CERAMIC (単数の例)
車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ce...
CERAMIC (単数の例)
$$ ...example, comprising carbon ribbons reinforced with fibres of carbon, or of a suitable ceramic, or of a suitable refractory metal... (USP5429176)
$$ Metal and polymer-based switches and the like can be replaced by equivalents formed from a combination of ceramic and metal or ceramic, metal and glass. (USP5847391)
$$ Referring first to FIG. 1, a thermal print head comprises a substrate 10, which may be of ceramic, on which is deposited a strip 11 of electrically resistive material. (USP5357270)
$$ In FIG. 6a a foraminous sheet 60 comprises of two layers 62, 64 of metal and polymer, or metal and ceramic and glass, placed together or bonded or in some manner laminated together, layer 62 being of a hydrophilic substance whereas layer 64 is of a hydrophobic substance. (USP5961832)
$$ Substantially the whole of the surface of each of the electrodes 4, 5, 6 and 7 is coated with a layer 12 of electrically insulating material, which may conveniently be for example, glass or ceramic. (USP4858237)
CERAMIC (単数の例)
$$ ...example, comprising carbon ribbons reinforced with fibres of carbon, or of a suitable ceramic, or of a suitable refractory metal... (USP5429176)
$$ Metal and polymer-based switches and the like can be replaced by equivalents formed from a combination of ceramic and metal or ceramic, metal and glass. (USP5847391)
$$ Referring first to FIG. 1, a thermal print head comprises a substrate 10, which may be of ceramic, on which is deposited a strip 11 of electrically resistive material. (USP5357270)
$$ In FIG. 6a a foraminous sheet 60 comprises of two layers 62, 64 of metal and polymer, or metal and ceramic and glass, placed together or bonded or in some manner laminated together, layer 62 being of a hydrophilic substance whereas layer 64 is of a hydrophobic substance. (USP5961832)
$$ Substantially the whole of the surface of each of the electrodes 4, 5, 6 and 7 is coated with a layer 12 of electrically insulating material, which may conveniently be for example, glass or ceramic. (USP4858237)