車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | al...
$$ allow sb to do sth; allow sb/sth to be; allow sb sth; allow sth(ACTも可); allow ~ing (of) sth; allowed to-V(be); "allow to-V"のパターンは少ない
$$ DVB allows both video data and other data to be combined in a single channel. / DVBによって、ビデオ・データと他のデータの両方を単一のチャネルで結合することができる。(USP02042917): allow sth to be
$$ The use of 50Ω cable allows the RF 34 generator to be sited at a convenient location away from the RF applicator 36. / 50Ωケーブルの使用により、RFアプリケーター36から離れた便利な位置にRF34発生器を設置できるようになる。(USP01004075): allow sth to be
$$ The colour to colour bleed of a black ink bar into an adjacent yellow ink bar was assessed after allowing the prints to dry by measuring the degree of colour migration from one coloured bar to another using the scale shown in Table 2. / 印刷物を乾燥させた後、一つの着色縞から別の縞に色が移行する割合を表2に示した尺度を用いて測定することにより、黒インキ縞の黄色インキ縞へのカラー対カラーブリードを評価した。(USP6254669): allow sth to
$$ For example, the software may allow a packet to be inserted at predetermined time intervals (e.g. "every N milliseconds").(USP6526501): allow sth to be
$$ The system allows simultaneous delivery of lower and upper frequency range components to the electrodes.(USP02022836): allow ACT
$$ The subsequent "off"-time allows condensation and thermal relaxation.(USP02052599): allow ACT
$$ In this case there is a weak adhesive bond between the second layer 7 and the inner layer 8 formed using an adhesive which allows peeling of the detachable portion 4 from the rest of the label. / この場合、第2層7と内側層8との間には、ラベルの残りの部分から分離可能部分4を剥離できる接着剤を用いることにより、弱い接着層が形成されている。(USP5895075): allow ~ing
$$ More generally, ANY system which allows controlling shape of light on a pixel basis, including a grating light valve, could be used as the light shaper.(USP6057958): allow ~ing
$$ Each of these operations is also automatically carried out by the command repeat count which allows easily forming the multiple position gobo of FIGS. 4A-4G.(USP6057958): allow ~ing
$$ However, ANY configuration of belt and pulley wheel which allows intermeshing with an associated fluid expulsion would suffice and could be substituted as appropriate to different engineering requirements. / しかし、対応の流体排出を伴なう相互噛み合いを可能とする任意のベルトとプーリの形状であれば十分であって、これを種々の技術的要件に適したものとして使用する事ができよう。(USP6299422): allow ~ing
$$ This allows automatic switching between cutting and coagulation operation.(USP02022836): allow ~ing
$$ The beamformers may be arranged back to back to allow sharing of power amplifiers to reduce costs and complexity and the number of cables required is reduced by the particular arrangement of beamformer used.(USP6480524): allow ~ing
$$ The mirror M allows viewing the specimen and is such that it reflects a substantial part of the visible light originating from the specimen and transmits a substantial part of the light emitted by the light source LS.(USP5225929): allow ~ing
$$ Accordingly, the present invention allows setting the number of frame updates per second.(USP02018284): allow ~ing
$$ Tabs are provided to allow viewing of one or more properties sheets and a content sheet for the selected object.(USP01051961): allow ~ing
$$ The present invention allows baking a product which is normally fried whilst retaining the flavor and texture of the original fried product.(USP01031300): allow ~ing
ALLOW FOR allow for sb/sth
$$ By so doing the signal to noise ratio of the generated spectrum is increased, thereby allowing for a further reduction in inspection time. / このようにすることにより、発生されるスペクトルの信号対雑音比が高くなり、検査時間を更に短縮することができる。(USP6122344): allow for DEED
$$ The increment by which the torque (current) will be increased for this evaluation is set to "coarse" (102), this allowing for rapid targeting of the approximate inferred pressure. / この評価(evaluation)のためにトルク(電流)を上昇させる増分が「粗」に設定され(102)、これによって、およその推定圧力を迅速に目標設定することができる。(USP6132010): allow for ~ing
$$ This implies manipulation of more than 3 billion bits per second, without allowing for ANY of the actual computations being performed. (USP5727192): allow sth being
$$ After allowing for boundary effects 25E, there is a resultant concentration of oxygen of about 5-10 ppm in reformed fuel gas passage 24. / 境界層作用25Eを考慮に入れると、リホーミングされた燃料ガスの通路24における酸素濃度は約5~10ppm になる。(USP5436086): allow for sth
$$ Once sufficient time at step 4955 has been allowed for the terminal 100 to clear down, the GIRAFF 220 then attempts at step 4960 to establish a connection with the terminal 100. / 段階4955において端末100がクリアダウンするのに十分な時間が許可されると、段階4960においてGIRAFF220は端末100との接続を設定することを試行する。(USP6775249): allowed for sth to
$$ The transformer/rectifier was in a constant current mode and allowed for adjustment of the current. / 変圧器/整流器は定電流モード下にあり、電流を自動的に調節した。(USP5364511): allowed for
$$ If a subsequent write operation occurs to an area which is already the subject of an entry in the table, the old data in the delta area is allowed to be overwritten by the new data.(USP5675725): allowed to be
$$ If access to the requested file is allowed, the file is retrieved from the file store 308 and then transmitted to the user via an output 314 and the internet. / 要求されるファイルへのアクセスが許可されるとき、ファイルはファイルメモリ308から検索され、出力314およびインターネットを介してユーザへ送られる。(USP6081835)
$$ A clot formation time of 5 min is allowed.(USP03021777): allowed
$$ No centrally spaced (e.g. (8,4)) size 2 holes are allowed. / 中央に間隔を置かれた(例えば(8,4))どのようなサイズ2ホールも許容されない。(USP5412650): allowed
