車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ac...
-->on account of
$$ For example, fibre speed increases on account of the effects of viscous drag taking over during the installation session, the level of current needed by the motor drops. / 例えば、ファイバ速度が敷設作業中に優勢になる粘性抵抗の効果により増加すると、モータが必要とする電流のレベルが下がる。(USP8550435)
$$ Typically this is taken into account by calibration of the machine upon which the probe is to be used. / 典型的には、これは、プローブが用いられる機械のキャリブレーションによって考慮されている。(USP02174556)
$$ This enables the queue manager on an ongoing basis to take account of the communication channels being monitored by the subscriber terminal when deciding into which queue to place any data packet destined for that subscriber terminal. / これによって、待ち行列管理プログラムは、加入者端末用のデータ・パケットを入れる待ち行列を決めるときに、加入者端末が監視している通信チャネルを常に考慮できるようになる。(USP02018462)
$$ For example spatial process information, such as provided by laser interferometry may be taken into account within the feedback measurement and control system. / たとえば、レーザインターフェロメトリによって与えられるような空間的加工情報はフィードバック計測及び制御システム内において考慮され得る。(USP6458239): take into account
$$ The preferred colouring process described above can take these factors into account, in the same way as it takes into account interference from other edges of the mesh, each time a colour is assigned for use on an edge.(USP02042274)
$$ Accordingly, the design of the exciter should take into account the additional mass. (USP7372968)
$$ However, GB-A-2192291 takes no account of the cornea as an optical element. (USP6390624)
$$ This enables the latency to be updated to take account of variation in the operator's response times. (USP6287199)
$$ In the present example, the account icons 21 are simply labelled "Account #1" and so on. (USP01042042)
$$ The dispatch table will take into account method implementations inherited from its superclass.(USP02029357)
$$ In the preferred colouring process which takes into account interference to an alien receiver, it may be sufficient to take into consideration transmissions only from those mesh transmitters that lie within the safety zone.(USP02042274)
-->on account of
$$ For example, fibre speed increases on account of the effects of viscous drag taking over during the installation session, the level of current needed by the motor drops. / 例えば、ファイバ速度が敷設作業中に優勢になる粘性抵抗の効果により増加すると、モータが必要とする電流のレベルが下がる。(USP8550435)
$$ Typically this is taken into account by calibration of the machine upon which the probe is to be used. / 典型的には、これは、プローブが用いられる機械のキャリブレーションによって考慮されている。(USP02174556)
$$ This enables the queue manager on an ongoing basis to take account of the communication channels being monitored by the subscriber terminal when deciding into which queue to place any data packet destined for that subscriber terminal. / これによって、待ち行列管理プログラムは、加入者端末用のデータ・パケットを入れる待ち行列を決めるときに、加入者端末が監視している通信チャネルを常に考慮できるようになる。(USP02018462)
$$ For example spatial process information, such as provided by laser interferometry may be taken into account within the feedback measurement and control system. / たとえば、レーザインターフェロメトリによって与えられるような空間的加工情報はフィードバック計測及び制御システム内において考慮され得る。(USP6458239): take into account
$$ The preferred colouring process described above can take these factors into account, in the same way as it takes into account interference from other edges of the mesh, each time a colour is assigned for use on an edge.(USP02042274)
$$ Accordingly, the design of the exciter should take into account the additional mass. (USP7372968)
$$ However, GB-A-2192291 takes no account of the cornea as an optical element. (USP6390624)
$$ This enables the latency to be updated to take account of variation in the operator's response times. (USP6287199)
$$ In the present example, the account icons 21 are simply labelled "Account #1" and so on. (USP01042042)
$$ The dispatch table will take into account method implementations inherited from its superclass.(USP02029357)
$$ In the preferred colouring process which takes into account interference to an alien receiver, it may be sufficient to take into consideration transmissions only from those mesh transmitters that lie within the safety zone.(USP02042274)