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$$ If the degree of defocus is sufficient, a good image of object 6 will result. / 焦点ずれの程度が充分であると、物体6の良好な像が結果として生じるであろう。(USP6975457)
$$ For example fragments of sufficient length may be used. (USP6242175)
$$ The coating may take place in multiple stages to build up an adequate thickness for the surface layer to be sufficiently deformable in use. / 被覆は、使用時に十分な変形できるように、表面層に適した厚さを作り上げるために多段階で行われる。(USP6186974)
$$ It is simply sufficient that the information is available. / 情報が利用可能であるということのみが、十分である。(USP6031489)
$$ The temperature of the reactor chamber 21 is kept sufficiently high that the copper chloride vaporises and enters the laser tube 15. / 反応性チャンバ21の温度は、塩化銅が気化してレーザ管15に入り込むのに充分なほど高く保たれている。(USP5339327)
$$ Alternatively, if there is insufficient axial room due to an obstruction 56 inside the rotating equipment, the rotating seal face 53 and sleeve 55 can be positioned axially away from the obstruction 56. (USP7712744)
$$ However, the point at which the pressure generated by the pump becomes insufficient to produce fuel flow to the burners is indeterminate and varies from pump to pump and with fuel specific gravity. (USP7080503)
$$ If the degree of defocus is sufficient, a good image of object 6 will result. / 焦点ずれの程度が充分であると、物体6の良好な像が結果として生じるであろう。(USP6975457)
$$ For example fragments of sufficient length may be used. (USP6242175)
$$ The coating may take place in multiple stages to build up an adequate thickness for the surface layer to be sufficiently deformable in use. / 被覆は、使用時に十分な変形できるように、表面層に適した厚さを作り上げるために多段階で行われる。(USP6186974)
$$ It is simply sufficient that the information is available. / 情報が利用可能であるということのみが、十分である。(USP6031489)
$$ The temperature of the reactor chamber 21 is kept sufficiently high that the copper chloride vaporises and enters the laser tube 15. / 反応性チャンバ21の温度は、塩化銅が気化してレーザ管15に入り込むのに充分なほど高く保たれている。(USP5339327)
$$ Alternatively, if there is insufficient axial room due to an obstruction 56 inside the rotating equipment, the rotating seal face 53 and sleeve 55 can be positioned axially away from the obstruction 56. (USP7712744)
$$ However, the point at which the pressure generated by the pump becomes insufficient to produce fuel flow to the burners is indeterminate and varies from pump to pump and with fuel specific gravity. (USP7080503)