車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | suf...
$$ A simplistic implementation of this technique suffers from the problem of generating a very large amount of profiling data. (USP6691301)
$$ However, CDMA suffers from a number of drawbacks when used for mobile communications. / しかしながら、CDMAは、移動通信に使用すると、多くの欠点を生じる。(USP01046481)
$$ This arrangement suffers from the same disadvantages as the arrangement referred to in the preceding paragraph. / この配列は前述の文章に参照された配列と同じ欠点がある。(USP6419744)
$$ The first of these known approaches suffers from the need to mount a microphone obtrusively with respect to the cancellation volume.(USP02076059)
$$ Electrical systems may suffer from arcing between parts of the system at different voltages or between a part of the system and earth.(USP02053914)
$$ Transmitting e-mail type messages to satellite decoders with smart cards does not suffer from this weakness. / スマート・カードでEメール・タイプのメッセージを衛星放送用デコーダに送信すると、この弱点がない。(USP02042917)
$$ This and other early apparatus suffered from the difficulty that the pinhole aperture was required to be very small for optimum confocal operation. / これおよびその他の初期の装置は、最適な共焦点動作のためにピンホール開口が非常に小さいことが要求されるという困難性を有した。(USP6429967)
$$ suffer (for):to experice pain, difficulty, or loss.
$$ suffer:to experience or have to deal with (something painful or unpleasant)
$$ suffer from sth to experience (something unpleasant, such as illness), esp. over a long period of time or habitually.
$$ ...those encoders which will suffer the least reduction in quality by operating at a lower rate.(USP5761634)
$$ In the client/server approach, moreover, performance suffers greatly because...(USP5748618)
$$ Thus, real-time performance severely suffers in prior art client/server models since approval to act upon and manipulate objects...(USP5748618)
$$ Thus, prior art conferencing systems suffer from severe performance difficulties caused by the amount of data which may be transmitted within the system during a teleconference.(USP5748618)
$$ Furthermore, these methods suffer from other disadvantages.(USP5633993) / さらに、これらの方法は他の不利益を受ける。
$$ A simplistic implementation of this technique suffers from the problem of generating a very large amount of profiling data. (USP6691301)
$$ However, CDMA suffers from a number of drawbacks when used for mobile communications. / しかしながら、CDMAは、移動通信に使用すると、多くの欠点を生じる。(USP01046481)
$$ This arrangement suffers from the same disadvantages as the arrangement referred to in the preceding paragraph. / この配列は前述の文章に参照された配列と同じ欠点がある。(USP6419744)
$$ The first of these known approaches suffers from the need to mount a microphone obtrusively with respect to the cancellation volume.(USP02076059)
$$ Electrical systems may suffer from arcing between parts of the system at different voltages or between a part of the system and earth.(USP02053914)
$$ Transmitting e-mail type messages to satellite decoders with smart cards does not suffer from this weakness. / スマート・カードでEメール・タイプのメッセージを衛星放送用デコーダに送信すると、この弱点がない。(USP02042917)
$$ This and other early apparatus suffered from the difficulty that the pinhole aperture was required to be very small for optimum confocal operation. / これおよびその他の初期の装置は、最適な共焦点動作のためにピンホール開口が非常に小さいことが要求されるという困難性を有した。(USP6429967)
$$ suffer (for):to experice pain, difficulty, or loss.
$$ suffer:to experience or have to deal with (something painful or unpleasant)
$$ suffer from sth to experience (something unpleasant, such as illness), esp. over a long period of time or habitually.
$$ ...those encoders which will suffer the least reduction in quality by operating at a lower rate.(USP5761634)
$$ In the client/server approach, moreover, performance suffers greatly because...(USP5748618)
$$ Thus, real-time performance severely suffers in prior art client/server models since approval to act upon and manipulate objects...(USP5748618)
$$ Thus, prior art conferencing systems suffer from severe performance difficulties caused by the amount of data which may be transmitted within the system during a teleconference.(USP5748618)
$$ Furthermore, these methods suffer from other disadvantages.(USP5633993) / さらに、これらの方法は他の不利益を受ける。