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means+function claimには、"step of V-ing"ではなくて"step for V-ing"を用いるべきだとも言われているが、実際には、"step of V-ing"も多く使われている。

$$ A lamp as claimed in claim 1, wherein the reduced cross-section portion is stepped down in diameter from the main portion. / 前記断面寸法を短縮した発光端部の直径は、前記本体の直径より小さくすることを特徴とする請求項1に記載の無電極バルブ。(USP8217564)

$$ In step 403 the received trusted user identity is checked. (USP03051133)

$$ As indicated by the predefined process box used in FIG. 6, the steps of the method of FIG. 4 are carried out during step 610. (USP6970175)

$$ During STEP 3, the element 70a disengages contact with the plate 20. / 段階3の間に、素子70aは、プレート20との接触を解離する。(USP6788479)

$$ Step b) can be performed before, during or after step a). (USP6133336)

$$ In this embodiment, the user can also select the order in which the files are played back during step 52. / この実施形態では、ユーザは、ファイルがステップ52の間に再生される順序も選択できる。(USP7578441)

$$ In a next step 620 if the call request is deemed not to be fraudulent, at step 625 no action is taken. / 次の段階620 では、呼要求は不正でないと考えられるが、段階625 では、動作は行われない。(USP5907602)

$$ In this way, a gobo-like image is obtained at step 810, that gobo-like image being a changing cutout image of the performer. (USP5940204)

$$ At step 58, it is determined whether the code can in fact be inferred with confidence. (USP5998752)

$$ In the step of contacting CRP with the test ligand, the conditions must be sufficient to permit CRP ligand binding in the absence of the test compound. / 試験化合物をCRPに接触させる工程においては、試験化合物の存在下、CRPとリガンドを結合させるに十分な状態としなければならない。(USP7615543)

$$ In the step of recording the request (s63) referred to above, the record of the request may simply be stored as a single incrementing counter. / 上述で参照した要求を記録する段階(S63)において、要求の記録は単に単一のインクリメントカウンタとして記憶できる。(USP6996722)

$$ The method of claim 1, wherein, in the step of displaying the extracted color mixture, four pure process colors are displayed even when the extracted color mixture does not include the four pure process colors. (USP6970175)

$$ In step 41, the template renderer is initially called...(USP01032209)

$$ ...if the determination made in step (i) is in the negative...(USP5398248)

$$ FIG. 7 is a side view of the seal during the cutting step of the present invention. (USP02014009)

$$ HMGCoA reductase mediates the rate-determining step of cholesterol biosynthesis and is the most elaborately regulated enzyme of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. (USP02035058)

$$ The degassed sample may be made by continuing the degassing step of the process until a substantially constant value for solids content is measured. (USP6565755)

$$ The action of the annealing step of FIG. 5(g) is illustrated diagrammatically in FIGS. 8(a) and (b). (USP6632684)


タグ :STEP

 STEM 茎・幹・棒・軸 (2017-10-30 08:00)
 STUDY (2015-10-19 08:00)
 STICKY (2015-09-30 08:00)
 STH TO BE PP/ADJ (2015-09-29 08:00)
 STEPWISE (2015-09-28 08:00)
 STEP WHERE / STEP IN WHICH (2015-09-27 08:00)
