現在の読者数 50人



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | how...

HOW MUCH (n, of, S+V...)

$$ Indeed, this could be used to determine the depth of field of the image, by seeing how much the focus can be changed without a significant drop in overall score. / 実際に、これが用いられて、全体的なスコアを大幅に落とすことなしにどれほど焦点が変更されることが可能かを見ることによって、画像の被写界深度を決定することが可能である。(USP8040428): S+V

$$ The customer business object makes decisions, under the customer's policy control on which chargeable services are utilised, and how much of the chargeable services are utilised. / 課金可能なサービスが利用される顧客方策制御のもとで、および課金可能なサービスがどのくらい使用されるかにおいて、顧客ビジネスオブジェクトは決定を行う。(USP7319673): of sth

$$ In order to be able to deliver traffic with a particular quality of service a prediction must be made of how much it is delayed by queuing. / 特定のサービスの質であるトラフィックを送達できるようにするために、それが待ち行列管理によってどの程度遅延されるのかに関する予測が立てられなければならない。(USP7006435): S+V

$$ Preferably the system provides strong statistical guarantees of how much of the time a designated QoS is respected. / 好ましくは、システムは、QoSが指定される時間のどれだけ多くが尊重されるのかに関する強力な統計的な保証を提供する。(USP7006435): of sth

$$ The amplitude of the difference signal determines how much the pre-conditioned output signal will exceed the original limit. (USP7639077): S+V

$$ A technique for achieving this was developed--by dynamically altering the implementation of the CMM on a per-line basis, according to how much data the line has to store. (USP7065517): n

$$ This will depend on how much space has been left by the chip designer. (USP6962762): n

$$ The host may know how much data to transfer or use the data being transferred to indicate how much data may be transferred. (USP6691301): n

$$ Return loss monitored by line 116 in FIG. 8 is a measure of how much energy the load reflects back to the generator. (USP6629974): n

$$ Conversely, if an authorised person is consistently not recognised due to poor iris code readings, the thresholds for that authorised person might be lowered, depending on how poor the iris code readings are and how much the security of the system might be compromised. (USP6549118): S+V

$$ The amount of energy stored in the device then sets an upper limit on how much energy can be extracted by a pulse. (USP6445494): n

$$ To summarize, the pixel identification table 15 selects where to convolve, while the offset table 16 controls how much to convolve. (USP6075887): to-V

$$ When a particular output port is evaluated for a possible grant, the offset counter associated with that output is checked to determine how much earlier that particular connection could have been made. (USP5784372): S+V

$$ The offset is determined by how much of the initial word is to remain untouched. (USP01017899): of sth



 HOWEVER SINCE (2012-10-28 08:00)
 HOW TO-V (2012-10-27 08:00)
 HOW MANY (2012-10-25 08:00)
 HOW 副詞(形容詞) (2012-10-24 08:00)
