車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | problem
$$ In the cornea, scarring can result in abnormal opacity and lead to problems with vision or even blindness. / 角膜において、瘢痕形成は異常な混濁を引き起こし、視覚に問題を与え、盲目に至らしめることさえある。(USP6696433)
$$ There are two main problems with this approach. / このアプローチには、2つの主な問題がある。(USP6671666)
$$ A problem with many radio communications systems is multipathing. / 多くの無線通信システムでの問題点は多重路化である。(USP6553020)
$$ When plasma processing of semiconductors is taking place there are two potential problems with conventional Langmuir probes / 半導体基板のプラズマ加工がなされる際に、従来のラングミュアプローブの使用においては潜在的に2つの問題が存在する。(USP6458239)
$$ One problem with this method is that a large amount of power may be required to penetrate silicone rubber materials. / この方法の一つの問題点は、シリコンゴム材料の穿孔に多量の動力を要することである。(USP6186974)
$$ The problem with the addition of this increased sophistication was that invariably the achievable note throughput would fall. (USP6604636)
$$ The problem with the prior art is that it cannot handle interrupts in real time.(USP02029357)
$$ A problem with known input scanners is that they can take a significant amount of time to scan the original image at the resolution required by the bi-level printing device.(USP02008881)
$$ It is a problem with some prior art security systems that a criminal can employ transmitter-receiver pairs with a two-way link between the vehicle and its owner. (USP6937136)
$$ It is a problem with such airbag locations that the airbag must be concealed from view but must be able to deploy very rapidly upon impact of the vehicle with another body. (USP6145870)
$$ It is a problem with such prior art airbag modules that the container is a rigid member that is not easily deformed. (USP6135495)
$$ In the cornea, scarring can result in abnormal opacity and lead to problems with vision or even blindness. / 角膜において、瘢痕形成は異常な混濁を引き起こし、視覚に問題を与え、盲目に至らしめることさえある。(USP6696433)
$$ There are two main problems with this approach. / このアプローチには、2つの主な問題がある。(USP6671666)
$$ A problem with many radio communications systems is multipathing. / 多くの無線通信システムでの問題点は多重路化である。(USP6553020)
$$ When plasma processing of semiconductors is taking place there are two potential problems with conventional Langmuir probes / 半導体基板のプラズマ加工がなされる際に、従来のラングミュアプローブの使用においては潜在的に2つの問題が存在する。(USP6458239)
$$ One problem with this method is that a large amount of power may be required to penetrate silicone rubber materials. / この方法の一つの問題点は、シリコンゴム材料の穿孔に多量の動力を要することである。(USP6186974)
$$ The problem with the addition of this increased sophistication was that invariably the achievable note throughput would fall. (USP6604636)
$$ The problem with the prior art is that it cannot handle interrupts in real time.(USP02029357)
$$ A problem with known input scanners is that they can take a significant amount of time to scan the original image at the resolution required by the bi-level printing device.(USP02008881)
$$ It is a problem with some prior art security systems that a criminal can employ transmitter-receiver pairs with a two-way link between the vehicle and its owner. (USP6937136)
$$ It is a problem with such airbag locations that the airbag must be concealed from view but must be able to deploy very rapidly upon impact of the vehicle with another body. (USP6145870)
$$ It is a problem with such prior art airbag modules that the container is a rigid member that is not easily deformed. (USP6135495)