OBLIQUE(LY) 斜め(斜めに)
OBLIQUE(LY) 斜め(斜めに)
$$ Inspection by viewing under oblique illumination showed no sign of silica gel formation which would result if insufficient care was taken. (USP6850003)
$$ ...a feeding ram is arranged obliquely to a pyrolysis tube for inserting a charge of waste fuel material using ablative seals into a pyrolysis tube... (USP6067915)
$$ The machine includes a pressing device 415 in which two lanes of tabs 402 are formed in the strip 405, which is obliquely transversely inclined to the web 2 at an angle such that two tabs 402 in the respective lanes of tabs 402 repeatedly arrive directly above the buttons 409 of a pair of rivet buttons 409. (USP5651235)
$$ The above can be accomplished with the aid of an interference filter or a dichroic mirror designed for oblique incidence. (USP5225929)
$$ The resulting beam 18 is directed onto an oblique dichroic mirror 19 on the optical axis of a microscope 20. (USP5210765)
$$ It is to be observed, that because of the curvature of the earth, the spot beams 30 are of near uniform, slightly overlapping circular shape at the centre whereas, at the edges, the oblique incidences of the spot beams 30 onto the surface of the earth 14 causes considerable distortion of shape. / 地球の湾曲によって、スポットビーム30は、中央においては、ほぼ均一の、わずかに重なった円形をしている。ところが、端においては、スポットビーム30の(地球14の表面における)傾きの影響範囲は、形の多量の歪を引き起こす。(USP6031489): 斜め入射
$$ FIGS. 6a and 6b are schematic cross-sectional plan cut oblique views of a sixth embodiment of a chiller in accordance with the invention; (USP5931005)
OBLIQUE(LY) 斜め(斜めに)
$$ Inspection by viewing under oblique illumination showed no sign of silica gel formation which would result if insufficient care was taken. (USP6850003)
$$ ...a feeding ram is arranged obliquely to a pyrolysis tube for inserting a charge of waste fuel material using ablative seals into a pyrolysis tube... (USP6067915)
$$ The machine includes a pressing device 415 in which two lanes of tabs 402 are formed in the strip 405, which is obliquely transversely inclined to the web 2 at an angle such that two tabs 402 in the respective lanes of tabs 402 repeatedly arrive directly above the buttons 409 of a pair of rivet buttons 409. (USP5651235)
$$ The above can be accomplished with the aid of an interference filter or a dichroic mirror designed for oblique incidence. (USP5225929)
$$ The resulting beam 18 is directed onto an oblique dichroic mirror 19 on the optical axis of a microscope 20. (USP5210765)
$$ It is to be observed, that because of the curvature of the earth, the spot beams 30 are of near uniform, slightly overlapping circular shape at the centre whereas, at the edges, the oblique incidences of the spot beams 30 onto the surface of the earth 14 causes considerable distortion of shape. / 地球の湾曲によって、スポットビーム30は、中央においては、ほぼ均一の、わずかに重なった円形をしている。ところが、端においては、スポットビーム30の(地球14の表面における)傾きの影響範囲は、形の多量の歪を引き起こす。(USP6031489): 斜め入射
$$ FIGS. 6a and 6b are schematic cross-sectional plan cut oblique views of a sixth embodiment of a chiller in accordance with the invention; (USP5931005)