車馬駄馬田 at 08:00 | Comments(0) | necessary
$$ ...a complete data record necessary to carry out...(USP6073174)
$$ ...all the components necessary to initiate...(USP6277932)
$$ ...the part necessary to construct a demand graph...(USP02072988)
$$ ...the properties necessary to produce...(USP6453224)
$$ ...the elements necessary to authenticate...(USP6397261)
$$ ...The filtering necessary to provide the selected...(USP5924082)
$$ ...objective criteria necessary to complete the transaction...(USP5924082)
$$ ...the design modifications necessary to incorporate...(USP6110055)
$$ ...the necessary tuning range from the VCO...(USP5874862)
$$ ...any code necessary to restore the saved compiler state...(USP02029357)
$$ ...the actions necessary to return to...(USP02029357)
$$ ...the end tags necessary to ensure that...(USP01032216)
$$ ...the pressure necessary to supply the gas streams...(USP01020503)
$$ The gateway processor 340 has access to a gateway store 380, which holds the gateways necessary for supporting the present system. / ゲートウエイプロセッサ340はゲートウエイメモリ380へアクセスし、ゲートウエイメモリ380はこのシステムを支援するのに必要なゲートウエイを保持している。(USP6393468)
$$ Another alternative, illustrated in FIG. 7, is that gear 12 includes gear teeth 12b only around a portion thereof that is necessary for meshing with gear wheel 18. / 図7に示す別の変形例は、歯車18と噛み合うのに必要な歯車歯12bが歯車12の一部だけに亘って設けられた実施例である。(USP6288534)
$$ The public interface provides the basic functions necessary for a user application to use an FPGA based co-processor. (USP6691301)
$$ The sum of lengths a and b is such as to provide the necessary anisotropic birefringent dielectric properties necessary for the structure to behave as a quarter wave plate.(USP6356164)(例外的用法)
$$ The use of a thickness greater than necessary for the N.sup.- region has the drawback that the on-state voltage is increased and the switching speed is slower than for a thyristor structure with the minimum N.sup.- region thickness. / N- 領域として必要以上の厚さを用いることは、最小のN- 領域厚さを有するサイリスタ構造と比べて、スイッチング速度が遅くなり、オン状態電圧が増大するという短所をもたらす。(USP5429953)
$$ For example, mounting on a resonator such as a tuning fork is not necessary. / 例えば、音叉のような共振器が取り付けられることは必要ではない。(USP7596989)
$$ In this embodiment supporting insulation 14 is not necessary. / この実施形態においては、支持断熱材14は必要とされない。(USP7578315)
$$ For operation under some radio protocols this will clearly not be necessary. (USP6965789)
$$ The noise pattern is thus less noticeable to the eye and further FPN correction may not be necessary. (USP02051067)
$$ ...a complete data record necessary to carry out...(USP6073174)
$$ ...all the components necessary to initiate...(USP6277932)
$$ ...the part necessary to construct a demand graph...(USP02072988)
$$ ...the properties necessary to produce...(USP6453224)
$$ ...the elements necessary to authenticate...(USP6397261)
$$ ...The filtering necessary to provide the selected...(USP5924082)
$$ ...objective criteria necessary to complete the transaction...(USP5924082)
$$ ...the design modifications necessary to incorporate...(USP6110055)
$$ ...the necessary tuning range from the VCO...(USP5874862)
$$ ...any code necessary to restore the saved compiler state...(USP02029357)
$$ ...the actions necessary to return to...(USP02029357)
$$ ...the end tags necessary to ensure that...(USP01032216)
$$ ...the pressure necessary to supply the gas streams...(USP01020503)
$$ The gateway processor 340 has access to a gateway store 380, which holds the gateways necessary for supporting the present system. / ゲートウエイプロセッサ340はゲートウエイメモリ380へアクセスし、ゲートウエイメモリ380はこのシステムを支援するのに必要なゲートウエイを保持している。(USP6393468)
$$ Another alternative, illustrated in FIG. 7, is that gear 12 includes gear teeth 12b only around a portion thereof that is necessary for meshing with gear wheel 18. / 図7に示す別の変形例は、歯車18と噛み合うのに必要な歯車歯12bが歯車12の一部だけに亘って設けられた実施例である。(USP6288534)
$$ The public interface provides the basic functions necessary for a user application to use an FPGA based co-processor. (USP6691301)
$$ The sum of lengths a and b is such as to provide the necessary anisotropic birefringent dielectric properties necessary for the structure to behave as a quarter wave plate.(USP6356164)(例外的用法)
$$ The use of a thickness greater than necessary for the N.sup.- region has the drawback that the on-state voltage is increased and the switching speed is slower than for a thyristor structure with the minimum N.sup.- region thickness. / N- 領域として必要以上の厚さを用いることは、最小のN- 領域厚さを有するサイリスタ構造と比べて、スイッチング速度が遅くなり、オン状態電圧が増大するという短所をもたらす。(USP5429953)
$$ For example, mounting on a resonator such as a tuning fork is not necessary. / 例えば、音叉のような共振器が取り付けられることは必要ではない。(USP7596989)
$$ In this embodiment supporting insulation 14 is not necessary. / この実施形態においては、支持断熱材14は必要とされない。(USP7578315)
$$ For operation under some radio protocols this will clearly not be necessary. (USP6965789)
$$ The noise pattern is thus less noticeable to the eye and further FPN correction may not be necessary. (USP02051067)