車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | need
$$ It also reduces the bulk of cabling needed where the connecting means is, for example, in the form of electrical or optical cables. / 更に、それ(接続手段)が、例えば電気的または光学的ケーブルの形態をとる場合、必要となるケーブルの大きさを減少させる。(USP5537605)
$$ However, this invention has particular application to a video data recording and reproducing apparatus in which improved data compression is needed in order to increase the running time of the storage medium whilst not unduly degrading the image quality. (USP6055339): v
$$ Two Entities in respect of Robert Harris are therefore needed. (USP7430563)
$$ Where a digital connection is used, modems are not needed. (USP7647403)
$$ In practice, complicated control arrangements are needed to achieve this. (USP4856692)
$$ In this case also, a modified form of RF generator would be needed. (USP6780180)
$$ The code needed in the Handel-C program is in two parts. (USP6691301)
$$ No additional components are needed. (USP6307945)
$$ A group of pixels is needed to define a texture. (USP6075887)
$$ Appropriate software or chip would be needed. (USP5774571)
$$ On receiving a FBWriteData message the data is stored locally until needed. (USP5727192)
$$ Care is also needed to ensure that a capsule is properly emptied. (USP4971193)
$$ In that case, some of the register information may have been left out, since it is not needed for executing the rest of the compiled code.(USP02029357)
$$ The FDCS includes a number of Shared Services which are modules which supply application services needed by more than one process in the FDCS. / FDCSは、多数の共用サービスと呼ばれる、FDCSで2以上のプロセスによって必要とされる応用サービスを供給するモジュールを含む。(USP5907602)
$$ However, this technique is disadvantageous in that the requesting application must provide the storage manager with the amount of memory space that will be needed by that application, thus imposing a burden on the requesting application. (USP6256645)
$$ The graphics-processing system typically interfaces to the display controller through a "frame store" or "frame buffer" of special two-port memory, which can be written to randomly by the graphics processing system, but also provides the synchronous data output needed by the video output driver. (USP5727192)
$$ If all the ambient light can be absorbed in this way, much lower brightnesses are needed by the display for a given readability, thus saving power.(USP6211613)
$$ It is this assistance torque applied to the steering column shaft 5 that reduces the effort needed by the driver to turn the wheel. (USP02017421)
$$ It also reduces the bulk of cabling needed where the connecting means is, for example, in the form of electrical or optical cables. / 更に、それ(接続手段)が、例えば電気的または光学的ケーブルの形態をとる場合、必要となるケーブルの大きさを減少させる。(USP5537605)
$$ However, this invention has particular application to a video data recording and reproducing apparatus in which improved data compression is needed in order to increase the running time of the storage medium whilst not unduly degrading the image quality. (USP6055339): v
$$ Two Entities in respect of Robert Harris are therefore needed. (USP7430563)
$$ Where a digital connection is used, modems are not needed. (USP7647403)
$$ In practice, complicated control arrangements are needed to achieve this. (USP4856692)
$$ In this case also, a modified form of RF generator would be needed. (USP6780180)
$$ The code needed in the Handel-C program is in two parts. (USP6691301)
$$ No additional components are needed. (USP6307945)
$$ A group of pixels is needed to define a texture. (USP6075887)
$$ Appropriate software or chip would be needed. (USP5774571)
$$ On receiving a FBWriteData message the data is stored locally until needed. (USP5727192)
$$ Care is also needed to ensure that a capsule is properly emptied. (USP4971193)
$$ In that case, some of the register information may have been left out, since it is not needed for executing the rest of the compiled code.(USP02029357)
$$ The FDCS includes a number of Shared Services which are modules which supply application services needed by more than one process in the FDCS. / FDCSは、多数の共用サービスと呼ばれる、FDCSで2以上のプロセスによって必要とされる応用サービスを供給するモジュールを含む。(USP5907602)
$$ However, this technique is disadvantageous in that the requesting application must provide the storage manager with the amount of memory space that will be needed by that application, thus imposing a burden on the requesting application. (USP6256645)
$$ The graphics-processing system typically interfaces to the display controller through a "frame store" or "frame buffer" of special two-port memory, which can be written to randomly by the graphics processing system, but also provides the synchronous data output needed by the video output driver. (USP5727192)
$$ If all the ambient light can be absorbed in this way, much lower brightnesses are needed by the display for a given readability, thus saving power.(USP6211613)
$$ It is this assistance torque applied to the steering column shaft 5 that reduces the effort needed by the driver to turn the wheel. (USP02017421)