車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | pro...
$$ Such a display would prove highly complex to manufacture. / そのようなディスプレーは、製造が非常に複雑であることが分かることになろう。(USP7053975)
$$ However, it may prove to be cost effective to provide a few banks with a single power supply. (USP01008076)
$$ It will sometimes prove to be inapplicable for a particular execution of the code. (USP02029357)
$$ For some topics, such as legal articles, particular categories may prove to be of a greater advantage than for technical articles. / 法律論文(article)といった、ある話題について、特定のカテゴリィは技術論文についてよりも大きな利点があることが証明できる。(USP6353827)
$$ Such fusion proteins have proven useful for modulating receptor-ligand interactions.(USP6403767)
$$ It has proved to be very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain an acceptable difference between pool temperature and flash point and, at the same time, produce a candle having desirable flow. / プール温度と引火点との許容可能な差を得ることが不可能でないとしも、同時に所望の流れを有する蝋燭を製造することは非常に困難であることが分かっている。(USP6582484)
$$ One of the most successful class of drugs for the treatment of the above diseases has proved to be the bisphosphonates.(USP02035058)
$$ Such a display would prove highly complex to manufacture. / そのようなディスプレーは、製造が非常に複雑であることが分かることになろう。(USP7053975)
$$ However, it may prove to be cost effective to provide a few banks with a single power supply. (USP01008076)
$$ It will sometimes prove to be inapplicable for a particular execution of the code. (USP02029357)
$$ For some topics, such as legal articles, particular categories may prove to be of a greater advantage than for technical articles. / 法律論文(article)といった、ある話題について、特定のカテゴリィは技術論文についてよりも大きな利点があることが証明できる。(USP6353827)
$$ Such fusion proteins have proven useful for modulating receptor-ligand interactions.(USP6403767)
$$ It has proved to be very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain an acceptable difference between pool temperature and flash point and, at the same time, produce a candle having desirable flow. / プール温度と引火点との許容可能な差を得ることが不可能でないとしも、同時に所望の流れを有する蝋燭を製造することは非常に困難であることが分かっている。(USP6582484)
$$ One of the most successful class of drugs for the treatment of the above diseases has proved to be the bisphosphonates.(USP02035058)