyfunctional material included in the reaction process is normally much greater than when simple monomers are used, due to the rather higher molecular weight of such materials. / 多官能性モノマーの少くとも一部を与えるためにこのような反応性のオリゴマーまたはポリマーが用いられるとき、反応プロセス中に含まれる多官能性材料の量は、このような材料のむしろより高い分子量のために、単純なモノマーが用いられる時より通常は遙かに大きい。(USP03013822)
$$ Rather, the pressure will be applied along the four sides of the squeegee.(USP5458060) / その代わり、圧力はスクィージの4つの側面に沿って作用する。
$$ Rather, it is recognized that one skilled in the art could conceive alternative embodiments that fall within the spirit and scope of the invention.(USP5602589)
$$ Accordingly, the material does not melt, but rather the atoms unbond thereby causing it to create new bonds between the die 2 and the substrate 10. (USP7642126)
$$ Rather, the stabilisation process continues once the product has been discharged from the pasteuriser. (USP01023853)
$$ Rather, this can be optimised. (USP7167887)
$$ If an opening in a component is sufficiently small then the structural considerations are rather different and the demands less severe. (USP7629037)
$$ Note that here the purpose is not simply to provide a narrow beam but rather to provide a beam 54, 58 which is directed along the required direction and to meet the packaging requirements--that the source should have small depth 52. (USP7025484)
$$ Searching the patent number or inventor name in all fields will not retrieve hits in just this field, but rather anywhere in the body of the text. (USPTO)
$$ The boundaries between regions are not explicitly searched for, but rather arise as a result of all the points within them being marked as such.(USP6549200)
$$ Software for signalling and management functions does not reside in these devices, but rather is banished to computers outside the interconnected mesh. (USP6396815)
$$ In contrast, in the relative or grey level cache tag RAMs in FIGS. 12 and 13, it is possible not merely to modify or not modify, but rather, to apply light, medium, or heavy modifications, or levels in between. (USP6075887)
RATHER (rather thanを除く)
$$ However, these specifications are not concrete but rather indicate a general character behavior which is then implemented by the processor 2. / しかしながらこれらの仕様は具体的ではなく、プロセッサ2によりその後実行される通常のキャラクタのビヘビアを示す。(USP6772122)
$$ In the embodiment of FIG. 21t the lower membrane 92b is not continuous but rather comprises discrete channel-shaped portions. / 図21tの実施形態では、下部薄膜92bは、連続的ではなく、離散したチャンネル状部分を備える。(USP6692213)
$$ In the prior art, the jewel illumination is at best rather crude. / 従来技術では、宝石照明は、まだまだ仕上がっていない。(USP6433483)
$$ As described in our above-cited international application, ACR limits the rate of calls admitted to the answering centre, to a value rather higher than the answering centre's answering rate capability. / 上述で引用した国際特許出願において、ACRは応答センタに認められた呼レートを、応答センタの応答レート能力よりもむしろ高い値に制限する。(USP6330313)
$$ The section perpendicular to the axis of the body section should have a circumference which has no inflection points i.e. is at no point concave, but rather is preferably convex around the entire circumference. / ボデー部分の軸線に直角な部分は屈折点のない周囲を持つべきであり、即ち凹んだ点がなく、全周にわたって凸であることが好ましい。(USP6186974)
$$ The pen 10 is intended to be held for essentially one handed operation between the thumb and forefinger of either the left or right hand in the manner of a conventional, if rather thicker than usual, pen. / ペン10は、たとえ通常のペンよりは太いとしても、通常のペンのように、左手または右手の親指と人指し指との間に、本質的に1つの手による操作のために保持されるよう意図されている。
$$ Although this system works well, it is rather bulky and can be somewhat inconvenient in use as it requires two handed operation, one hand for the processing unit and one hand for the wand. / このシステムは良好に動作するが、どちらかというと大形であり、1つの手は処理装置のため、また1つの手はワンドのため、というように2つの手による操作を必要とするので、使用に際していくぶん不便である。(USP6058304)
$$ In order to overcome the rather large errors in the doppler contours 84 at great distances along the ground track as indicated by the horizontal likes of 78, an averaging process in undertaken. / (78のような水平によって示される)地上軌道に沿った大きな距離におけるドップラー区分線84内のかなり大きな誤差を克服するために、平均化処理が行われている。(USP6031489)
$$ The NMI is not a separate process, but rather a part of the processes which use it. / MNIは個々のプロセスではなく、むしろそれを使用するプロセスの一部である。(USP5907602)
$$ To this end, a table of user command numbers is defined in the system of FIG. 1, or rather a number of tables may be defined, one for each class of apparatus. / このために、ユーザー指令番号の表が図1のシステムで規定され、あるいはむしろ多数の表(各クラスの装置に対して1つ)が規定されよう。(USP5479385)
$$ Likewise, the communication subsystem is designed to be independent of any one particular application, but rather can be used with a variety of applications. / 同様に、通信サブシステムは、特定の1つのアプリケーションとは無関係であるように設計されるが、それよりもむしろ種々のアプリケーションにより使用できる。(USP5454079)
$$ These complications do not arise in the case of monochloroacetic acid, but the reaction proceeds more slowly and rather more forcing conditions are required. / このような複雑な問題は、モノクロロ酢酸の場合には生じないが、反応は、よりゆっくり進み、そしてより強制的な条件が必要になる。(USP03027873)
$$ When such reactive oligomers or polymers are used to provide at least a part of the polyfunctional monomers the amount of polyfunctional material included in the reaction process is normally much greater than when simple monomers are used, due to the rather higher molecular weight of such materials. / 多官能性モノマーの少くとも一部を与えるためにこのような反応性のオリゴマーまたはポリマーが用いられるとき、反応プロセス中に含まれる多官能性材料の量は、このような材料のむしろより高い分子量のために、単純なモノマーが用いられる時より通常は遙かに大きい。(USP03013822)
$$ Rather, the pressure will be applied along the four sides of the squeegee.(USP5458060) / その代わり、圧力はスクィージの4つの側面に沿って作用する。
$$ Rather, it is recognized that one skilled in the art could conceive alternative embodiments that fall within the spirit and scope of the invention.(USP5602589)
$$ Accordingly, the material does not melt, but rather the atoms unbond thereby causing it to create new bonds between the die 2 and the substrate 10. (USP7642126)
$$ Rather, the stabilisation process continues once the product has been discharged from the pasteuriser. (USP01023853)
$$ Rather, this can be optimised. (USP7167887)
$$ If an opening in a component is sufficiently small then the structural considerations are rather different and the demands less severe. (USP7629037)
$$ Note that here the purpose is not simply to provide a narrow beam but rather to provide a beam 54, 58 which is directed along the required direction and to meet the packaging requirements--that the source should have small depth 52. (USP7025484)
$$ Searching the patent number or inventor name in all fields will not retrieve hits in just this field, but rather anywhere in the body of the text. (USPTO)
$$ The boundaries between regions are not explicitly searched for, but rather arise as a result of all the points within them being marked as such.(USP6549200)
$$ Software for signalling and management functions does not reside in these devices, but rather is banished to computers outside the interconnected mesh. (USP6396815)
$$ In contrast, in the relative or grey level cache tag RAMs in FIGS. 12 and 13, it is possible not merely to modify or not modify, but rather, to apply light, medium, or heavy modifications, or levels in between. (USP6075887)