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厚さが小さい(薄い)には small, reduced が多く用いられるようである
$$ The walls 222 and 224 being of generally smaller thickness than the other walls of the device, are able to flex resiliently to a limited degree. (USP6880575): small
$$ In this case the top of the chip is bonded to a transparent, such as glass, which now becomes a new substrate, and the original substrate 5 is ground down to a small thickness, for example 20 microns. (USP01022495): small
$$ The thickness of the gold film can be small in order to save materials costs, and is preferably on the order of 1-10 nm. (USP7629261): small
$$ This results in a relatively low cavitation number (σ) and the cavity thickness remains small. / この結果、比較的小さなキャビテーション係数(σ)が得られ、キャビティ厚は小さいままとなる。(USP6332818): small
$$ This thickness is smaller than car typically be achieved with spin-coated interfacial layers. (USP6850003): small
$$ The wall is, for instance, in the range 0.5 to 1 mm in thickness. / この壁の厚さは、例えば0.5から1mmである。(USP6186974)
$$ The germanium samples tested varied in dimension, but were typically a fraction of a millimeter to a few millimeters, for example, several samples were of 25 mm diameter and 3 mm in thickness. / テストしたゲルマニウム試料は寸法が様々であったが、一般に1ミリメートルから数分の1ミリメートルであった。例えば、いくつかの試料は、直径25mm厚さ3mmであった。(USP6177674)
$$ The supports typically have a thickness of between 50 μm and 75 μm although thinner supports and supports of thickness up to 1.5 mm can be fabricated. / 試料台は、厚さが好ましくは50μm~75μmの範囲にあればよいが、これよりも薄い試料台や厚さが1.5mm以下の試料台も製造可能である。(USP5821544)
$$ The resultant films had a thickness of approximately 1.5 μm. (USP6639006)
$$ Consequently the detector is made with a thickness of around 6 mm, being a compromise between thickness and efficiency. (USP6211525)
$$ The part 410 of the N-type substrate region 41,410 is of reduced thickness compared with the part 41 of that region, the reduction in thickness being effected by a highly doped N-type region 43. (USP5955750): reduced
$$ The accumulator apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the reduced thickness is in the range from 1 mm to 3 mm. (USP7306220): reduced
$$ Said intermediate component 123 is preferably manufactured from a press steel plate of thin thickness. (USP7712744)
厚さが小さい(薄い)には small, reduced が多く用いられるようである
$$ The walls 222 and 224 being of generally smaller thickness than the other walls of the device, are able to flex resiliently to a limited degree. (USP6880575): small
$$ In this case the top of the chip is bonded to a transparent, such as glass, which now becomes a new substrate, and the original substrate 5 is ground down to a small thickness, for example 20 microns. (USP01022495): small
$$ The thickness of the gold film can be small in order to save materials costs, and is preferably on the order of 1-10 nm. (USP7629261): small
$$ This results in a relatively low cavitation number (σ) and the cavity thickness remains small. / この結果、比較的小さなキャビテーション係数(σ)が得られ、キャビティ厚は小さいままとなる。(USP6332818): small
$$ This thickness is smaller than car typically be achieved with spin-coated interfacial layers. (USP6850003): small
$$ The wall is, for instance, in the range 0.5 to 1 mm in thickness. / この壁の厚さは、例えば0.5から1mmである。(USP6186974)
$$ The germanium samples tested varied in dimension, but were typically a fraction of a millimeter to a few millimeters, for example, several samples were of 25 mm diameter and 3 mm in thickness. / テストしたゲルマニウム試料は寸法が様々であったが、一般に1ミリメートルから数分の1ミリメートルであった。例えば、いくつかの試料は、直径25mm厚さ3mmであった。(USP6177674)
$$ The supports typically have a thickness of between 50 μm and 75 μm although thinner supports and supports of thickness up to 1.5 mm can be fabricated. / 試料台は、厚さが好ましくは50μm~75μmの範囲にあればよいが、これよりも薄い試料台や厚さが1.5mm以下の試料台も製造可能である。(USP5821544)
$$ The resultant films had a thickness of approximately 1.5 μm. (USP6639006)
$$ Consequently the detector is made with a thickness of around 6 mm, being a compromise between thickness and efficiency. (USP6211525)
$$ The part 410 of the N-type substrate region 41,410 is of reduced thickness compared with the part 41 of that region, the reduction in thickness being effected by a highly doped N-type region 43. (USP5955750): reduced
$$ The accumulator apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the reduced thickness is in the range from 1 mm to 3 mm. (USP7306220): reduced
$$ Said intermediate component 123 is preferably manufactured from a press steel plate of thin thickness. (USP7712744)
THIS +V これによって;このため
THIS IS WHERE ~の場合(場所)である
THIN (動詞) 薄く(細く)する・薄く(細く)なる
THIS IS WHERE ~の場合(場所)である
THIN (動詞) 薄く(細く)する・薄く(細く)なる