現在の読者数 50人



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$$ A domain rule is one which restricts the value of an attribute. / ドメイン・ルールは属性の値を制限するものである。(USP8311972)

$$ Decubitus ulcers form as a result of constant compression of the skin surface and underlying tissue thus restricting circulation. / 褥瘡は、皮膚表面およびその下の組織の持続的圧縮の結果として生じ、それによって血液循環が制限される。(USP8323264)

$$ It may be that in some applications successive rivets cannot be fed to the placing tool as frequently as required, thereby restricting the speed of use of the tool. / 用途によっては、必要な頻度で連続したリベットを打ち込み工具に送ることができないことにより、工具の使用速度が制限されるかもしれない。(USP8157485)

$$ For example, the computational load is rather high which restricts its use in real-time imaging applications. / 例えば、計算負荷がかなり高く、これによってリアルタイムイメージング用途における使用が制限される。(USP7649626)

$$ Furthermore no power is supplied to the windings 46 and thus the electromagnet also does not restrict movement of the lock/unlock lever 32 in an anticlockwise direction. (USP02074810)

$$ A filter arrangement as claimed in claim 1, further comprising retainer means restricting movement of the filter body away from its second position. (USP5925245)

$$ Gel permeation chromatography beads may be formed of acrylamide or blends of acrylamide with other monomers and sufficient polyethylenic cross linker to restrict their swelling in water to 0.2 to 2 times their weight, e.g., 15 to 30%. / ゲル透過クロマトグラフィービーズは、アクリルアミド又はアクリルアミドと他のモノマーとのブレンドならびに水中での膨潤をそれらの重量の0.2~2倍、たとえば15~30%に抑えるのに十分なポリエチレン性架橋剤で形成することができる。(USP6277932)

$$ Typically, the size of the mating pool may be restricted to a maximum of thirty eligible indexes prior to performing the genetic operations. / 一般に、結合プールのサイズは、遺伝プロセスを実行する前に最大30の適切なインデックスに制限されてもよい。(USP6182079)

$$ The supports 22 may have upstanding ends (not shown) to restrict lateral movement of the groups 12.(USP02017019)

$$ Alternatively, a return barrier may be inserted to restrict the thread to certain sections of the code (see Agent's Reference No. 5 in this specification).(USP02029357)

$$ The invention is not restricted to the details of the foregoing embodiment(s).(USP6138567)

$$ Thus the concept of group call has to be restricted to being point to multipoint calls only. / このように、グループコールの概念はポイント対多重ポイントコールのみに制限すべきである。(USP5398248)

$$ The gameplay does not restrict the participants to begin trading on a predetermined start date, and does not restrict them to cease trading on a fixed end date.(USP01027430)

$$ The prop 1 is, however, restricted from moving beyond a predetermined forward directed angle--preferably 60° to 70° to the wall 13--by means of an angle stop flange 9 on the prop 1 near the first end 2 of the prop 1, which abuts the base of the cradle 6 or the base plate 7 when the prop 1 is at its extreme forward position. (USP6058563)

$$ However, the method has more general applicability and its scope is not restricted only to such bags. (USP6269972)

$$ A dispenser according to claim 1 wherein relative movement of said chamber is restricted, the bottom of said chamber abutting the base in the open condition. (USP7490719)

$$ Continuous adjustment of the support element relative to the post overcomes the limited number of settings to which discrete systems are restricted. (USP7578245)

$$ An apparatus as claimed in claim 23, wherein the dedicated area is a part of the storage medium wherein access is restricted. (USP6684309)


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