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$$ Experiments were conducted to illustrate the effect of topical oestrogens on the wound healing in a clinical trial using men and women. / 男性および女性に関する臨床試験での創傷治癒に対する局所的エストロゲンの効果を示す実験を行った。(USP6696433)
$$ Frequently propellers have to be selected on a trial and error basis. / しばしば、プロペラは試行錯誤的に選択されねばならない。(USP6332818)
$$ A bulb such as Model No. F300 H+ produced by Fusion Systems, Inc. of Washington, U.S.A. has been successfully used in trials. / アメリカ、ワシントンにあるフィユジョンシステムズ、インコーポレーテッドによって製作されたモデルナンバーF300H+の球は、こころみに使用してうまくいった。(USP6028315)
$$ Typically a trial and error procedure is used whereby a user circuit is connected to the backplane and the user circuit is then manipulated until a satisfactory quality of signal transmission along the backplane is achieved.(USP7625134)
$$ Many of the factors have been, are, or will be in clinical trial. (USP7304129)
$$ Many papers, reviews and trials have been published on the relative efficacy of using each of these markers in various assay formats and each approach has its champion. (USP7575871)
$$ Experiments were conducted to illustrate the effect of topical oestrogens on the wound healing in a clinical trial using men and women. / 男性および女性に関する臨床試験での創傷治癒に対する局所的エストロゲンの効果を示す実験を行った。(USP6696433)
$$ Frequently propellers have to be selected on a trial and error basis. / しばしば、プロペラは試行錯誤的に選択されねばならない。(USP6332818)
$$ A bulb such as Model No. F300 H+ produced by Fusion Systems, Inc. of Washington, U.S.A. has been successfully used in trials. / アメリカ、ワシントンにあるフィユジョンシステムズ、インコーポレーテッドによって製作されたモデルナンバーF300H+の球は、こころみに使用してうまくいった。(USP6028315)
$$ Typically a trial and error procedure is used whereby a user circuit is connected to the backplane and the user circuit is then manipulated until a satisfactory quality of signal transmission along the backplane is achieved.(USP7625134)
$$ Many of the factors have been, are, or will be in clinical trial. (USP7304129)
$$ Many papers, reviews and trials have been published on the relative efficacy of using each of these markers in various assay formats and each approach has its champion. (USP7575871)