車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | problem
-->problem in that
$$ The problem that then faces the designer is that video-conferencing cameras often cannot provide an image of an object close to the camera, which image is both focused and magnified to the degree required for iris recognition. / 設計者が直面している問題は、テレビ会議のカメラがカメラに近いオブジェクトのイメージを与えることができず、そのイメージがアイリス認識に必要な度合いに焦点を合わされて拡大されることである。(USP6687389)
$$ On occasion, a link 3 may suffer problems that effectively make it useless. / ときおり、リンク3は、実際にはそれを無用にする問題を抱えることがある。(USP6553020)
$$ A first aspect of the present invention addresses the problem that it is desirable to be able to shape a sound field. / 本発明の第1の側面は音場を整形できることが望ましいという問題に向けられている。(USP7577260)
$$ The invention can be regarded as relating in one aspect to the management of the grey queue (or stack) in order to overcome the problem that there is a lot of contention for access to the grey stack.(USP02029357)
$$ It is this problem that the present invention seeks to solve--and to do so it proposes a solution so simple as at first sight to seem obvious and yet which has thus far been completely overlooked.(USP6211525)
$$ Whilst such software emulation allows real time operation to be simulated in non-real time, it does have the problem that one can never be certain that a software emulation will truly represent the real behavior of the physical system.(USP6598150)
$$ This avoids problems that can arise if the record is held in terms of disk location, i.e., track and sector, and provides certain advantages.(USP5675725)
-->problem in that
$$ The problem that then faces the designer is that video-conferencing cameras often cannot provide an image of an object close to the camera, which image is both focused and magnified to the degree required for iris recognition. / 設計者が直面している問題は、テレビ会議のカメラがカメラに近いオブジェクトのイメージを与えることができず、そのイメージがアイリス認識に必要な度合いに焦点を合わされて拡大されることである。(USP6687389)
$$ On occasion, a link 3 may suffer problems that effectively make it useless. / ときおり、リンク3は、実際にはそれを無用にする問題を抱えることがある。(USP6553020)
$$ A first aspect of the present invention addresses the problem that it is desirable to be able to shape a sound field. / 本発明の第1の側面は音場を整形できることが望ましいという問題に向けられている。(USP7577260)
$$ The invention can be regarded as relating in one aspect to the management of the grey queue (or stack) in order to overcome the problem that there is a lot of contention for access to the grey stack.(USP02029357)
$$ It is this problem that the present invention seeks to solve--and to do so it proposes a solution so simple as at first sight to seem obvious and yet which has thus far been completely overlooked.(USP6211525)
$$ Whilst such software emulation allows real time operation to be simulated in non-real time, it does have the problem that one can never be certain that a software emulation will truly represent the real behavior of the physical system.(USP6598150)
$$ This avoids problems that can arise if the record is held in terms of disk location, i.e., track and sector, and provides certain advantages.(USP5675725)