車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | no...
$$ The winglet 40 generates a tip vortex when in flight. / かかる小翼40は、飛行時に、先端渦を発生させる。(USP8366056)
$$ The board when released from the cassette 10 may typically have a density in excess of 50 kilograms per cubic meter. / カセット10から解放された時のボード(「厚板」)は、典型的には、1立方メートル当たり50キログラムを越える密度を有し得る。(USP7112364)
$$ This method basically consists in measuring the loss of transmission in the fibre 1,2 when liquid of an appropriate refractive index (higher than that of the cladding) is applied to the exposed fibre. / この方法は基本的に、適切な屈折率(クラディングの屈折率よりも高い)の液体が露出されたファイバに与えられた時のファイバ1、2中の伝送損失の測定からなる。(USP5903685)
$$ The maximum potential gradient when the voltage used is 0.5 kV, is estimated at 0. 13 kV/cm, and at a voltage of 0.2 kV the estimated maximum potential gradient is about 0.05 kV/cm. / 使用電圧が0.5kVの場合における最大電位勾配は0.13kV/cmであると推定され、0.2kVの電圧での推定最大電位勾配は約0.05kV/cmである。(USP7041340)
$$ This height adjustment when raising up or sinking down of the central mounting frame will draw the buoyancy floats into a closer spatial relationship than if the central mount was to be adjusted into a centered lateral position. (USP7484468)
$$ FIG. 7 illustrates the facial images when not subject to caricaturing. (USP7646395)
$$ This second release mechanism when activated may force relative rotation of the members to permit their disengagement. (USP7641487)
$$ This is particularly the case when the device 1 will inevitably be subjected to knocks and is likely to be dropped many times in its long existence. (USP6965789)
$$ FIG. 5 shows the response when a 16-point FFT is inserted in the system shown in FIG. 3, with the maximum signal selector superimposed. (USP6898176)
$$ The winglet 40 generates a tip vortex when in flight. / かかる小翼40は、飛行時に、先端渦を発生させる。(USP8366056)
$$ The board when released from the cassette 10 may typically have a density in excess of 50 kilograms per cubic meter. / カセット10から解放された時のボード(「厚板」)は、典型的には、1立方メートル当たり50キログラムを越える密度を有し得る。(USP7112364)
$$ This method basically consists in measuring the loss of transmission in the fibre 1,2 when liquid of an appropriate refractive index (higher than that of the cladding) is applied to the exposed fibre. / この方法は基本的に、適切な屈折率(クラディングの屈折率よりも高い)の液体が露出されたファイバに与えられた時のファイバ1、2中の伝送損失の測定からなる。(USP5903685)
$$ The maximum potential gradient when the voltage used is 0.5 kV, is estimated at 0. 13 kV/cm, and at a voltage of 0.2 kV the estimated maximum potential gradient is about 0.05 kV/cm. / 使用電圧が0.5kVの場合における最大電位勾配は0.13kV/cmであると推定され、0.2kVの電圧での推定最大電位勾配は約0.05kV/cmである。(USP7041340)
$$ This height adjustment when raising up or sinking down of the central mounting frame will draw the buoyancy floats into a closer spatial relationship than if the central mount was to be adjusted into a centered lateral position. (USP7484468)
$$ FIG. 7 illustrates the facial images when not subject to caricaturing. (USP7646395)
$$ This second release mechanism when activated may force relative rotation of the members to permit their disengagement. (USP7641487)
$$ This is particularly the case when the device 1 will inevitably be subjected to knocks and is likely to be dropped many times in its long existence. (USP6965789)
$$ FIG. 5 shows the response when a 16-point FFT is inserted in the system shown in FIG. 3, with the maximum signal selector superimposed. (USP6898176)