車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ふ
副詞(~LY)+過去分詞 多数あり
$$ FIGS. 4 and 5 show an arrangement, which deals with a problem that can arise using the previously described apparatus. (USP8061960)
$$ The housing 65 is preferably staked or retained by means of a threaded area and a nut (or otherwise retained) in the saddle piece 42. (USP7842868)
$$ Spindle controls may equally be used, requiring more than a complete revolution to move from fully on to fully off. (USP8020779)
$$ Bending wave loudspeaker according to claim 30, wherein the base plate is adhesively bonded to the acoustic radiator. (USP7372968)
$$ After the cache loading operation is finished, the final step is to load the current processor packet PP from the newly-loaded cache block into the instruction register 54.(USPA01047466)
$$ If the participant elects to proceed with a newly-selected portfolio then trading 136 of the new virtual portfolio ensues.(USPA01027430)
副詞(~LY)+過去分詞 多数あり
$$ FIGS. 4 and 5 show an arrangement, which deals with a problem that can arise using the previously described apparatus. (USP8061960)
$$ The housing 65 is preferably staked or retained by means of a threaded area and a nut (or otherwise retained) in the saddle piece 42. (USP7842868)
$$ Spindle controls may equally be used, requiring more than a complete revolution to move from fully on to fully off. (USP8020779)
$$ Bending wave loudspeaker according to claim 30, wherein the base plate is adhesively bonded to the acoustic radiator. (USP7372968)
$$ After the cache loading operation is finished, the final step is to load the current processor packet PP from the newly-loaded cache block into the instruction register 54.(USPA01047466)
$$ If the participant elects to proceed with a newly-selected portfolio then trading 136 of the new virtual portfolio ensues.(USPA01027430)