車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | an...
$$ Thus de-focussing the channels and then establishing the relative calibration between channels has advantages. / こうして、チャネルを焦点はずれをすること、そして、チャネル間で相対的較正を達成することは有益である。(USP6900756)
$$ As can be seen, the level of human perception first rises and then steadily diminishes with increasing spatial frequency. / 図に示すように、人間の知覚レベルは、最初上昇しそのあと空間周波数の増加と共に大きく減少する。(USP6754433)
$$ it is fabricated by mixing monomer with liquid crystal and then polymerising the monomer to form a solid suspension of liquid crystal droplets in a polymer matrix. / これは、単量体を液晶と混合し、次いでこの単量体を重合させて、高分子マトリックス中に液晶滴の固体懸濁を形成することによって作成される。(USP6414294)
$$ The user interface of these Web Browsers is a graphical `point-and-click` interface (i.e. items can be selected by moving a cursor across a graphical display and then pressing a mouse button). / これらのウェブ・ブラウザのユーザ・インターフェースはグラフィカル「ポイント・アンド・クリック」インターフェースである(即ち、グラフィカル・ディスプレイを横切ってカーソルを移動させ、しかる後にマウス・ボタンを押すことによってアイテムを選択することができる)。(USP6336135)
$$ The pass is performed first for row and then for column spans. / パスは最初に行スパンについて行なわれ、次に列スパンについて行なわれる。(USP6269455)
$$ The sample is then removed and rinsed with first methyl alcohol and then distilled water. / 次いで試料を取り出し、まずメチルアルコールで、次いで蒸留水で洗浄した。(USP6177674)
$$ As before the communications subsystem reads the channel identifier and then accesses information about the intended link. / 以前のように、通信サブシステムはチャネル識別子を読取ったのち予定されたリンクに関する情報をアクセスする。(USP5454079)
$$ Alternatively, the data sets could be written to a storage device and then obtained therefrom for subsequent use in the method (off-line processing). (USP7646329)
$$ In the frequency domain one multiplies the first spectrum by exp(+j2πf λN.sub.X/2) and the second by exp(-j2πf λN.sub.Y/2) and then adds them. (USP7640282)
$$ This was allowed to dry overnight and then one coat of the coating composition of Example 4 was applied. (USP7638572)
$$ An under layer of metal is initially deposited on the substrate and then patterned by a method of laser ablation. (USP7629261)
$$ Typically the dispenser 202 is filled and capped, and then screwed on to the pot 201. (USP7490719)
$$ A plastic film may be embossed, printed and metallised and then provided with either a lacquer or adhesive layer. (USP5492370)
$$ Dilute to 100 ng/ml with assay buffer and then a further 1 in 3 for use in the assay. (USP7371729)
$$ This involves determining the current root multiple and then generating the possibilities for the next step. (USP7167887)
$$ The contact 75 slides over the outer peak 66 and then drops down to rest beyond the peak 66. (USP7129428)
$$ This can be done by pre-stretching the film, for example by biaxially orientation, and then heating it to shrink it around the member. (USP7105478)
$$ The process involves finding an optimal region partition for a given codebook and then finding the optimal codebook for the given partitions. (USP6990246)
$$ The electrical conductor 82 is thus deposited around the plug and then the plug is removed. (USP6888439)
$$ Thus de-focussing the channels and then establishing the relative calibration between channels has advantages. / こうして、チャネルを焦点はずれをすること、そして、チャネル間で相対的較正を達成することは有益である。(USP6900756)
$$ As can be seen, the level of human perception first rises and then steadily diminishes with increasing spatial frequency. / 図に示すように、人間の知覚レベルは、最初上昇しそのあと空間周波数の増加と共に大きく減少する。(USP6754433)
$$ it is fabricated by mixing monomer with liquid crystal and then polymerising the monomer to form a solid suspension of liquid crystal droplets in a polymer matrix. / これは、単量体を液晶と混合し、次いでこの単量体を重合させて、高分子マトリックス中に液晶滴の固体懸濁を形成することによって作成される。(USP6414294)
$$ The user interface of these Web Browsers is a graphical `point-and-click` interface (i.e. items can be selected by moving a cursor across a graphical display and then pressing a mouse button). / これらのウェブ・ブラウザのユーザ・インターフェースはグラフィカル「ポイント・アンド・クリック」インターフェースである(即ち、グラフィカル・ディスプレイを横切ってカーソルを移動させ、しかる後にマウス・ボタンを押すことによってアイテムを選択することができる)。(USP6336135)
$$ The pass is performed first for row and then for column spans. / パスは最初に行スパンについて行なわれ、次に列スパンについて行なわれる。(USP6269455)
$$ The sample is then removed and rinsed with first methyl alcohol and then distilled water. / 次いで試料を取り出し、まずメチルアルコールで、次いで蒸留水で洗浄した。(USP6177674)
$$ As before the communications subsystem reads the channel identifier and then accesses information about the intended link. / 以前のように、通信サブシステムはチャネル識別子を読取ったのち予定されたリンクに関する情報をアクセスする。(USP5454079)
$$ Alternatively, the data sets could be written to a storage device and then obtained therefrom for subsequent use in the method (off-line processing). (USP7646329)
$$ In the frequency domain one multiplies the first spectrum by exp(+j2πf λN.sub.X/2) and the second by exp(-j2πf λN.sub.Y/2) and then adds them. (USP7640282)
$$ This was allowed to dry overnight and then one coat of the coating composition of Example 4 was applied. (USP7638572)
$$ An under layer of metal is initially deposited on the substrate and then patterned by a method of laser ablation. (USP7629261)
$$ Typically the dispenser 202 is filled and capped, and then screwed on to the pot 201. (USP7490719)
$$ A plastic film may be embossed, printed and metallised and then provided with either a lacquer or adhesive layer. (USP5492370)
$$ Dilute to 100 ng/ml with assay buffer and then a further 1 in 3 for use in the assay. (USP7371729)
$$ This involves determining the current root multiple and then generating the possibilities for the next step. (USP7167887)
$$ The contact 75 slides over the outer peak 66 and then drops down to rest beyond the peak 66. (USP7129428)
$$ This can be done by pre-stretching the film, for example by biaxially orientation, and then heating it to shrink it around the member. (USP7105478)
$$ The process involves finding an optimal region partition for a given codebook and then finding the optimal codebook for the given partitions. (USP6990246)
$$ The electrical conductor 82 is thus deposited around the plug and then the plug is removed. (USP6888439)