OBJECT TO-V 目的, 物体
OBJECT TO-V 目的, 物体
$$ It is a further object to provide a magnetic sector plasma mass spectrometer for the determination of isotopic ratios which is less expensive and simpler than prior types of double-focusing plasma mass spectrometers. / 本発明の更なる目的は、先行するタイプに係る二重-集束プラズマ質量スペクトロメータと比べて、より安価で且つより簡素である、同位体比の決定を為すための磁気セクター型プラズマ質量スペクトロメータを提供することである。(USP01010354): "of the present invention"の省略
$$ More particularly, it is an object to provide a fire door well suited for entry doors. (USP6643991)
$$ It is also an object to provide an improved apparatus and methods for measuring thickness using the eddy current method which compensate for the effects of temperature. (USP6501287)
$$ It is an object to provide an improved stabiliser of the sleeve type suitable for use with down hole motors and/or at the bottom hole assembly of a drill string, and elsewhere in the drill string. (USP4844179)
$$ A hybrid furnace in accordance with claim 1, wherein means are provided to control the RF energy to which the object to be heated is exposed independently of said microwave energy. / 被加熱物が曝されるRFエネルギーを、前記マイクロ波エネルギーとは別に制御するための手段が設けられる、請求項1に記載のハイブリッド炉。(USP01004075)
$$ Quenching is a high speed process, requiring the heat within the object to be drawn away at a high heat flow density through the cooled surface of the object. / 急冷は高速のプロセスであり、高熱流密度で物体の冷却表面から、物体内部に熱を送り込むことが必要である。(USP01020503)
OBJECT TO-V 目的, 物体
$$ It is a further object to provide a magnetic sector plasma mass spectrometer for the determination of isotopic ratios which is less expensive and simpler than prior types of double-focusing plasma mass spectrometers. / 本発明の更なる目的は、先行するタイプに係る二重-集束プラズマ質量スペクトロメータと比べて、より安価で且つより簡素である、同位体比の決定を為すための磁気セクター型プラズマ質量スペクトロメータを提供することである。(USP01010354): "of the present invention"の省略
$$ More particularly, it is an object to provide a fire door well suited for entry doors. (USP6643991)
$$ It is also an object to provide an improved apparatus and methods for measuring thickness using the eddy current method which compensate for the effects of temperature. (USP6501287)
$$ It is an object to provide an improved stabiliser of the sleeve type suitable for use with down hole motors and/or at the bottom hole assembly of a drill string, and elsewhere in the drill string. (USP4844179)
$$ A hybrid furnace in accordance with claim 1, wherein means are provided to control the RF energy to which the object to be heated is exposed independently of said microwave energy. / 被加熱物が曝されるRFエネルギーを、前記マイクロ波エネルギーとは別に制御するための手段が設けられる、請求項1に記載のハイブリッド炉。(USP01004075)
$$ Quenching is a high speed process, requiring the heat within the object to be drawn away at a high heat flow density through the cooled surface of the object. / 急冷は高速のプロセスであり、高熱流密度で物体の冷却表面から、物体内部に熱を送り込むことが必要である。(USP01020503)