現在の読者数 50人



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | te...


$$ Preferably each of the load arms has at least one winch which can be used to tension the one or more tendons. / 荷重アームはそれぞれに、1つまたは複数のテンドンをぴんと張るために使用することができる少なくとも1つのウインチを有することが好ましい。(USP8201787):

$$ The inks may also contain other additives, for example, viscosity and surface tension modifiers and one or more surfactants to aid the penetration of the colorant into the substrate used for printing. / また上記インキは着色剤を印刷用の基板中に浸透させるために、その他の添加剤、例えば、粘度と表面張力の改質剤及び一又はそれ以上の界面活性剤を含有できる。(USP6254669)

$$ The maximum cross sectional dimensions of the openings are determined by the interfluid interfacial surface tension and the pressure across the interface. / 開口部の最大断面寸法は、流体間の界面張力及び界面を横切る圧力により決定される。(USP5961832)

$$ However, when the sheet is placed under elastic tension by, for example, forcing the top and bottom edges together to provide the sheet with an arched profile in one axis, the sheet becomes rigid and bending or flexing along other axes is inhibited. (USP6585162)

$$ If the motor is reversed and the table is driven in the direction of arrow B a tension will be generated in the belt side 20, which will hold the pawl in contact with the detent when the motor is stopped. (USP02017161)

$$ One area where these tensions in satisfactory instruction handling are particularly apparent is in RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) processor design. (USP03188138)

$$ For very high pipeline tensions, A & R operations may involve the use of a drill string (rather than a cable), which may be deployed from a short derrick disposed above the pipeline departure point. (USP5836719)

$$ If the tilt angles have subsequently to be changed, this may only be achieved by lowering the column to the ground and releasing tension in the links so that the loudspeakers rest on top of each other. (USP6536554)

$$ The bolt is tensioned by means of a hydraulic bolt tensioning tool, and a nut is screwed onto the bolt while under tension. (USP6799930)

$$ The spring 42 is tensioned by a thumb screw 44 which extends through the base of the housing 36 and is connected to the spring 42. (USP5746245)



 TEXTILE 織物 (2016-01-20 08:00)
 TEXT テキスト (2016-01-19 08:00)
 TERMINAL 端子・端末 (2016-01-18 08:00)
 TERMED (2016-01-17 08:00)
 TERMS (2016-01-16 08:00)
 TENDENCY (2016-01-14 08:00)