$$ allow sb to do sth; allow sb/sth to be; allow sb sth; allow sth(ACTも可); allow ~ing (of) sth; allowed to-V(be); "allow to-V"のパターンは少ない
$$ DVB allows both video data and other data to be combined in a single channel. / DVBによって、ビデオ・データと他のデータの両方を単一のチャネルで結合することができる。(USP02042917): allow sth to be
$$ The use of 50Ω cable allows the RF 34 generator to be sited at a convenient location away from the RF applicator 36. / 50Ωケーブルの使用により、RFアプリケーター36から離れた便利な位置にRF34発生器を設置できるようになる。(USP01004075): allow sth to be
$$ The colour to colour bleed of a black ink bar into an adjacent yellow ink bar was assessed after allowing the prints to dry by measuring the degree of colour migration from one coloured bar to another using the scale shown in Table 2. / 印刷物を乾燥させた後、一つの着色縞から別の縞に色が移行する割合を表2に示した尺度を用いて測定することにより、黒インキ縞の黄色インキ縞へのカラー対カラーブリードを評価した。(USP6254669): allow sth to
$$ For example, the software may allow a packet to be inserted at predetermined time intervals (e.g. "every N milliseconds").(USP6526501): allow sth to be
$$ The system allows simultaneous delivery of lower and upper frequency range components to the electrodes.(USP02022836): allow ACT
$$ The subsequent "off"-time allows condensation and thermal relaxation.(USP02052599): allow ACT
$$ In this case there is a weak adhesive bond between the second layer 7 and the inner layer 8 formed using an adhesive which allows peeling of the detachable portion 4 from the rest of the label. / この場合、第2層7と内側層8との間には、ラベルの残りの部分から分離可能部分4を剥離できる接着剤を用いることにより、弱い接着層が形成されている。(USP5895075): allow ~ing
$$ More generally, ANY system which allows controlling shape of light on a pixel basis, including a grating light valve, could be used as the light shaper.(USP6057958): allow ~ing
$$ Each of these operations is also automatically carried out by the command repeat count which allows easily forming the multiple position gobo of FIGS. 4A-4G.(USP6057958): allow ~ing
$$ However, ANY configuration of belt and pulley wheel which allows intermeshing with an associated fluid expulsion would suffice and could be substituted as appropriate to different engineering requirements. / しかし、対応の流体排出を伴なう相互噛み合いを可能とする任意のベルトとプーリの形状であれば十分であって、これを種々の技術的要件に適したものとして使用する事ができよう。(USP6299422): allow ~ing
$$ This allows automatic switching between cutting and coagulation operation.(USP02022836): allow ~ing
$$ The beamformers may be arranged back to back to allow sharing of power amplifiers to reduce costs and complexity and the number of cables required is reduced by the particular arrangement of beamformer used.(USP6480524): allow ~ing
$$ The mirror M allows viewing the specimen and is such that it reflects a substantial part of the visible light originating from the specimen and transmits a substantial part of the light emitted by the light source LS.(USP5225929): allow ~ing
$$ Accordingly, the present invention allows setting the number of frame updates per second.(USP02018284): allow ~ing
$$ Tabs are provided to allow viewing of one or more properties sheets and a content sheet for the selected object.(USP01051961): allow ~ing
$$ The present invention allows baking a product which is normally fried whilst retaining the flavor and texture of the original fried product.(USP01031300): allow ~ing
ALLOW FOR allow for sb/sth
$$ By so doing the signal to noise ratio of the generated spectrum is increased, thereby allowing for a further reduction in inspection time. / このようにすることにより、発生されるスペクトルの信号対雑音比が高くなり、検査時間を更に短縮することができる。(USP6122344): allow for DEED
$$ The increment by which the torque (current) will be increased for this evaluation is set to "coarse" (102), this allowing for rapid targeting of the approximate inferred pressure. / この評価(evaluation)のためにトルク(電流)を上昇させる増分が「粗」に設定され(102)、これによって、およその推定圧力を迅速に目標設定することができる。(USP6132010): allow for ~ing
$$ This implies manipulation of more than 3 billion bits per second, without allowing for ANY of the actual computations being performed. (USP5727192): allow sth being
$$ After allowing for boundary effects 25E, there is a resultant concentration of oxygen of about 5-10 ppm in reformed fuel gas passage 24. / 境界層作用25Eを考慮に入れると、リホーミングされた燃料ガスの通路24における酸素濃度は約5~10ppm になる。(USP5436086): allow for sth
$$ Once sufficient time at step 4955 has been allowed for the terminal 100 to clear down, the GIRAFF 220 then attempts at step 4960 to establish a connection with the terminal 100. / 段階4955において端末100がクリアダウンするのに十分な時間が許可されると、段階4960においてGIRAFF220は端末100との接続を設定することを試行する。(USP6775249): allowed for sth to
$$ The transformer/rectifier was in a constant current mode and allowed for adjustment of the current. / 変圧器/整流器は定電流モード下にあり、電流を自動的に調節した。(USP5364511): allowed for
$$ If a subsequent write operation occurs to an area which is already the subject of an entry in the table, the old data in the delta area is allowed to be overwritten by the new data.(USP5675725): allowed to be
$$ If access to the requested file is allowed, the file is retrieved from the file store 308 and then transmitted to the user via an output 314 and the internet. / 要求されるファイルへのアクセスが許可されるとき、ファイルはファイルメモリ308から検索され、出力314およびインターネットを介してユーザへ送られる。(USP6081835)
$$ A clot formation time of 5 min is allowed.(USP03021777): allowed
$$ No centrally spaced (e.g. (8,4)) size 2 holes are allowed. / 中央に間隔を置かれた(例えば(8,4))どのようなサイズ2ホールも許容されない。(USP5412650): allowed