TAKE IN 取り込む
車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | take
TAKE IN 取り込む
$$ The advantage of the annular array is that more samples are taken in the centre of the image. / 環状アレイの利点は、更に多くのサンプルが画像の中央で採取されることである。(USP6900756)
$$ There are several steps commonly taken in the design of a mimetic from a compound having a given target property. / 所与の標的性質を有する化合物からの模倣物の設計において採用される共通の幾つかの段階が存在する。(USP6242175)
$$ Correspondingly, a two dimensional lookup table will take in two input parameters, and give one output parameter.(USP6072499)
$$ The inlet is preferably turnable between two positions, one where the inlet takes in liquid in the opposite direction to the outlet flow.(USP6190544)
$$ In this embodiment the server runs an application which takes in the referrer address and generates a new HTML file. / この実施形態では、サーバは照会元アドレスを収めたアプリケーションを実行し、新しいHTMLを生成する。(USP6081835)
$$ Also if the area on the main part of the disk to which that operation is directed was already the subject of an entry in the mapping table, that entry may then simply be deleted thereby reducing the time taken in the restoration phase. (USP5675725)
$$ Having completed processing of the acceleration measurement from the stylus 1 the vector stream is passed to the classifier stage 9 which takes in a series of vectors representing the acceleration measurements made within a given word. (USP7054510)
$$ Spatial maps can be generated in a series of such one dimensional maps were taken in the axis identified by the line A of FIG. 4 and the results are shown in FIGS. 5a-b. (USP6933246)
$$ Such an arrangement ensures that all scanned images obtained using such scanning apparatus are taken in parallel planes. (USP6355049)
TAKE IN 取り込む
$$ The advantage of the annular array is that more samples are taken in the centre of the image. / 環状アレイの利点は、更に多くのサンプルが画像の中央で採取されることである。(USP6900756)
$$ There are several steps commonly taken in the design of a mimetic from a compound having a given target property. / 所与の標的性質を有する化合物からの模倣物の設計において採用される共通の幾つかの段階が存在する。(USP6242175)
$$ Correspondingly, a two dimensional lookup table will take in two input parameters, and give one output parameter.(USP6072499)
$$ The inlet is preferably turnable between two positions, one where the inlet takes in liquid in the opposite direction to the outlet flow.(USP6190544)
$$ In this embodiment the server runs an application which takes in the referrer address and generates a new HTML file. / この実施形態では、サーバは照会元アドレスを収めたアプリケーションを実行し、新しいHTMLを生成する。(USP6081835)
$$ Also if the area on the main part of the disk to which that operation is directed was already the subject of an entry in the mapping table, that entry may then simply be deleted thereby reducing the time taken in the restoration phase. (USP5675725)
$$ Having completed processing of the acceleration measurement from the stylus 1 the vector stream is passed to the classifier stage 9 which takes in a series of vectors representing the acceleration measurements made within a given word. (USP7054510)
$$ Spatial maps can be generated in a series of such one dimensional maps were taken in the axis identified by the line A of FIG. 4 and the results are shown in FIGS. 5a-b. (USP6933246)
$$ Such an arrangement ensures that all scanned images obtained using such scanning apparatus are taken in parallel planes. (USP6355049)