現在の読者数 50人



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$$ The UV/visible spectra of TRI50c resulting from the procedure of Example 5 and its solubility were obtained as described above in relation to the salts. (USP7371729)

$$ Data has been obtained to suggest that the peptide has direct toxic effects on hippocampal cells in organotypic cultures. / ペプチドは器官培養の海馬細胞に直接的な毒性効果を持つということを示唆するデータが得られている。(USP02054870)

$$ Hence, the use of a Pan Tilt Zoom camera in conjunction with eye-tracking techniques has been proposed to ensure that the user's eye is included within the obtained image. / したがって眼の追跡技術(eye-trackingtechniques)と関連してパンチルトズームカメラ(Pan Tilt Zoom camera)の使用が提案されており、これはユーザの眼が得られたイメージ内に含まれることを保証する。(USP6687389)

$$ The 21/2D solid model image is then built by using the obtained slice data.(USP6438260)

$$ The coacervate was obtained in a dry form by decanting the supernatant after centrifugation and drying at 60℃. / このコアセルベートは、遠心後上澄をデカントし60℃で乾燥させることによって乾燥形で得られた。(USP6465626)

$$ The product was obtained as an oil (10.2 parts). / 生成物はオイル(10.2部)として得られた。 (USP03027873)

$$ The local spatial average image is obtainable by making one of the images a diffuse image of the scene. (USP6414294)

$$ By geometrical optical constraints governing the function K, a limit Fmax to a degree of blurring obtainable from the lens 4 is described by equation [7]: (USP6414294)

$$ There was no significant difference between the effects obtained for the 39.9% G110 and 19.9% G210 chitosan levels in the gelatin microspheres. / ゼラチン微小球の39.9%G110と19.9%G210キトサンレベルについて得られた効果間では顕著な違いは認められなかった。(USP6465626)

$$ FIG. 2 illustrates a number of vision control effects obtainable from the invention; / 図2は、本発明によって得られる種々の視認制御効果を示している。(USP6212805)

$$ Moreover, because of the relatively large spacing between its electrodes, an improved depth of effect is obtained compared with conventional bipolar arrangement. (USP6780180)

$$ In the case of the interleaved system, it might be possible to obtain special effects by applying the correction to less than the full number of frames or even by applying different corrections to different frames. (USP6075887)

$$ A decorative effect can be obtained by embedding grits, decorative sands, flakes, powders or pigments into the wet uncured tape. (USP4061825)

$$ The salts may be administered to a host, for example, in the case where the drug has anti-thrombogenic activity, to obtain an anti-thrombogenic effect. (USP7371729)

$$ For each building or residence found, corresponding geographic locations are calculated or obtained from the associated data layer. / 発見した各ビルディングまたは住宅に関して、対応する地理的位置が計算されるかまたは関係するデータ層から得ることができる。(USP6912270)

$$ 2,1,5-NQD dihydroxybenzophenone obtained from A. H. Marks, Wyke, Bradford, England. / A.H. Marks, Wyke, Bradford, Englandから得た2,1,5-NQDジヒドロキシベンゾフェノン。(USP01019809)

$$ It has been found that the sparkle effect can be obtained from LEDs in the above described articles of jewelry by collimating the output of each LED light source. / スパークル効果は、上述の宝飾品内のLEDから、各LED光源の出力を平行光線化(collimate)することによって得られることが分かった。(USP6433483)

$$ The CD reader 65 or data store 67 supplies data signals obtained from a master or from a known source. / CD読出し装置65又は、データ蓄積装置67は、マスタ又は、既知の供給源から得られたデータ信号を供給する。 (USP6560176)

$$ Using these API calls, meta-information is obtained from the source text (STEP 510). / これらAPI呼出しを利用して、メタ情報がソーステキストから得られる(段階510)。 (USP6353827)

$$ This information, however, can be obtained from the relative times of the correlation peaks when the information is aggregated at a switching center as shown in FIG. 2. / しかし、この情報はこの情報が図2において示されるように、スイッチングセンターに集約される時に、相関ピークの相対時間から得ることが可能である。(USP5430889)


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 後側(うしろがわ) (2017-12-31 08:00)
 動く (2017-12-30 08:00)
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 受け(名詞) (2017-12-28 08:00)
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