現在の読者数 50人

EXTENT 程度・範囲


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ex...

EXTENT 程度・範囲

to the ~ that; to the ~ of; ~ to which; to the ~ adj/PP

$$ The extent of partitioning will be determined thermodynamically and can be directly related to the logP value. / 分配の程度は熱力学的に測定されるであろうし、またlogP値に直接関連させることができる。(USP7062110)

$$ To the extent meaningful for isometric panel geometries and structures, distributions of stiffness will, of course also be centered at 25, 35--whether as to "high center" (stiffness as such) or as to "low center" (softness or compliance). (USP6442282)

$$ To the extent described above, the connector element assembly is known, and has been manufactured by the applicant. (USP6443626)

$$ In a step 2006, on execution of a command by the user (such as selection of a button displayed on the display using the mouse) the data contained in the boxes is reconciled, to the extent possible, with data already contained at the server 200. (USP6446081)

$$ Typically, each of the many CLB's of an FPGA has at least one lookup table (LUT) that is user-configurable to define any desired truth table,--to the extent allowed by the address space of the LUT. (USP6691301)

$$ The concealing portion of the pale need not be smoothly curved, but may be a re-entrant shape composed of flat surfaces and sharp angles, even to the extent of being rectangular. (USP6767005)

$$ At least then, integration of inverting and travelling wave propagating features of cyclic signal means hereof could be to the extent of up to all its length being of continuous semiconductor inverter nature, at least using CMOS technology. / 少なくともこのとき、この循環信号手段の反転および進行波伝搬機能の統合は、連続半導体反転器特性を有するその長さ全域まで達し、少なくともCMOS技術を用いる。(USP6816020)

$$ A user may limit the extent to which a search engine 110, 140 will search, for example by specifying a "radius" of interest. / ユーザはサーチエンジン110、140が、例えば関心の“半径”を特定することによって範囲を制限することができる。(USP6424968)

$$ The extent to which the lift is reduced and to which the cavity wall is deformed depends on the ratio of the local fluid stream T to the cavity thickness T'. / 揚力が減少する程度及びキャビティ壁が変形する程度は、局部的な流体の流れTのキャビティ厚T’に対する比に依存する。(USP6332818)

$$ The extent to which the specification of table indexes may approach an ideal solution will depend upon the nature of SQL enquiries supplied on input line 716. / 表のインデックスの明細が理想的な解決方法に近付く程度は、入力ライン716上に供給されたSQL照会の性質に依存している。(USP6182079)

$$ In all cases, the composition must be sterile and should be fluid to the extent that easy syringability exists.(USP6403767)

$$ The handset can, therefore, be used to the extent that the relevant keys are exposed in all positions of the sleeve relative to the main body. / それ故、ハンドセットは、主本体に対してスリーブの全ての位置で当該キーが露出される程度まで使用することができる。(USP6282436)

$$ Techniques for identifying the cause of errors once identified tend to perturb the system under test, often to the extent of changing or removing (temporarily) the failure behaviour.(USP02029357)

$$ An advantage of this technique is that current hogging to the extent of drawing significant current (due to a singular current hogging point) is avoided.(USP02052599)


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 EXTRUDE 押し出す;抜け出す (2012-03-27 08:00)
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 EXTERNALLY (2012-03-24 08:00)
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