車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | ret...
$$ Wedge retention plates 52 are attached to the vertical plate 20 above the slots 51 as shown most clearly in FIG. 5. / さらに、図5に最もよく示されるように、垂直プレート20のスロット51の上方には、ウェッジ保持プレート52が取付けられる。(USP8313131)
$$ Furthermore, the retention of composite blades within the metal root member does not depend on the bonding of the composite to the metal. / さらに、金属の付け根部材内の複合羽根の保持は、金属への複合材の接着に依存しない。(USP8272841)
$$ Typical devices used for retention are twist and lock devices. / 保持のための典型的な装置は、捻りおよびロック装置である。(USP8251340)
$$ This enables retention of combusted gases in the cylinder 10 to facilitate HCCI. / これは、HCCIを活性化させるために、シリンダ10内の燃焼ガスの保持を可能にする。(USP8225754)
$$ The retention angle is typically between 0 and 15 degrees. / 保持角度は通常、0~15度である。(USP8171814)
$$ A sprung detent 20 provides radial retention of the rivet in the shuttle. / ばね式戻り止め(sprung detent)20が、シャトル内のリベットの半径方向保持を行う。(USP8157485)
$$ Further, transmutation may allow the retention of a porous structure, and associated biological properties, of the silicon. / さらに、核変換は、上記シリコンの多孔質構造および付随する生物学的特性の保持も可能にする。(USP8097236)
$$ The retention is such that no significant relative axial or rotational movement can occur between the two parts. (USP7842868)
$$ The back plate 16 has a protruding sprung retention clip 19 in line with the locking pins sliders direction of travel. (USP7484468)
$$ The conditions described above gave highest activity with retention of emulsion integrity over the incubation period. (USP7429467)
$$ A spring loaded retention hall 38 can be pressed back into the spindle 30 to allow the spindle to pass through the bore 22. (USP6598724)
$$ The pairs of bumps also facilitate retention of the ball by the resiliently biased panels 12, 14. (USP5800280)
$$ The retention ring 14 is housed within an internal recess profile 28 on a lockdown mechanism actuating mandrel 26. (USP02062957)
$$ Wedge retention plates 52 are attached to the vertical plate 20 above the slots 51 as shown most clearly in FIG. 5. / さらに、図5に最もよく示されるように、垂直プレート20のスロット51の上方には、ウェッジ保持プレート52が取付けられる。(USP8313131)
$$ Furthermore, the retention of composite blades within the metal root member does not depend on the bonding of the composite to the metal. / さらに、金属の付け根部材内の複合羽根の保持は、金属への複合材の接着に依存しない。(USP8272841)
$$ Typical devices used for retention are twist and lock devices. / 保持のための典型的な装置は、捻りおよびロック装置である。(USP8251340)
$$ This enables retention of combusted gases in the cylinder 10 to facilitate HCCI. / これは、HCCIを活性化させるために、シリンダ10内の燃焼ガスの保持を可能にする。(USP8225754)
$$ The retention angle is typically between 0 and 15 degrees. / 保持角度は通常、0~15度である。(USP8171814)
$$ A sprung detent 20 provides radial retention of the rivet in the shuttle. / ばね式戻り止め(sprung detent)20が、シャトル内のリベットの半径方向保持を行う。(USP8157485)
$$ Further, transmutation may allow the retention of a porous structure, and associated biological properties, of the silicon. / さらに、核変換は、上記シリコンの多孔質構造および付随する生物学的特性の保持も可能にする。(USP8097236)
$$ The retention is such that no significant relative axial or rotational movement can occur between the two parts. (USP7842868)
$$ The back plate 16 has a protruding sprung retention clip 19 in line with the locking pins sliders direction of travel. (USP7484468)
$$ The conditions described above gave highest activity with retention of emulsion integrity over the incubation period. (USP7429467)
$$ A spring loaded retention hall 38 can be pressed back into the spindle 30 to allow the spindle to pass through the bore 22. (USP6598724)
$$ The pairs of bumps also facilitate retention of the ball by the resiliently biased panels 12, 14. (USP5800280)
$$ The retention ring 14 is housed within an internal recess profile 28 on a lockdown mechanism actuating mandrel 26. (USP02062957)