現在の読者数 50人



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | wi...


$$ A transient suppressor using the deep anode process could withstand 100A with a 10/1000us surge test whereas conventional devices failed at 50A. / 深いアノード処理を用いる過渡サプレッサは10/1000マイクロ秒の100Aのサージ試験に耐えることができるのに対して、従来のデバイスは50Aに耐えられない。(USP5429953)

$$ Even if the destination exchange withstands a sudden peak in traffic and passes the calls on to the answering centre, if the capacity of the answering centre is exceeded then many of the calls will not be completed but will result in a BUSY signal being returned to the caller. / 宛先交換局がトラヒックの突然のピークに耐えて、呼を応答センタへ送っても、応答センタの容量を超えているときは呼の多くは繋がらず、発呼者へビジー信号が送られることになる。(USP6330313)

$$ Automotive controllers must be able to withstand without damage, high energy transients on the controllers B.sup.+ supply, referred to as "Load Dump". / 自動車のコントローラは、コントローラB+供給に対する高エネルギー過渡電圧(「負荷遮断」と呼ばれる)に、ダメージを受けることなく耐え得るものでなければならない。(USP6331767)

$$ The rivet transfer station, being moveable away from the nose, does not risk fouling the riveting process and does not have to be designed to withstand the clamping and insertion forces associated with the riveting process. / ノーズから遠方に移動可能なリベット搬送ステーションは、リベット止めするプロセスを詰まらせる危険がなく、リベット止めするプロセスで関する留める力、および挿入力に耐えるようには設計されている必要がない。(USP6692213)

$$ Generally, the outer diameter in pipelines at a bend is often different to allow for a thicker wall to withstand the higher stresses in the bend. / 一般的には、ベンドのところのパイプラインの外径は、厚さを増した壁がベンドのより高い応力に耐えれるように異なることが多い。(USP7578315)

$$ Ferrules can withstand high pressures. / フェルールは高圧に耐えることができる。(USP7605002)

$$ In particular, the circuitry needs to be heavily insulated to withstand voltages much higher than those that are present during normal operation of the lamp. (USP6124682)

$$ This junction includes a relatively lowly doped semiconductor layer which withstands the largest portion of the voltage across the main terminals when the device is in the off-state and operating in the voltage blocking mode. (USP02041003)

$$ The problems are such that known apparatus cannot withstand or operate satisfactorily in intense radiation fields. (USP5847391)

$$ However, the object of the invention is to give a fried taste to a food stuff that is not generally fried or for base mixtures which can not withstand the frying process. (USP01031300)

$$ Translucent bonding layer 112 must withstand the heat treatment temperature and should not be molten at that temperature. (USP01022495)



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 WILL...AFTER (2017-11-07 08:00)
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 WIRE (2016-10-22 08:00)
 WIND (動詞) (2016-10-21 08:00)
