車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | process
$$ In between clock edges, the value may be in the process of changing.(USP6691301)
$$ However other valve-action metals may be used in the process of the present invention. / しかし、他の弁作用金属を本発明の方法に使用してもよい。(USP6699767)
$$ The semiconductor device and the process of the present invention have a number of advantages over the prior art. / 本発明による半導体デバイスおよびその製造法は先行技術に比べて多くの利点を有する。(USP5541434)
$$ The circuit does this by a process of elimination.(USP6585162)
$$ In step 1508, the process of the validation sub routine commencing at step 1202 of FIG. 2b is executed, so as to transmit the use request message.(USP6141652)
$$ Preferably, as in the above described embodiments, the interface 40 comprises a stored program for executing the process of FIGS. 2b and 3.(USP6072499)
$$ The process of reading the meters is typically carried out by a suitable computer system connected to the network by a modem and running appropriate communications and data retrieval software. / メータを読取るプロセスは、一般的に、モデムと実行される適切な通信・データ検索ソフトウェアとによりネットワークに接続される適切なコンピュータシステムによって実行される。(USP6073174)
$$ In between clock edges, the value may be in the process of changing.(USP6691301)
$$ However other valve-action metals may be used in the process of the present invention. / しかし、他の弁作用金属を本発明の方法に使用してもよい。(USP6699767)
$$ The semiconductor device and the process of the present invention have a number of advantages over the prior art. / 本発明による半導体デバイスおよびその製造法は先行技術に比べて多くの利点を有する。(USP5541434)
$$ The circuit does this by a process of elimination.(USP6585162)
$$ In step 1508, the process of the validation sub routine commencing at step 1202 of FIG. 2b is executed, so as to transmit the use request message.(USP6141652)
$$ Preferably, as in the above described embodiments, the interface 40 comprises a stored program for executing the process of FIGS. 2b and 3.(USP6072499)
$$ The process of reading the meters is typically carried out by a suitable computer system connected to the network by a modem and running appropriate communications and data retrieval software. / メータを読取るプロセスは、一般的に、モデムと実行される適切な通信・データ検索ソフトウェアとによりネットワークに接続される適切なコンピュータシステムによって実行される。(USP6073174)