車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | co...
$$ The vending machine will usually be coin/token/card operated and will discharge both hot water and powdered material to be mixed either before entry into or in a plastic cardboard or paper cup preferably, but not necessarily, also supplied automatically from the machine. / 上記飲み物自動販売機は、通常、コインや機械専用コインやカードで操作され、熱湯と粉状物との両方を取り出し、それらをプラスチック容器や紙コップに注入して混合させ、あるいは混合させた後にコップに注入するようにしてもよく、また必ずしも機械から自動的に供給されるようにしなくてもよい。(USP5893487)
$$ The lock nut 39a has a suitable slot for locating a disc or coin for tightening. / 固定用ナット39aはねじを締めるための円盤や硬貨を配置するために適当なスロットを有する。(USP6110055)
$$ The payment acceptance section 30 has a credit-card slot 31, a coin slot 32 and a refund chamber 33. / 支払い受諾部分30はクレジットカード用スロット31、コイン用スロット31、および払い戻し口33をもつ。(USP6687389)
$$ The centres of the two generally circular studs (118) are spaced apart by about 2.54 cm (1 inch), so that the studs can be inserted through the coin shaped slots formed in an aircraft seat track of the kind well known to those skilled in the art. (USP6276635)
$$ As shown, the balance is indicated by a graphical representation of a number of piles 22 of banknotes and coins, and also by the corresponding amount in figures. (USP01042042)
$$ The vending machine will usually be coin/token/card operated and will discharge both hot water and powdered material to be mixed either before entry into or in a plastic cardboard or paper cup preferably, but not necessarily, also supplied automatically from the machine. / 上記飲み物自動販売機は、通常、コインや機械専用コインやカードで操作され、熱湯と粉状物との両方を取り出し、それらをプラスチック容器や紙コップに注入して混合させ、あるいは混合させた後にコップに注入するようにしてもよく、また必ずしも機械から自動的に供給されるようにしなくてもよい。(USP5893487)
$$ The lock nut 39a has a suitable slot for locating a disc or coin for tightening. / 固定用ナット39aはねじを締めるための円盤や硬貨を配置するために適当なスロットを有する。(USP6110055)
$$ The payment acceptance section 30 has a credit-card slot 31, a coin slot 32 and a refund chamber 33. / 支払い受諾部分30はクレジットカード用スロット31、コイン用スロット31、および払い戻し口33をもつ。(USP6687389)
$$ The centres of the two generally circular studs (118) are spaced apart by about 2.54 cm (1 inch), so that the studs can be inserted through the coin shaped slots formed in an aircraft seat track of the kind well known to those skilled in the art. (USP6276635)
$$ As shown, the balance is indicated by a graphical representation of a number of piles 22 of banknotes and coins, and also by the corresponding amount in figures. (USP01042042)