EXCEPT WHEN / ~の場合を除き
車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | except
EXCEPT WHEN / ~の場合を除き
$$ Such dual use of one name could be confusing and should be avoided except when the two meanings are effectively synonymous: that is, when the name is both a macro and a function and the two have similar effects. (USP6691301)
$$ (except when the substituted group is alkyl) / (置換基がアルキルである場合を除く) (USP6797699)
$$ Hence, most of the time no locking is required, except when interaction with the GPM is required to submit packets, obtain empty packets or packets to blacken. (USP02029357)
$$ Reset means 7 are provided to reset the alarm system at any point in its sequence of operation except when the third timer 20 has been rendered operative. (USP4879542)
$$ Thus, for example, one can split a line cosmetically with Backslash-Newline anywhere (except when trigraphs are in use; see below). (USP6691301)
$$ Valve 15 remains open at all times except when the system is shut down for maintenance. (USP6565755)
EXCEPT WHEN / ~の場合を除き
$$ Such dual use of one name could be confusing and should be avoided except when the two meanings are effectively synonymous: that is, when the name is both a macro and a function and the two have similar effects. (USP6691301)
$$ (except when the substituted group is alkyl) / (置換基がアルキルである場合を除く) (USP6797699)
$$ Hence, most of the time no locking is required, except when interaction with the GPM is required to submit packets, obtain empty packets or packets to blacken. (USP02029357)
$$ Reset means 7 are provided to reset the alarm system at any point in its sequence of operation except when the third timer 20 has been rendered operative. (USP4879542)
$$ Thus, for example, one can split a line cosmetically with Backslash-Newline anywhere (except when trigraphs are in use; see below). (USP6691301)
$$ Valve 15 remains open at all times except when the system is shut down for maintenance. (USP6565755)