車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ef...
EFFORT -->in an effort to-V
$$ As a result, in emergency situations where the movement system has failed, the platform can be moved with minimum effort to either open or close the gap in the pathway.
$$ Handling decision points required much more computational effort to find a correct program. (USP6810118)
$$ This study showed that for t a complex service a human required 4.5 man years of effort to analyse, design, code and test the service. (USP6810118) 工数(年人)
$$ However, it is possible without undue effort to vary these parameters if desired when designing another embodiment of the present invention. / しかしながら、本発明の他の実施例の設計の際に所望であればこうしたパラメータを大して困難を伴わずに変化させることが可能である。(USP6611142)
$$ Geographical sites are costly and require extensive effort to obtain planning permission. (USP6480524)
$$ The available solutions require considerable effort to modify the Web site or the Web server. (USP02046281)
EFFORT -->in an effort to-V
$$ As a result, in emergency situations where the movement system has failed, the platform can be moved with minimum effort to either open or close the gap in the pathway.
$$ Handling decision points required much more computational effort to find a correct program. (USP6810118)
$$ This study showed that for t a complex service a human required 4.5 man years of effort to analyse, design, code and test the service. (USP6810118) 工数(年人)
$$ However, it is possible without undue effort to vary these parameters if desired when designing another embodiment of the present invention. / しかしながら、本発明の他の実施例の設計の際に所望であればこうしたパラメータを大して困難を伴わずに変化させることが可能である。(USP6611142)
$$ Geographical sites are costly and require extensive effort to obtain planning permission. (USP6480524)
$$ The available solutions require considerable effort to modify the Web site or the Web server. (USP02046281)