現在の読者数 50人

HAVE PP (PREP) STH,   形容詞節


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | have

HAVE PP (PREP) STH, which/that 形容詞節 -->having PP

$$ In this case, the scintillator tip is placed beyond the specimen, to receive the electrons that have passed straight through the thin specimen. (USP6211525)

$$ In the data transfer mode, the selector takes the output from the data formatter 160, which has prepared the data to be transmitted over the cellular telephone network, and directs this to the line interface 152. / データ転送モードにおいては、セレクタは、セルラ電話網を経て送信されるべきデータを準備したデータフォーマッタ160からの出力を受取り、これを回線インタフェース152へ送る。(USP6058304)

$$ Each fault message is communicated to the engineer who last serviced the equipment which has developed the reported fault. / 各故障メッセージは、故障があると報告された装置に最後にサービスを行なったエンジニアへ送られる。(USP6912270)

$$ In this way, the water reaching the outlet is substantially only that which has passed through the mixing chamber. (USP6880575)

$$ A LATE reply message is one which has arrived at a time such that requests and corresponding replies have not occurred in a serial sequence. (USP6138168)

$$ When final light 21 around "SET" portion 7 is lit, the time which has elapsed during the indicated "SET" stage is in fact somewhat longer than the true duration of the "SET" stage. (USP5813757)

$$ The light that has passed through the ribbon would then be reflected onto the specimen by means of the mirror. (USP6376818)

$$ Water that has reached a suitable temperature for brewing is pumped into the filter cup 81. (USP6250208)

$$ Light 29T is light that has passed through the p-layer 7 and top face 13. (USP01022495)


 BY HAVING (2017-09-11 08:00)
 HAVE(HAS) FORMED (2012-09-25 08:00)
 HAVE PP THERE--- (2012-09-23 08:00)
 HAVING +PP 名詞の修飾(分詞の形容詞的用法) (2012-09-22 08:00)
 HAVING STH (動名詞) (2012-09-21 08:00)
 HAVING TO-V (2012-09-20 08:00)
