車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ex...
$$ The perforated plate covers the exit point from the chamber and prevents the diaphragm, when in its deflected state, passing into the outlet. / 上記穿孔板は上記チェンバからの出口点を覆い、曲げられた状態で上記ダイヤフラムが出口へと通過するのを防止する。(USP7284962)
$$ ... the elements are configured so as to cooperate in use in order to conduct desorbed gas from the adsorbent to the vessel walls and thence along the vessel walls prior to its exit from the vessel... / これらの要素は、使用時に協働して、吸着材から脱着した気体を容器壁まで、従って、容器から出る前に、容器壁に沿って伝達し得るような形態とされている。(USP6098417)
$$ Selecting the information key 69 again while in the scan function causes exit from the scan function to the normal TV screen represented by box 99. / 走査機能中に情報キー69を再度選択すると、走査機能を終了して、ボックス99で表す通常のTV画面に戻る。(USP02042917)
$$ Note that one cannot use goto, continue or break to enter or exit from a par statement. (USP6691301)
$$ Alternatively, clicking on an "X" button exits from the bill payment area without paying the bill. (USP01042042)
$$ Cleaned and cooled gases 87 exit the E-Batch preheater from outlet plenum 14. (USP01008076)
$$ The perforated plate covers the exit point from the chamber and prevents the diaphragm, when in its deflected state, passing into the outlet. / 上記穿孔板は上記チェンバからの出口点を覆い、曲げられた状態で上記ダイヤフラムが出口へと通過するのを防止する。(USP7284962)
$$ ... the elements are configured so as to cooperate in use in order to conduct desorbed gas from the adsorbent to the vessel walls and thence along the vessel walls prior to its exit from the vessel... / これらの要素は、使用時に協働して、吸着材から脱着した気体を容器壁まで、従って、容器から出る前に、容器壁に沿って伝達し得るような形態とされている。(USP6098417)
$$ Selecting the information key 69 again while in the scan function causes exit from the scan function to the normal TV screen represented by box 99. / 走査機能中に情報キー69を再度選択すると、走査機能を終了して、ボックス99で表す通常のTV画面に戻る。(USP02042917)
$$ Note that one cannot use goto, continue or break to enter or exit from a par statement. (USP6691301)
$$ Alternatively, clicking on an "X" button exits from the bill payment area without paying the bill. (USP01042042)
$$ Cleaned and cooled gases 87 exit the E-Batch preheater from outlet plenum 14. (USP01008076)