車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ax...
$$ The vertical axis of the graph represents the intensity of the beam. / グラフの縦軸は、ビームの強度を示す。(USP8517579)
$$ For the purpose of the present invention, `diameter` is defined as the size of the minor axis of the hole. / 本発明の目的において、「直径」は、穴の短軸のサイズとして定義される。(USP8294080)
$$ The shaping of the directivity of sound radiation with frequency may be adjusted by the designer by determining the size of the major and minor axes, and if multiple exciters are used the level, frequency and phase response of the electrical signals connected to the exciters. (USP7564984)
$$ In FIG. 1 the exciters 12 are equally spaced in a line running along the length of the long axis of the panel 10. (USP7564984)
$$ The vertical axis of the graph represents the intensity of the beam. / グラフの縦軸は、ビームの強度を示す。(USP8517579)
$$ For the purpose of the present invention, `diameter` is defined as the size of the minor axis of the hole. / 本発明の目的において、「直径」は、穴の短軸のサイズとして定義される。(USP8294080)
$$ The shaping of the directivity of sound radiation with frequency may be adjusted by the designer by determining the size of the major and minor axes, and if multiple exciters are used the level, frequency and phase response of the electrical signals connected to the exciters. (USP7564984)
$$ In FIG. 1 the exciters 12 are equally spaced in a line running along the length of the long axis of the panel 10. (USP7564984)