車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | さ
$$ The fastest possible "transfer" could be achieved if hyperpolarization and NMR measurement occur in the same position, i.e.: within the same uniform magnetic field region. / 最も高速で実行可能な「移送」は、過分極及びNMR測定が同じ位置、すなわち、同じ一様な磁場領域内で起こる場合に達成することができると考えられる。(USP7639007)
$$ Micromolar affinity has been found to be sufficient in the case of CRP, although the highest possible affinity is clearly desirable. / マイクロモルレベルのアフィニティは、最も高いアフィニティが望ましいことは明らかであるものの、CRPの場合十分であると考えられる。(USP7615543)
$$ This permits the largest possible amplifying device (with the largest capacitance) to be connected. / このことが接続されるべき(最大キャパシタンスを有する)最大可能増幅装置を可能にする。(USP5412347)
$$ If the highest possible spectral resolution is not required, the software can use a technique called "binning", in which several adjacent pixels are treated as a group.(USP5442438)
$$ When determining the order of paths, it is preferred that the largest possible number of previously committed links be re-used, so as to minimise the total number of links used at this stage of the network formation.(USPA02042274)
$$ The combination of these mechanisms can be used to ensure best possible management connectivity during an adaptation.(USPA02042274)
$$ Since there is no way of getting the image into or the results out from the FPGA any faster than this one can conclude that the fastest possible solution to our problem has been reached. (USP6691301)
$$ During this operation, the screwjack 15 should be located in its highest possible position within the tube 9. (USP5579862)
$$ It will be appreciated that the labelling produced by this algorithm does not route packets by the shortest possible routes unless the network is itself a tree. (USP\5422881)
$$ The preferred angular separation is the smallest possible consistent with a satisfactory separation of the optical channels. (USP5304810)
$$ It would be possible to provide a variable resistor here for adjustment by a user to achieve the best possible cancellation for each location. (USP4993060)
$$ The fastest possible "transfer" could be achieved if hyperpolarization and NMR measurement occur in the same position, i.e.: within the same uniform magnetic field region. / 最も高速で実行可能な「移送」は、過分極及びNMR測定が同じ位置、すなわち、同じ一様な磁場領域内で起こる場合に達成することができると考えられる。(USP7639007)
$$ Micromolar affinity has been found to be sufficient in the case of CRP, although the highest possible affinity is clearly desirable. / マイクロモルレベルのアフィニティは、最も高いアフィニティが望ましいことは明らかであるものの、CRPの場合十分であると考えられる。(USP7615543)
$$ This permits the largest possible amplifying device (with the largest capacitance) to be connected. / このことが接続されるべき(最大キャパシタンスを有する)最大可能増幅装置を可能にする。(USP5412347)
$$ If the highest possible spectral resolution is not required, the software can use a technique called "binning", in which several adjacent pixels are treated as a group.(USP5442438)
$$ When determining the order of paths, it is preferred that the largest possible number of previously committed links be re-used, so as to minimise the total number of links used at this stage of the network formation.(USPA02042274)
$$ The combination of these mechanisms can be used to ensure best possible management connectivity during an adaptation.(USPA02042274)
$$ Since there is no way of getting the image into or the results out from the FPGA any faster than this one can conclude that the fastest possible solution to our problem has been reached. (USP6691301)
$$ During this operation, the screwjack 15 should be located in its highest possible position within the tube 9. (USP5579862)
$$ It will be appreciated that the labelling produced by this algorithm does not route packets by the shortest possible routes unless the network is itself a tree. (USP\5422881)
$$ The preferred angular separation is the smallest possible consistent with a satisfactory separation of the optical channels. (USP5304810)
$$ It would be possible to provide a variable resistor here for adjustment by a user to achieve the best possible cancellation for each location. (USP4993060)