$$ One exception is the paper used for making tea bags, but the method of manufacturing such paper does not include blinds. / 一つの例外は、ティーバッグをつくるのに使用される紙であるが、そのような紙の製造方法は目隠しを含まない。 (USP6616803)
$$ With rare exceptions, film is intended to run at 24 frames per second. / 珍しい例外として、フィルムが毎秒24フレームで流すことがもくろまれる。(USP6480232)
$$ The exceptions log on the TSMS 12 is updated with any invalid meter read requests. / TSMS12上の例外登録は、何らかの無効メータ読取り要求により更新される。(USP6073174)
$$ An exception is where the end user is not the general public but rather a specialist user such for example as police, fire or other emergency services, military vehicle users, and users of specialist equipment such as cranes and earth movers. (USP6735015)
$$ This is illustrated in connection with FIG. 7 which is almost identical to FIG. 6 but with the exception that the pump is now rotated in the forward direction so as to introduce air into the bottom port 37 of fountain 11 rather than the top port 38.(USP5402724)
$$ This is illustrated in connection with FIG. 7A which is almost identical to FIG. 7 but with the exception that the waste liquid after leaving valve 1 goes to the waste receiver 130 rather than the receiver 131.(USP5402724)
$$ ...an important exception to the above is in video conferencing, in which the volumes of data generated are so large that hardware compression techniques are almost always used automatically...(USP5454079)
$$ One exception is the paper used for making tea bags, but the method of manufacturing such paper does not include blinds. / 一つの例外は、ティーバッグをつくるのに使用される紙であるが、そのような紙の製造方法は目隠しを含まない。 (USP6616803)
$$ With rare exceptions, film is intended to run at 24 frames per second. / 珍しい例外として、フィルムが毎秒24フレームで流すことがもくろまれる。(USP6480232)
$$ The exceptions log on the TSMS 12 is updated with any invalid meter read requests. / TSMS12上の例外登録は、何らかの無効メータ読取り要求により更新される。(USP6073174)
$$ An exception is where the end user is not the general public but rather a specialist user such for example as police, fire or other emergency services, military vehicle users, and users of specialist equipment such as cranes and earth movers. (USP6735015)
$$ This is illustrated in connection with FIG. 7 which is almost identical to FIG. 6 but with the exception that the pump is now rotated in the forward direction so as to introduce air into the bottom port 37 of fountain 11 rather than the top port 38.(USP5402724)
$$ This is illustrated in connection with FIG. 7A which is almost identical to FIG. 7 but with the exception that the waste liquid after leaving valve 1 goes to the waste receiver 130 rather than the receiver 131.(USP5402724)
$$ ...an important exception to the above is in video conferencing, in which the volumes of data generated are so large that hardware compression techniques are almost always used automatically...(USP5454079)