車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | be...
$$ The treatment agents are administered at a dose (or in multiple doses) which produces a beneficial therapeutic effect in the patient. / 患者に有益な治療的効果を生じる用量(または、複数用量)で治療剤を投与する。(USP7615210)
$$ Therefore, it is beneficial that each region has spatially varying filtering properties for use in fine-tuning the filter. / それ故、各領域は、フィルタを微同調するのに使用するための空間的に変化するフィルタ特性を有するのが便利である。(USP6788479)
$$ We have appreciated that it would be beneficial to collect more of the light that is scattered by scratches on the surface of, or other deformities in or on, the film. (USP7177050)
$$ This can be beneficial from a packaging point of view. (USP7025484)
$$ However, in some commercially important cases, the ability to tow the system at depth is beneficial. (USP6771565)
$$ The embodiments of the invention hereinafter described beneficially include a Supervisor of the type disclosed previously in PCT/GB91/00261. (USP6684309)
$$ The provision of the end cap 84 has several beneficial effects. (USP6629974)
$$ A brief description of this device is beneficial to an understanding of the present invention. (USP6615612)
$$ This fact becomes beneficial if there is a constant axial force such as gravity force that needs to be compensated. (USP6304015)
$$ The treatment agents are administered at a dose (or in multiple doses) which produces a beneficial therapeutic effect in the patient. / 患者に有益な治療的効果を生じる用量(または、複数用量)で治療剤を投与する。(USP7615210)
$$ Therefore, it is beneficial that each region has spatially varying filtering properties for use in fine-tuning the filter. / それ故、各領域は、フィルタを微同調するのに使用するための空間的に変化するフィルタ特性を有するのが便利である。(USP6788479)
$$ We have appreciated that it would be beneficial to collect more of the light that is scattered by scratches on the surface of, or other deformities in or on, the film. (USP7177050)
$$ This can be beneficial from a packaging point of view. (USP7025484)
$$ However, in some commercially important cases, the ability to tow the system at depth is beneficial. (USP6771565)
$$ The embodiments of the invention hereinafter described beneficially include a Supervisor of the type disclosed previously in PCT/GB91/00261. (USP6684309)
$$ The provision of the end cap 84 has several beneficial effects. (USP6629974)
$$ A brief description of this device is beneficial to an understanding of the present invention. (USP6615612)
$$ This fact becomes beneficial if there is a constant axial force such as gravity force that needs to be compensated. (USP6304015)