車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | tr...
$$ The avoidance of the need for transparent electrodes on both surfaces of the intermediate substrate also improves transmittance (and reflectivity) of the device. / 中間基板の両面における透明電極の必要をなくすることはその装置の透過率(及び反射率)も改良する。(USP5801796)
$$ Rear projection screens do not diffuse the light as evenly as matt-painted front-projection screens, but instead exhibit a preferential transmittance along the axis of the incident light. (USP6735015)
$$ To a good approximation, the image in the back focal plane 19 is given by the Fourier Transform of the phase transmittance of the hologram 12 times a phase factor determined by the distance of the lens 16 from the hologram. (USP5757523)
$$ Typically the same antenna is used for transmit and receive, but separate antennas are possible, as are many other options known to those skilled in the art. / 一般的に、送信及び受信に同じアンテナを用いるが、当業者に公知の多くの他の任意選択肢と同様に別々のアンテナも可能である。(USP7639007)
$$ Video frames are transmitted by the transmit filter (36) addressed to the video replay node (4) using an IP transmission protocol. / ビデオ・フレームは、IP伝送プロトコルを用いて、伝送フィルタ(36)によって伝送され、ビデオ再生ノード(4)にアドレス指定される。(USP7619972)
$$ Also, because the VCO is modulated directly, the phase noise signal of the resultant transmit signal can be compromised. / また、VCOが直接変調されるため、結果として生じる送信信号の位相雑音信号が妥協を余儀なくされることがある。(USP7592943)
$$ Filters 20, 21, 22 can also be included in the transmit chain. / フィルタ20,21,22もまた、送信チェイン内に含まれている。(USP6681102)
$$ The avoidance of the need for transparent electrodes on both surfaces of the intermediate substrate also improves transmittance (and reflectivity) of the device. / 中間基板の両面における透明電極の必要をなくすることはその装置の透過率(及び反射率)も改良する。(USP5801796)
$$ Rear projection screens do not diffuse the light as evenly as matt-painted front-projection screens, but instead exhibit a preferential transmittance along the axis of the incident light. (USP6735015)
$$ To a good approximation, the image in the back focal plane 19 is given by the Fourier Transform of the phase transmittance of the hologram 12 times a phase factor determined by the distance of the lens 16 from the hologram. (USP5757523)
$$ Typically the same antenna is used for transmit and receive, but separate antennas are possible, as are many other options known to those skilled in the art. / 一般的に、送信及び受信に同じアンテナを用いるが、当業者に公知の多くの他の任意選択肢と同様に別々のアンテナも可能である。(USP7639007)
$$ Video frames are transmitted by the transmit filter (36) addressed to the video replay node (4) using an IP transmission protocol. / ビデオ・フレームは、IP伝送プロトコルを用いて、伝送フィルタ(36)によって伝送され、ビデオ再生ノード(4)にアドレス指定される。(USP7619972)
$$ Also, because the VCO is modulated directly, the phase noise signal of the resultant transmit signal can be compromised. / また、VCOが直接変調されるため、結果として生じる送信信号の位相雑音信号が妥協を余儀なくされることがある。(USP7592943)
$$ Filters 20, 21, 22 can also be included in the transmit chain. / フィルタ20,21,22もまた、送信チェイン内に含まれている。(USP6681102)
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