現在の読者数 50人

AVOID / 避ける; 回避する


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | かあ~ |  | av...
AVOID / 避ける; 回避する

to avoid sthまたは to avoid ~ingのパターンで用いられることが多い。"to avoid to-V"や "to avoid that S+V"のパターンは用いられることが少ないようである。

$$ Only a few spot beams 30 have here been shown to avoid undue cluttering and complication of FIG. 10. / 図10の過度の乱雑さと複雑さとを避けるために、少数のスポットビームのみが示されている。(USP6031489): avoid sth

$$ The inclined arrangement also avoids excessive accumulation of liquid behind the closure flap. / また、上記傾斜配列は、閉鎖フラップの背後での液の過大な蓄積を回避することができる。(USP6422434): avoid sth

$$ It will be seen that the interconnections are such that no bond wire 38 overlies ANY other bond wire 38 so as to avoid ANY short circuit from being made. (USP6100581): avoid sth

$$ The degree of quantization is controlled based upon the spare capacity within the buffer store so as to avoid a disadvantageous overflow or underflow of the buffer store. (USP6055339): avoid sth

$$ By removing the need for additional switches, a possible source of charge injection mismatch is avoided. (USP02051067): avoided

$$ Preferably the walls of the column are substantially smooth and parallel or taper outwardly or inwardly at an angle which is sufficiently low to avoid promoting turbulence. / 好ましくは、カラムの壁は、実質的に平滑かつ並行であるか、乱流を促進しない程度の角度で外側又は内側に先細りしている。(USP6277932): avoid sth

$$ The vibration provided by the vibrator 137 tends to keep the closures 1 separate and avoid interlocking of the closures. (USP5651235): avoid V-ing

$$ Similarly it would be possible to traverse the plate holding a multiplicity of nozzles but it would still be difficult to avoid generating hot and cold spots. (USP6686565): avoid v-ing

$$ So as to avoid accessing the other transistors in the same row, the column conductors adjacent the column conductor connected to...(USP5426605): avoid V-ing

$$ Although the pressure of 800 torr is not critical, the gas pressure should be selected so as to avoid acoustic resonances. / 800torrという圧力は厳密でなくてよいが、ガスの圧力は、音響的共鳴を避けるように選定されるべきである。(USP5434880): avoid sth


タグ :AVOID避ける

 変化する / 変化させる(変える) (2020-04-13 08:00)
 変える (2018-03-05 08:00)
 代えて (2018-03-04 08:00)
 概要 (2018-03-03 08:00)
 概念・概念図 (2018-03-02 08:00)
 解釈する (2018-03-01 08:00)
