車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | reason
$$ The circuit 30 is therefore likely to be used only when there is a particular reason for choosing a p-channel implementation. (USP6858912)
$$ The only reason for not elevating the ratio further is the need to engage the maximum amount of tissue and simultaneously reduce procedure time.(USP6780180)
$$ The reason for this will be explained below. (USP6983015)
$$ It is believed that the reason for the discrepancy between the earlier results and the present results lies in the preparation of the compounds. / 初期の結果と本発明の結果との間の不一致の理由は化合物の調製にある、と考えられる。(USP6797699)
$$ The reason for adjusting the replay bit-rate was to prevent decoder buffer over- or underflow. / リプレイビットレートを調整する理由は、復号器バッファのオーバーあるいはアンダーフローを防ぐことにあった。(USP6229851)
$$ For instance abdominal wounds or adhesions are a major reason for having to put down horses (particularly race horses), as are tendon and ligament damage leading to scarring or fibrosis. / たとえば、腱と靭帯の損傷から瘢痕形成または線維症に至るために、腹部創傷または癒着は、ウマ(特に競走馬)を引退させる主な原因である。(USP6696433)
$$ An example of a reason for setting a maximum acceptable number of hops for a node is that some data transfer services are delay-critical. (USP02042274)
$$ This message may include a reason for the failure to complete the call, namely user busy. / このメッセージは呼を完了するのに失敗した理由、すなわち使用中(user busy)を含んでもよい。 (USP6330313)
$$ The circuit 30 is therefore likely to be used only when there is a particular reason for choosing a p-channel implementation. (USP6858912)
$$ The only reason for not elevating the ratio further is the need to engage the maximum amount of tissue and simultaneously reduce procedure time.(USP6780180)
$$ The reason for this will be explained below. (USP6983015)
$$ It is believed that the reason for the discrepancy between the earlier results and the present results lies in the preparation of the compounds. / 初期の結果と本発明の結果との間の不一致の理由は化合物の調製にある、と考えられる。(USP6797699)
$$ The reason for adjusting the replay bit-rate was to prevent decoder buffer over- or underflow. / リプレイビットレートを調整する理由は、復号器バッファのオーバーあるいはアンダーフローを防ぐことにあった。(USP6229851)
$$ For instance abdominal wounds or adhesions are a major reason for having to put down horses (particularly race horses), as are tendon and ligament damage leading to scarring or fibrosis. / たとえば、腱と靭帯の損傷から瘢痕形成または線維症に至るために、腹部創傷または癒着は、ウマ(特に競走馬)を引退させる主な原因である。(USP6696433)
$$ An example of a reason for setting a maximum acceptable number of hops for a node is that some data transfer services are delay-critical. (USP02042274)
$$ This message may include a reason for the failure to complete the call, namely user busy. / このメッセージは呼を完了するのに失敗した理由、すなわち使用中(user busy)を含んでもよい。 (USP6330313)